Call of Duty: Modern Warfare



Make sure your aim is true in this free-for-all party game where each player gets only one bullet to start; you receive another bullet only when you get a kill.

First introduced in the original Black Ops, One in the Chamber gives you three lives and a single, incredibly lethal bullet. If that one shot lands anywhere on an enemy, they will lose a life while you gain another bullet. Melee attacks are also lethal, so be prepared for some serious fisticuffs if you and your enemy both lose your golden bullet.

Get in some practice with the 1911 and Magnum before playing One in the Chamber, in addition to the new Scorestreak set to arrive in Season Four…


  1. 《浩劫與重生》經典版版本前夕更新將於 5 月 2 日登場

    《浩劫與重生》經典版版本前夕更新將於 5 月 2 日登場

