《鬥陣特攻 2》



「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」(Overwatch Heroes Rumble)即將在 12 月 15 至 17 日席捲台北暴雪電競館!來自《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(OPC)的四位隊長:Blank Esports(BLK)的 Trill、Flash Wolves(FW)的 KMoMo、Hong Kong Attitude(HKA)的 ManGoJai 及 Machi Esports(M17)的 DCrown 將帶領亞洲選手對抗來自歐美地區的強敵。西方隊伍的隊長則為來自法國的 aKm、加拿大的 Mangachu、芬蘭的 zappis 及美國的 Kephrii。現在就來看看這 8 支隊伍的組成選手,提前感受超人氣明星陣容的威力!

第一戰:M17 vs. Meme Dream Team (MDT)

12/10 更新:由 Kephrii 領軍的 Meme Dream Team (MDT) 戰隊選手 TYRODIN 因私人因素很遺憾地無法參與此次「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」賽事,將由來自澳洲著名實況主與 Cosplayer – Fasffy 頂替他的位置,加入 MDT 迎戰強敵!讓我們期待她的蒞臨及表現。

Machi Esports
身為在 OPC 中選手平均年齡最年輕的戰隊 Machi Esports,在 OPC 賽事中經常會帶來許多精彩且新穎的戰術表現,令人耳目一新。年輕且具有強大學習力及吸收力的他們,在經過休賽期間的調整之後將重新站上舞台,在「英雄大亂鬥」中與來自北美的實況名人 Kephrii 所領軍的隊伍對抗。在《鬥陣特攻》瞬息萬變的戰場上,我們也期待 M17 為觀眾帶來更加成熟穩定的表現。

Meme Dream Team
Meme Dream Team(MDT)的隊長為來自美國的超人氣實況主 Kephrii,是本次比賽中含「星」量最高的隊伍。隊長 Kephrii 因曾使用奪命女在美服天梯中達到第 2 名的成績而受到廣大關注,隊員 heykatie 也是位天梯分數高達 4500分的玩家,表現值得期待。此外,該隊網羅了兩位在《鬥陣特攻》社群中廣受玩家喜愛的女實況主 Loserfruit 及 Oasis,也為這次「英雄大亂鬥」的萬綠叢中增添了幾抹不一樣的美麗色彩。

第二戰:HKA vs. The Frenchman and the Henchmen (MEN)

Hong Kong Attitude
香港隊伍 Hong Kong Attitude 是一支港台混血的堅強戰隊。在 OPC 第二季加入了優秀新血 – Moowe 後更是如虎添翼,一舉挺進季後賽並在最終拿下第四名成績。身為一名角色池極深的的自由位選手,Moowe 在奪命女、駭影及麥卡利等角色上都擁有非常出色的表現,搭配上該隊隊長 ManGoJai 堅強穩定的輔助後位,形成一股前後排呼應且難以摧毀的團隊力量,相信他們也將成為「英雄大亂鬥」中不可忽視的一道銳利光芒。

The Frenchman and the Henchmen
由法國知名射手 aKm 號召組成的 The Frenchman and the Henchmen(MEN)是一支由多位資深戰將所組成的精良隊伍。其中,來自美國的選手 Gods 曾效力於 NRG eSports 及 Cloud 9 兩支戰隊,與 aKm 同為實力驚人的射手,擅長使用閃光、源氏及攔路豬等角色,更是曾被網友票選為 Top 5 奪命女的菁英級玩家!另一名知名選手 FCTFCTN 則為今年《鬥陣特攻》世界盃美國代表隊的坦克位置,在對抗本屆冠軍韓國隊時展現了制霸一時的威力,著實令人驚豔,相信經過世界盃的洗禮後,FCTFCTN 將在明星賽中展現更具殺傷力的表現!

第三戰:BLK vs. Sun_With_Face: Clap (SWFC)

Blank Esports
擁有澳洲最強戰隊之稱的 Blank Esports 在第一季及第二季 OPC 賽事中分別拿下亞軍及季軍的優異成績。隊中副坦選手 HooWoo 憑藉著 D.Va 的卓越操作,多次帶領隊伍獲得勝利,受到許多台灣玩家的喜愛。本次明星賽 BLK 網羅了 APAC 泛亞太超級錦標賽中北美戰隊 EnVision eSports的 Fahzix 及 Chayne 兩位選手。搭配上戰力十足的職業賽戰將 – 隊長 Trill、Hus 及 Hoowoo,BLK 絕對是「英雄大亂鬥」中最令人值得期待的英雄隊伍之一。

:Sun_With_Face: Clap
:Sun_With_Face: Clap(SWFC)由來自加拿大且在 2017 年《鬥陣特攻》世界盃賽事中表現超群的明星玩家 Mangachu 領軍,擅長副坦位及法拉的他,與來自美國的 ZachaREEE 曾同為 Renegades 隊員,兩人也將在這次明星賽中展現非凡默契,帶領隊伍衝鋒陷陣。另外值得一提的為另一位來自美國的選手 Elk,相信喜愛 OPC 的粉絲對他並不陌生,在第二季效力於 MEGA 並擔任輔助位的他,這次將加入 SWFC 將展現更為純熟的技巧,也令人好奇在經歷休賽期及隊伍轉變後的 Elk 將會有甚麼異於過往的驚喜改變。

第四戰:FW vs. Team zappis (TZ)

Flash Wolves
台灣最威武的狼群同樣不會錯過這場繁星熠熠的盛會。他們在第二季 OPC 拿下第二名的好成績之後,更在緊接而來的 APAC 泛亞太超級錦標賽中,以更上層樓的表現對抗中國與韓國勁敵。數次頂尖風采的表現不僅讓觀眾拍手叫好,更讓許多國際隊伍驚豔於閃電狼深不可測的堅強威力!在「英雄大亂鬥」中,閃電狼推派擅長使用 D.Va、麥卡利及小美等角色的全方位選手 KMoMo 擔任隊長,搭配上擁有「台灣最強閃光」之稱的 Baconjack 做為團隊主要輸出手,相信該隊的戰果絕對會如他們的選手光芒般閃耀奪目!

Team zappis
由來自芬蘭的頂尖選手 zappis 所率領的隊伍 Team zappis(TZ)將在「英雄大亂鬥」的首戰中遇上台灣明星隊伍閃電狼,此組合被視為閃光與源氏選手的巔峰對決。來自芬蘭的 Davin 與 zappis 同為歐洲隊伍 Team Gigantti 的隊員,曾聯手在歐洲職業競技賽(EU Contenders)中獲得冠軍寶座,其中 Davin 在使用閃光時行雲流水的表現更是令許多高端玩家望塵莫及。而另一位來自羅馬尼亞的玩家 shadder2k 則擁有歐美第一忍者的美譽,兩位超強輸出手的組合也將為閃電狼帶來莫大威脅,同時也讓賽事的緊張氛圍沸騰至最高點!


迎接繁星點點的「英雄大亂鬥」,我們特別邀請到多位台灣社群玩家最喜愛的主播賽評坐鎮賽事!OPC 黃金組合阿森易先生聶寶將會在最精彩的總決賽中陪伴所有玩家;經驗豐富的名人賽評 Hoop巢男及主播阿罵也會加入這次的播報行列;此外,實力新人阿勒Paul 也準備好為明星賽效力。不同風格且各具特色的他們將為明星賽帶來不一樣的繽紛色彩!


為了讓全球更多觀眾一起加入這次「英雄大亂鬥」的盛會,我們特別邀請幾位經驗豐富的英文主播賽評來為海外玩家進行賽事播報及講解,他們是AustyStephanieVikkiKittyZP。Austy 投身電競領域多年,擁有豐富且全面性的產業知識背景,是一位在賽評業界令人尊敬的人物。Stephanie 則是一位來自新加坡的主播、賽評,時常可以在《鬥陣特攻》東南亞公開賽中看到她精采播報的身影。VikkiKitty 是一位在線上遊戲界才華橫溢的知名人物,靠著對各種項目的專業理解且深入淺出的分析方式獲得觀眾喜愛。ZP則是一名在《鬥陣特攻》社群中的資深指標性人物,活躍於歐美職業競技賽等大小賽事。

  • 第一日(八強賽):12 月 15 日 16:00 - 22:00 GMT+8
    • M17 vs. MDT(BO5)
    • HKA vs. MEN(BO5)
    • WFC vs. BLK(BO5)
  • 第二日(八強、四強賽):12 月 16 日 16:00 - 22:00 GMT+8
    • FW vs. TZ(BO5)
    • 四強賽第一輪(BO5)
    • 四強賽第二輪(BO5)
  • 第三日(總決賽):12 月 17 日 16:00 - 22:00 GMT+8
    • 總決賽(BO7)


  • 三日通行套票:新台幣 777 元
  • 購票網址:點此進入

入場門票已於網站上開始販售,購票入場的玩家即可獲得 「2017年《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」限定限量 T-Shirt。門票數量有限,售完為止。


更多賽事資訊或入場資訊,請密切注意官方部落格Blizzard Estadium 粉絲團

Overwatch Heroes Rumble.jpg

Overwatch Heroes Rumble Teams and Players Introduction

The Overwatch Heroes Rumble is coming to Blizzard Estadium in Taipei from December 15 to 17! Four captains from the Overwatch Pacific Championship (OPC) will face off against four captains from North America and Europe. The four captains representing OPC will be Ashley “Trill” Powell from Blank Esports (BLK), Hsu “KMoMo” Mao-Chun from Flash Wolves (FW), Wong “MangoJai” Kin-Long from Hong Kong Attitude (HKA) and Luo “DCrown” Sheng-Peng from Machi Esports (M17). The remaining four captains are: Dylan “aKm” Bignet from France, Joonas “zappis” Alakurtti from Finland, Liam “Mangachu” Campbell from Canada, and Brian “Kephrii” St. Pierre from the United States. Let’s take a look at the matchups.

M17 vs. Meme Dream Team (MDT)

12/10 update: Due to a personal matter, TYRODIN, from Meme Dream Team (MDT, led by Kephrii), had to withdraw his spot from playing in Overwatch Heroes Rumble this year. But not to worry! Fasffy, a well-known Australian streamer and cosplayer, will be taking his spot to join MDT in the Overwatch festival of the year. We look forward to her performances.

Machi Esports
As the team with the youngest roster, Machi Esports (M17) always surprised their opponents with fresh tactics in the OPC. They focused on stability during the regular season, and now they are prepared to face against ‘Meme Dream Team’, led by a famous American streamer Kephrii. We look forward to seeing how well Machi Esports adapt their play during the Overwatch Heroes Rumble.

Meme Dream Team
As the captain of the Meme Dream Team (MDT), Kephrii gained his fame from playing and streaming Windowmaker in Overwatch. His ranking as the number two player on the North American server helped establish his popularity. Helping to fill out his roster is Jackson “heykatie” Fussell, who has a 4500 skill rating, Kathleen “LOSERFRUIT” Belsten, and Oasis “Oasis” Nip. This streamer celebrity team will no doubt attract a lot of attention.

HKA vs. The Frenchman and the Henchmen (MEN)

Hong Kong Attitude
Hong Kong Attitude (HKA) is a hybrid team with pro players from Hong Kong and Taiwan. After acquiring Yip “Moowe” Chi-Yeung, a top Hong Kong player with deep hero pool, HKA finished OPC Season 2 in fourth place. Moowe proves his value on the team through his flexibility, and has shown impressive plays with Widowmaker, Sombra, and McCree. With MangoJai as the team’s main support, we cannot wait to see their performance in the Overwatch Heroes Rumble.

The Frenchman and the Henchmen
The Frenchman and the Henchmen (MEN) is led by a well-known French DPS player aKm. Joining him is Daniel “Gods” Graeser from the United State, who was a member of NRG eSports and Cloud9. He is famous for his Tracer, Genji, and Roadhog, and is also rated as a top 5 Widowmaker player by the North American Overwatch community. Another American pro-gamer, Russell ‘FCTFCTN’ Campbell, played for Team USA at the 2017 Overwatch World Cup, and received much attention and respect after showcasing himself in the match against Team South Korea. We look forward to seeing his skills at the Overwatch Heroes Rumble.

BLK vs. Sun_With_Face: Clap (SWFC)

Blank Esports
Blank Esports (BLK) is recognized as the best Australian team, winning second place in OPC Season 1 and third place in Season 2. Off-tank player Daniel “HooWoo” McIntosh helped carry the squad to many victories by playing D.Va, and his impressive performances gained him many fans at the OPC in Taiwan. BLK recruited two players, Riley “Fahzix” Taylor and Shayne “Chayne” La Rocque, from EnVision eSports. With captain Trill and Huseyin “Hus” Sahin, the roster of BLK is one of the brightest stars at the Overwatch Heroes Rumble.

:Sun_With_Face: Clap
Mangachu, who just won the silver medal with Team Canada in the 2017 Overwatch World Cup, is the captain of :Sun_With_Face: Clap (SWFC). An off-tank and an outstanding Pharah player, Mangachu is ready to lead his squad to victory. Another player from SWFC may be familiar to OPC fans—Elijah “Elk” Gallagher, who played for MEGA from Thailand in OPC Season 2, will also be taking the stage at the Overwatch Heroes Rumble. It will be interesting to see how he has developed over the past two months.

FW vs. Team zappis (TZ)

Flash Wolves
The Wolves will definitely not miss the opportunity to showcase their skills in their hometown of Taiwan! After finishing in the top two in OPC Season 2, they faced off against the best teams from China and Korea in ACAP Premier. The Flash Wolves ended up in the top 8, but gained global admiration for how they played against Korean teams. At the Overwatch Heroes Rumble, Flash Wolves will be led by their flex player KMoMo, who showed off his exceptional skill in the OPC as D.Va, McCree and Mei. Fighting alongside him will be Taiwan’s number one Tracer, Lo “Baconjack” Tzu-Heng. They will shine on the stage at the Overwatch Heroes Rumble with the glory they deserve!

Team zappis
As an elite player from Finland, zappis is going to lead Team zappis (TZ) and fight against the popular Taiwanese team Flash Wolves in their first Overwatch Heroes Rumble match. This match is considered as the most intensive battle between top Tracer and Genji players—one of the TZ members, Tuomo “Davin” Leppänen, is known for playing Tracer, and was part of the championship-winning roster of Overwatch Contenders Europe Season One. Moreover, Robert “shadder2k” Mocanu from Romania has proven his worthiness as the number one Genji player of Europe. With two top-tier DPS players on the roster, TZ will be aiming to make a spark in Taipei.

Mandarin Talent

This Mandarin talent lineup is ready for the Overwatch Heroes Rumble! The OPC golden triangle: Haung "AsSen" Mao-Sen, Yi “Mr.Yeeeee” Yu-Chen, and Nieh “BabyNie” Yu-Lun will be bringing you all the action along with the fans for the final matchup. Our experienced OPC commentators, Hsu “Hoop” Hsiang-Hsuan, Yang “巢男" Ke-Fang, and Lai “ArMor” Yu-Rui will also be joining us for the Overwatch Heroes Rumble.What's more, talented newcomers Liu “AlayKeru" Zhi-Ying and Wang "Paul" Bo are also prepared for the event and cannot wait to show the players their casting skills.

English Talent

We welcome fans from around the globe to join this annual live event, the Overwatch Heroes Rumble. Here is the English team who will be on air with you during the competition. Austin “Austy” Nolte has devoted himself to esports industry for many years. He is known for his wild and in-depth knowledge. Stephanie “Tsuki” Tan from Singapore is a professional caster and commentator—you may have seen her in Overwatch Open Southeast Asia. Victoria “VikkiKitty” Perez is a well-known celebrity streamer in the online gaming community—with talented analysis skill, you will not be disappointed in her broadcasts. Andrew “ZP” Rush is a famous and experienced commentator in Overwatch community. He showcased his skills in Overwatch Contenders and the Overwatch World Cup.

Event Schedule
  • Day 1: December 15, 16:00 – 22:00 GMT+8
    • M17 vs. MDT(BO5)
    • HKA vs. MEN(BO5)
    • WFC vs. BLK(BO5)
  • Day 2: December 16, 16:00 – 22:00 GMT+8
    • FW vs. TZ(BO5)
    • Semi-Finals Match 1(BO5)
    • Semi-Finals Match 2(BO5)
  • Day 3: December 17, 16:00 – 22:00 GMT+8
    • Finals(BO7)

For additional time zone assistance, please visit timezoneconverter.com.

Ticket Information
  • 3-day pass: TWD 777 ($26 USD)
  • Ticket link (website in Mandarin Chinese): Here

Players who attend the event will also get a limited edition 2017 Overwatch Heroes Rumble t-shirt.

Broadcast Information


  1. 本週《魔獸世界》新聞:2024 年 5 月 11 日

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