《鬥陣特攻 2》

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽 12 支隊伍介紹

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽 12 支隊伍介紹

繁體中文 | English Version

太平洋賽區的《鬥陣特攻》頂尖玩家在經歷公開賽及選拔賽的考驗後,即將在台灣台北展開職業之路的閃耀新篇章。集結了來自台灣、香港、澳洲、韓國、日本、泰國、新加坡等地共 12 支隊伍的「《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽」 (Overwatch Contenders Pacific,簡稱 OWCP) 即將在台北暴雪電競館盛大登場!精彩賽事將於 3 月 22 日(四)正式展開,一連五周的例行賽事會在每周四及周六的晚間五點至十一點陪伴所有喜歡《鬥陣特攻》熱血競技的玩家。

太平洋賽區的地理優勢吸引了許多來自亞洲各國的高手齊聚,來自不同文化背景的他們也將透過鮮明獨特的隊伍風格為 OWCP 注入多樣化且具衝突爆發力的色彩!現在就讓我們一起來看看全新的聯賽陣容。

太平洋賽區 12 戰隊簡介


來自泰國的隊伍 BAZAAR 雖在公開賽中以排名第八晉級,卻在OWCP - 選拔賽時爆發了彷彿積蓄已久的威力,接連擊敗強敵並完封所有日本隊伍!最終以三勝四敗的成績搶下第五席進軍 OWCP 的資格。

Blank Esports (BLK)

來自澳洲的 Blank Esports 是台灣玩家非常熟悉的一支戰隊,曾參與過 2017 年「《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽」兩季的賽事。除了原先熟知的四名選手:Trill、Hus、ieatuup 及 Hoowoo 之外,本季將新增三名生力軍 Kura、Tongue 及 ckm 並肩作戰!

Chaos Theory (CT)

公開賽加賽遞補隊伍,由來自新加坡菁英選手所組成的戰隊將首次征戰太平洋賽區。在新加坡雖尚無獨立的職業聯賽,但當地玩家對《鬥陣特攻》電競賽事熱忱卻不輸其餘太平洋賽區國家。本次 Chaos Theory 帶著家鄉觀眾的期許出征台灣,相信他們在賽事中的表現也將成為新加坡《鬥陣特攻》玩家間最火熱的討論話題!

Detonator KR (DTN)

選拔賽排名第一的晉級隊伍,戰績為六勝一負。來自韓國的他們自公開賽時便展現了強勁的制霸姿態,隊員 Modern 及 SleepyBear 更擁有多次參加韓國 APEX 聯賽的實戰經驗。如今將轉換戰場至太平洋賽區,Detonator KR 是否能持續獨擁天下?著實令人期待他們本季的表現!

Hong Kong Attitude (HKA)

香港隊伍 Hong Kong Attitude 是一支實力穩健攀升的隊伍,在 2017 年「英雄大亂鬥」中更是展現了極具爆發性的成長!本季加入兩名來自公開賽知名隊伍「咖啪普萊德」的選手:FLoydQ 及 Mikolty,Hong Kong Attitude 將以原有的團隊默契為基石,在隊長 ManGoJai 的帶領下繼續展現他們無窮的潛力!

LogitechG A Bang (LGB)

OWCP 選拔賽遞補隊伍。隊上選手皆是在各業餘賽事中活躍多時的後起之秀,其中輸出手 BLUE 更是長期位居亞服前 500 名的菁英玩家!自 2017 年起便積極參與太平洋賽區的公開賽賽事,於職業之路上勇往直前的奮鬥精神也帶領 A Bang 抵達更 OWCP 的舞台!

Machi Esports (M17)

經過隊員更換及新招後的 Machi Esports 將以更加穩健成熟的姿態重新登上 OWCP 的職業賽場!身為台灣業餘賽事好手的隊員 SmallPon 在新一季中將會有登板的機會,期許他的加入能更加完整 Machi Esports 的團隊陣容與戰術協作。


在 2017 年「《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽」第二季後期發揮超凡氣勢的泰國隊伍 Mega Esports 也將重新回到這次的盛大舞台,除了大家喜愛的輸出選手 oPuTo 強勢重返外,以閃光角色見長的玩家 NzNr 也將再度加盟為戰隊效力!

OneShine Esports (OSE)

來自泰國的 OneShine Esports 為公開賽加賽遞補隊伍。除了玩家熟知的 Mega Esports 之外,來自選拔賽及公開賽共四支泰國隊伍的加入,將一口氣大大提升他們充滿異國熱情的戰鬥威力!

Talon Esports (TLN)

本季備受關注的 Talon Esports 買下「《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽第二季」 Ardeont 的位置,將以全韓國血統加入 OWCP。尚未有與其他太平洋賽區職業戰隊交手經驗的他們被視為充滿神秘色彩的隊伍,相信將以強勁的戰鬥力為賽事帶來不可忽視的光芒!

Xavier Esports (XVE)

隊上多位選手為自由位且同時具有深廣角色池的泰國隊伍 Xavier Esports 在選拔賽中以多變的戰術見長。一路穩定晉升的他們是否能在高壓且變數更多的循環聯賽中展現更穩定的實力?


原「《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽」第二季參賽隊伍 Libalent Supreme 將以全新面貌、並改名 YOSHIMOTO ENCOUNT 征戰 OWCP。隊中明星選手 Aktm 曾在 2017 年世界盃小組賽中,以麥卡利超神準槍法而威震八方!已有一段時間未在公開賽事中露面的他,將再度加盟職業戰場,一股為日本戰隊扭轉在太平洋賽區劣勢的社群聲量已悄然興起!


例行賽:一日票 NT$100。
購票連結:3 月 15(四)日 18:00 於 KKTIX 售票頁面 開始販售。


3 月 22 日(四)起正式開賽,為期五周的例行賽事將在每周四及周六下午 5 時至晚間 11 時進行,玩家可以前往官方直播頻道觀賽。季後賽消息將於日後公布。


Overwatch Contenders Pacific - Team Introduction


Gathering 12 teams from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore, 2018 Overwatch Contenders Pacific (OWCP) will soon be held at Blizzard Arena Taipei! To these elite players on the Path to Pro, welcome to Overwatch Contenders Pacific. The regular season will start on March 22 (Thursday), and the tournament will be held every Thursday and Saturday from 5 PM to 11 PM (GMT+8) for five consecutive weeks. Let the Overwatch esports excitement enrich your week with the fiercest games in Pacific region!

The Pacific region attracts many elite players from all over the world. While they share different cultural backgrounds, these players will express their identities and differentiate themselves through their unique gaming styles. Now, let’s dive into their Overwatch esports stories.

12 Teams in Overwatch Contenders Pacific


As one of the teams that rose from Overwatch Contenders Pacific Trials, BAZAAR has been beating their competition persistently. Joining OWCP as the fifth-place team from the Overwatch Pacific Trials, there is still much to learn about their gaming style.

Blank Esports (BLK)

Fans who have been following Overwatch esports in the Pacific region have surely seen how Blank Esports plays. Conquering OWCP with their four well-received players, Trill, Hus, ieatuup, and Hoowoo, Blank Esports swear to dominate the Pacific region as they complete their roster with three promising new comers, Kura, Tongue, and ckm.

Chaos Theory (CT)

As the only Singaporean team to conquer the Path to Pro in the Pacific region, Chaos Theory is well-received in their home country. With a stronghold of supports from Singapore, Chaos Theory are looking to make their fans proud with their performance in OWCP.

Detonator KR (DTN)

Detonator KR are the champions of the Overwatch Contenders Pacific Trials. Their star players, Modern and SleepyBear, have an abundance of experience—fighting their way through Overwatch APEX (now known as Contenders Korea) in their home country of South Korea. After dominating on their Path to Pro, Detonator KR will be looking to continue their reign on the stage of OWCP.

Hong Kong Attitude (HKA)

As a popular team in the Pacific region, Hong Kong Attitudes has no problem proving themselves to the Overwatch esports fans. In OWCP, Hong Kong Attitude surprised their fans with their new recruits, FloydQ and Mikolty. Perfecting their roster before the first game of the season, Hong Kong Attitude is ready to take on their opponents.

LogitechG A Bang (LGB)

As an emerging team from the Overwatch Contenders Pacific Trials, A Bang is a rising star in Taiwanese esports. Their lead player, BLUE, stood out as a top 500 player on the Asia server. He has actively led the team to conquer most major tournaments on their Path to Pro, and now they are ready to show their Taiwanese gaming attitude to the world in the OWCP.

Machi Esports (M17)

Refreshing the team with new strengths, Machi Esports is back to OWCP. Their emerging player, SmallPon, will finally got a chance to show his plays to the world. Will this new roster prove their to be successful? The answer will be found in the new season of OWCP.

Mega Esports (MGA)

Mega Esports returns to OWCP with everyone’s favorite DPS player, oPuTo! When you think of Mega Esports, there will always be a smile on your face. As they mentioned in interviews, “fun” is always the key to their play. We cannot wait to see them again in the stage of OWCP!

OneShine Esports (OSE)

As one of the four Thai teams in OWCP, OneShine Esports is an unknown quantity. May the stage of OWCP unveil that mysterious gameplay for all fans of the Pacific region!

Talon Esports (TLN)

Talon Esports acquired a seat of OWCP formerly owned by Ardeont with only one ambition – to win. The all-Korean roster of Talon Esports has not revealed their strength yet, but what we already know is that other teams in the OWCP better watch out for Talon Esports!

Xavier Esports (XVE)

Capturing the fans’ attention with their deep hero pools and flexibility, Xavier Esports stood out from the Overwatch Contenders Trials. OWCP will be the Thai roster’s first high-level tournament—will they be able to maintain their performance in this high-level competitive environment?


Libalent Supreme from Overwatch Pacific Championship will start their next chapter in this tournament as YOSHIMOTO ENCOUNT. Featuring star player Aktm, the McCree player who made his name in 2017 Overwatch World Cup (OWWC), the tide may favor this Japanese team in the OWCP.


Regular Season: NT$100/day
Ticketing will start on March 15th 18:00 (GMT+8). Buy Now!

Tune in

The regular season begins on March 22 (Thursday), and will last for 5 weeks in total. Catch the broadcast every Thursday and Saturday, from 5PM to 11PM (GMT+8).

For more information on Overwatch Contenders, please visit the official blog, the Blizzard Esports official website and the Overwatch Contenders official website!

