Heroes of the Storm

The Art of Xuezhi Wang, Magiclefty

"I Am the Swarm!" - Kerrigan, Queen of Blades

The inhabitants of the Nexus and their visitors come in all shapes and sizes. From the smallest baby murloc up through the looming presence of the Lord of Terror, there are an impressive assortment of personalities that crave to test their skills on the many Battlegrounds scattered about the Nexus. 

Illustrating Blizzard heroes vying for dominance is no easy task, but artist Xuezhi Wang, Magiclefty has created a number of impressive pieces of art featuring familiar heroes from the farthest reaches of Azeroth, Sanctuary, and the Koprulu Sector doing just that. In this Community Showcase, we wanted to share with you a small sample of this artist's impressive body of work.


How many Blizzard heroes and creatures can you identify in the illustration above? Make sure to click it in order to see the full image!

"Little Guys with Big Minds" "Shielding from the Death"

"I Am the Swarm"

Interested in seeing more of Xuezhi Wang, Magiclefty's work? Make sure to check out his gallery on DeviantART.

Are you working on any Blizzard fan creations or Heroes fan art? Make sure to tell us all about them over in our Community Creations forum!

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