
Saviors of Uldum Card Reveal Recap, Week 3

Saviors of Uldum Card Reveal Recap, Week 3

We’ve scoured the sun-scorched deserts of Uldum and dug up a fresh new round of card reveals!

To give you an idea of what’s coming with Saviors of Uldum on August 6, videographers, news sites, sand sculptors, and streamers have revealed some of the awesome new cards in this expansion. Now, we’ve compiled an exciting selection of our recent card reveals here for you to explore:


Embark on Another Exciting Quest:

Raise ferocious creatures from the ruins and crypts of Uldum with these new Warrior and Paladin quest rewards. Blastmaster Boom has hacked the system and taken control of Anraphet’s Core in order to summon 4/3 golems at an incredibly discounted mana cost. Keep up the pressure and gain control of the board by swinging swords and creating powerful Stone Golems.

Sir Finley of the Sands is putting his paladin powers into practice by infusing life into his minions and making mummies! Take advantage of powerful Deathrattles, create a wall of Taunts, or make the most of those hard-to-remove Reborn Minions with the Emperor Wraps Hero Power.



Behold the Magic of Uldum:

Murlocs… in the desert? Not even the scorching sun and desiccated dunes can stop these dried-out denizens of the deep from making a salty splash in Saviors of Uldum. Thin out your deck for powerful late-game turns while simultaneously creating a fearsomely finned board of battle-ready Murlocs!


Take a look at some of the other powerful Saviors of Uldum spells that were recently revealed:



Dangerous Denizens of the Dunes:

The League of E.V.I.L. could learn a thing or two from the dedicated and driven Mogu Cultists. When they work together, their plans succeed with devastating effects. Shuffle, copy, and clone your way to 7 Mogu Cultists to summon Highkeeper Ra and wreak havoc on your opponent’s board. While this combo may not be easy to accomplish for most classes and decks, the power is in your hands to find the best deck to summon Highkeeper Ra and rain devastation on your enemies!


Here are some of the other mummies, mages, and malicious minions recently revealed for Saviors of Uldum.



We hope you’ve enjoyed this new round of recently revealed Saviors of Uldum cards. There are still plenty of cards left to be revealed, so we will see you again next week!

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