StarCraft II

Patch 3.12 Preview: Brand New Skins

Patch 3.12 Preview: Brand New Skins

We know you’ve been wanting more skins, and we have three new ones to feed your appetite — the ‘Bone Ravager’, the ‘Junker Hellion’, and the ‘Adun Immortal.’ Behold them in all their glory:

Each skin will be available for $2.49, or you can grab the Elite Skin Bundle — which includes all three of these new skins, plus the Evolved Roach, the Advanced Stalker, and the Upgraded Marauder — for 15% off.

Each of these bundles are dynamically priced so if you own any of the skins already, it will automatically adjust the final cost. The Elite Skins Bundle will be available under the Collection tab with the release of Patch 3.12.

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