Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Rambos Waffenspiel

Rambos Waffenspiel
The ’80s Action Heroes event continues as Rambo’s Gun Game comes to Black Ops Cold War on May 27! This new Gun Game rotation of 20 weapons gets a serious boost in firepower, as the Combat Bow, Death Machine, RPG-7, and even the War Machine get added into a fresh set of armaments. All players will also be equipped with the Stimshot, and the gameplay is just as frenzied as ever. Dying via a melee attack sets you back one stage in the weapon rotation, and the first to get a final weapon kill by launching a Ballistic Knife wins the match. However, remember that this is the ’80s Action Heroes event, so expect plenty of explosions and dramatic falls from Operators throughout the match!

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