《鬥陣特攻 2》

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽 - 第一季季後賽即將登場!

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽 - 第一季季後賽即將登場!

繁體中文 | English Version

在經過五周例行賽的試煉後,有八支隊伍獲得晉級資格,分別為 A 組的 Detonator KR、Hong Kong Attitude、Machi Esports、Talon Esports 及 B 組的 Blank Esports、MEGA、Xavier Esports、LogitechG ABANG。本周四為季後賽的第一天,隊伍間的戰火將更趨猛烈!究竟誰將會在這熱力四射的舞台上大放異彩呢?


OWCP 將 12 支隊伍分成 A、B 兩個小組,小組的前四名晉級,共八支隊伍將參加本周的季後賽(依照例行賽成績排序):

A 組由新進韓國隊伍 Detonator KR、香港隊伍 Hong Kong Attitude、台灣隊伍 Machi Esports 與另一支韓國隊伍 Talon Esports 搶下季後賽資格。

Detonator KR (DTN)

Detonator KR 由老字號戰隊重組全韓班勢力後,自《鬥陣特攻》公開賽(Overwatch Open Division)開始一路過關斬將,用全勝成績在 OWCP 例行賽中傲視群雄。只有在與 Hong Kong Attitude 和 BAZAAR 交手時各失過一個大分,這股殺傷力令所有隊伍格外戒慎!

Hong Kong Attitude (HKA)

身為太平洋戰區資深職業戰隊的 Hong Kong Attitude,在本季納入新血 Mikolty 及 FLoydQ 後於陣容表現上顯得更為精進且多元,拆招與解題技巧尤勝以往,以小組第二的成績確定晉級季後賽。

Machi Esports (M17)

Machi Esports 同樣是太平洋賽區觀眾不陌生的隊伍,本季在隊伍核心 Kant 的帶領及韓籍精兵 JUDO 與 Schwi 的加入下,同樣將季後賽門票穩妥收入囊中並劍指最高榮耀。

Talon Esports (TLN)

同樣為純韓國血統的 Talon Esports 在單兵表現上展現了韓班一貫的強勁威力,例行賽中以小組第四的成績晉級。戰術的完整及貫徹將會是觀眾期望在季後賽中看到的一項突破,Talon Esports 需以此蛻變拿下更好成績!

B 組在經歷了變化莫測、明顯膠著的戰況後,季後賽隊伍名單終於出爐:分別是澳洲隊伍 Blank Esports、泰國隊伍 MEGA、泰國隊伍 Xavier Esports 及台灣隊伍 LogitechG ABANG

Blank Esports (BLK)

出身澳洲的高人氣隊伍 Blank Esports 在經歷一番重組後仍不減他們的實力與魅力,以小組第一之姿強勢問鼎本次 OWCP 的冠軍寶座!


在舞台上總展現出可愛與熱情的泰國隊伍 MEGA,在「泰影」oPuTo 出任教練後,可以感受到隊員間有著更加緊密默契的連結。本季交出小組第二漂亮的成績單,確定晉級季後賽。

Xavier Esports (XVE)

在 B 組中同樣以歡樂陽光形象示人的另一支隊伍為來自泰國的 Xavier Esports,團隊穩定度高的優勢為他們贏得了晉級季後賽的資格。在跨組對峙的考驗來臨時,隊上角色池廣的兩位輸出 Azalea 及 Sonntag 也被格外期待能有機會建下顯赫戰功。

LogitechG A Bang (LGB)

LogitechG ABANG 優秀的雙輸出選手BLUE 及 WON 是帶領戰隊衝鋒陷陣、一路勇闖進季後賽的靈魂人物!在眾多職業戰隊的環伺下,陣容的落實及連動將會是再次考驗他們接招與攻防的關鍵。


《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽 - 第一季季後賽將於本周四( 4 月 26 日)正式揭幕,進行為期兩週的賽事。詳細時程如下:

  • 八強賽:4 月 26 日(四)、4 月 28 日(六)19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
  • 四強賽:5 月 3 日(四)19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
  • 總冠軍賽:5 月 5 日(六)19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)



季後賽採取單敗淘汰制(Single Elimination Format),在例行賽中獲得小組排名第一的隊伍將與另一小組的第四名進行對決、小組第二則將與另一小組的第三名展開交手,以此類推。八強賽、四強賽將進行五戰三勝制(BO5),總冠軍賽則是七戰四勝制(BO7)。



  • 《鬥陣特攻》Razer 聯名鍵盤、滑鼠、耳機、滑鼠墊
  • 《鬥陣特攻》Funko 公仔(隨機英雄)
  • 《鬥陣特攻》帽子(黑色)
  • 溫斯頓絨毛玩偶



精彩刺激的《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽 - 第一季季後賽絕對不容錯過,立即購票前往台北暴雪電競館共襄盛舉,或追隨以下直播頻道觀看最新、最即時的賽事內容。

更多賽事資訊,請密切注意 《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽官方網站暴雪電競官方網站《鬥陣特攻》官方粉絲專頁暴雪電競粉絲專頁

Overwatch Contenders Pacific - Season 1 Playoffs About to Kick Off


At the end of the 5-week regular season of Overwatch Contenders Pacific (OWCP), 8 of the 12 teams have advanced to the playoffs: Detonator KR, Hong Kong Attitude, Machi Esports and Talon Esports from Group A, and Blank Esports, Mega Esports, Xavier Esports and LOGITECHG ABANG of Group B. The first week of playoffs are sure to provide impactful and decisive plays—which squad will stand out as the best of the best?

About the Quarterfinalists

The 12 squads of OWCP were arranged into two groups, A and B, and the top 4 squads of each group have advanced into the playoffs, which start this week. In Group A, new Korean team Detonator KR, Hong Kong Attitude from Hong Kong, Machi Esports from Taiwan, and Talon Esports from Korea secured the coveted spots.

Detonator KR (DTN)

Detonator KR, a well-known all-Korean professional gaming team and the winner of Overwatch Open Division, dominated the regular season with 4-0, and fell one map shy of a full-season clean sweep. Hong Kong Attitude were the lucky ones. 

Hong Kong Attitude (HKA)

Pacific region veterans Hong Kong Attitude showed much improvement following lineup adjustments in this season, and are currently positioned as the second seed of the group.

Machi Esports (M17)

Another Pacific veteran team, Machi Esports grabbed the chance to challenge for the title under the lead of Kao “Kant” Wei-Tang, with back-up from Korean members JUDO and Schwi.

Talon Esports (TLN)

Another all-Korean team, Talon Esports secured a spot from Group A. As the fourth team in the group, we look forward to seeing what they’ve learned from the regular season to improve their strategy in the playoffs.  

Meanwhile, Group B was far more unpredictable, with everything undecided until the last moment. The four rosters that came out on top were Blank Esports from Australia, MEGA from Thailand, Xavier Esports from Thailand, and LOGITECHG BANG from Taiwan.

Blank Esports (BLK)

Blank Esports, from Down Under, retained their power and popularity in the Pacific region even after their roster overhaul, and they’re seeking the OWCP title by finishing as the first seed in their group.


The passionate Thai squad of MEGA has formed a closer bond with coach oPuTo, and have completed the season as the runner-up of Group B. They are certain to put on a great show in the playoffs.

Xavier Esports (XVE)

Continuing the Thai team theme, Xavier promises to bring more joy to the playoffs. While the analysts label them as a “high synergy team with stable strategy implementations”, they will face the challenge of a faster-paced game. The burden lays with their two DPS players, Azalea and Sonntag, to help the roster achieve success. 

LogitechG A Bang (LGB)

LOGITECHG ABANG has made an impression on fans with the superb combo plays of DPS players’ Blue and Won. Will they be able to defend themselves in the fierce environment of playoffs? 

Playoffs Schedule

The two-week OWCP Season 1 Playoffs will go live on Thursday, April 26. See below for the detailed schedule:

  • Week 1: Ro8 - April 26 (Thurs.) and 28 (Sat.) 19:00 - 23:00 (GMT+8)
  • Week 2: Ro4 and Grand Finals - May 3 (Thurs.) and 5 (Sat.) 19:00 - 23:00 (GMT+8)


Playoffs Format

The playoffs will be a single-elimination bracket, in which the first seed of a group takes on the fourth of the other, the second seed of a group with the third of the other, and so on. The quarterfinals (Ro8) will be played on April 26-28. The semifinals (Ro4) on May 3 are a best-of-five (Bo5), and the Grand Finals on May 5 are best-of-seven (Bo7).


There will be an on-site lucky draw! Do not miss your opportunity to win

  • Overwatch Razer BlackWidow Chroma Keyboard, DeathAdder Chroma Mouse, ManO'War Headset, and Goliathus Mouse Mat
  • Overwatch Funko Pop (Random Hero)
  • Overwatch Baseball Hat (Black)
  • Overwatch Winston Plush


Keeping Watch

Make sure you don’t miss the best moments of Overwatch Contenders Pacific Season 1 by getting a seat at Blizzard Arena Taipei, or by following any of our live streams!

You can find more tournament information from the official Overwatch Contenders (Pacific) website, Blizzard Esports (Taiwan), and via Facebook on the Overwatch official fanpage (@OverwatchZHTW) and the Blizzard Esports fanpage (@BlizzardEsportsTW).

