Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Bereichert euch: „Vergoldetes Zeitalter V“-Reaktiv-Bundle

Bereichert euch: „Vergoldetes Zeitalter V“-Reaktiv-Bundle
The Gilded Age V Reactive pack is an eight-item Bundle featuring Park going from frags to riches in a “Snakeskin” Operator Skin. The centerpieces of the bundle are the Ultra “Rough Nugget” Assault Rifle and the Legendary “Prospector” SMG Weapon Blueprints. The Bundle also includes  the “Gold Nugget” Charm, the “Gilded Air” Hind Gunship, the “Gilded Monster” Emblem, the “Scheming” Gesture, and a Calling Card.

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    World of Warcraft
    5 Std.

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