
Midgame Moves: Mastering the Middle of Our Esports

Blizzard Entertainment

2018 kicked off with Opening Moves Week, which showcased strategies and plays made in the “early game” of a competitive match of Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II, Overwatch, Hearthstone, and World of Warcraft Arena. More recently, we released Midgame Moves, where we spoke with pro players from all five of Blizzard Entertainment’s esports franchises to determine what is need-to-know knowledge concerning the “midgame.” You can find a roundup of all the Midgame Week content below!

Heroes of the Storm


Camp Timings and Map Pressure

Learn the importance of map pressure and how a properly-timed Mercenary Camp can help you create a lead.

What You Should Know About the “Throw Pit”

Understand the situations in which you should and should not attempt to take the Boss.

How to Recover from a Lost Team Fight

Return to even footing by making safe rotations and trade pushing when you can.

How to Push Your Advantage to the Max

How taking everything in immediate proximity and pushing structures can set you up for success after winning a fight.

No Worries, We’re Scaling

Game sense and staying informed throughout a game can help you navigate your way to victory.

StarCraft II


The Surprise Tech Switch

Catching your opponent off-guard can make all the difference.

Taking Time to Review

Slow down to appreciate the roots of your win or loss.

Secure Your Expansion

Timing really is everything when it comes to minerals and gas.

Dropping Cheese

For those times when you can’t get away with cheap tactics.

How to See It Coming

WCS caster Rotterdam reveals how he spots a player’s upcoming transition.

Overwatch League


Spawn Advantage, Explained

A major swing component that comes into play on escort maps is the defensive team’s spawn advantage.

The Art of the Snowball

How to snowball objectives and win games.

Dugout Dialogue

Halftime is an important marker during Overwatch League matches.

99% Problems (But a Flip Ain't One)

As the meter climbs toward 99 percent, control maps really begin to approach their boiling point.

Hero Swap Notebook

In-game hero swaps fall into two camps: playing the map and playing the other team’s picks.



Do I Have Lethal?

The first question you should ask yourself every turn—can I win right now?

Am I Dead?

Can you survive your opponent’s next turn?

Reading Your Opponent

How to maintain a read on what's in your opponent's hand.

When the Plan Falls Apart

What’s the play when your original game plan has fallen apart?

Playing to Your Outs

How do you make sure you’re playing to win, not just delaying the inevitable?

World of Warcraft Arena


To Heal, or to Fight?

Whether or not a team’s healer hangs back or dives has a great effect on the outcome.

For Light’s Sake, Stay Alive

If you don’t survive, there is no offense: some strategies for not dying.

Is Time on Your Side?

When the gates open, the race is on.

Adapt, Survive, and Thrive

Master the art of adapting on the fly.

Recover, Learn, and Grow

Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully these guides will help you take your game to the next level. Also, look out for #EndgameMoves in December!