《鬥陣特攻 2》

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽第一季 - 正式啟動!

《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽第一季 - 正式啟動!

繁體中文 | English Version

「《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽」(Overwatch Contenders Pacific,簡稱 OWCP)第一季將於 3 月 22 日正式開賽!經過選拔賽激烈競爭而脫穎而出的六支隊伍將與來自《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(Overwatch Pacific Championship,簡稱 OPC)的原六支職業戰隊,在 OWCP 的殿堂中繼續爭取於「職業之路」上前行的機會與榮耀。






OWCP 第一季例行賽將於 3 月 22 日正式開賽,接連五週的例行賽會在每週四及週六舉行,時間為 17:00 至 23:00 ,每日皆為三場賽事。詳細時程如下:

Week 1: 3/22, 3/24 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 2: 3/29, 3/31 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 3: 4/5, 4/7 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 4: 4/12, 4/14 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 5: 4/19, 4/21 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)




OWCP 第一季季後賽將於 4 月 26 日正式展開, 並連續三周為玩家帶來最精彩的賽事。詳細時程如下:
Week 1: 4/26(四)、4/28(六)19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8) 八強賽
Week 2: 5/3(四)、5/5(六)19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8) 四強賽、總冠軍賽



OWCP 例行賽將 12 支隊伍分為兩個小組,一個小組中將包含六支隊伍進行單循環賽制(Single Round-Robin Format),每隊將與其他隊伍逐一對戰。例行賽的每場對戰都將採《鬥陣特攻》四地圖制,依據控制、混合、佔領、護送的類別依序進行。若單場戰績平手,則會在綠洲城決一死戰。


例行賽結束後,兩個小組將各取排名前四的隊伍進行「季後賽」,採單敗淘汰制(Single Elimination Format)。季後賽分為八強賽、四強及總冠軍戰,共進行兩周。




第一張地圖 ─ 控制類型:伊利歐斯、尼泊爾
第二張地圖 ─ 護送類型:垃圾鎮、多拉多
第三張地圖 ─ 佔領類型:花村、地平線月球殖民地
第四張地圖 ─ 混合類型:好萊塢、努巴尼
第五張地圖 ─ 平手加賽:綠洲城

精彩的 OWCP 主題日即將展開








活動三:Cosplay 送好禮

既然是源氏日,當然少不了各位上忍和火影的參與!只要是 Cosplay 源氏來到現場的玩家,不論你是入門造型還是全副武裝,都將得到《鬥陣特攻》周邊好禮,快身體力行來表達自己對島田龍魂的熱愛吧!


在 OWCP 正式開幕後的每週四例行賽,台北暴雪電競館將開放與電子競技專業相關的各級院校或企業團體免費到場參訪。想要近距離接觸職業賽事、免費體驗高級設施並進一步與業界前輩交流嗎?絕不能錯過這樣的機會!

有興趣的團體請將聯絡人、所屬單位、當日到訪人數以及希望參訪日期等資訊來信至 esports@blizzardarena.tw,活動團隊將盡速與您聯繫。


各位捍衛者可由以下方式鎖定 OWCP 相關資訊:

  1. 鎖定 《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽官方網站查看時程與隊伍。
  2. 鎖定暴雪電競官方網站瀏覽更多 OWCP 相關多元的內容。
  3. 親臨暴雪電競館,或是鎖定官方直播頻道收看 OWCP 直播。


例行賽:一日票 NT$100。
購票連結:3 月 15(四)日 18:00 於 KKTIX 售票頁面 開始販售。
更多賽事資請密切注意 《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業競技賽官方網站暴雪電競官方網站《鬥陣特攻》官方粉絲專頁暴雪電競粉絲專頁

Overwatch Contenders Pacific Season One Launches


Overwatch Contenders Pacific (OWCP) will start its very first game of the season on March 22! After a long journey of Path to Pro, the stage is set for the six teams that have excelled from the Overwatch Open Division and Overwatch Contenders Pacific Trial. Before these teams, the curtain of the next challenge rises.  Who will be the next players to grab the attention of the Overwatch League? Their stories enter the next chapter here in Overwatch Contenders Pacific.



A full player list can be found here. More team introductions please click here.

Tournament Schedule

Regular Season

OWCP starts from March 22 and will continuously bring the excitement of Overwatch esports on every Thursday and Saturday for five consecutive weeks. Each day consists three matches, and will be broadcast live from 17:00 to 23:00 GMT+8.

Week 1: 3/22, 3/24 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 2: 3/29, 3/31 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 3: 4/5, 4/7 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 4: 4/12, 4/14 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)
Week 5: 4/19, 4/21 17:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8)Schedule_EN.jpg

First week matches are shown above, full schedule please see here.


OWCP Season One Playoffs begin on April 26. The excitement will continue for the next three weeks, until one of the top eight teams claims the throne of Overwatch Contenders Pacific.

Week 1: 4/26 (Thurs.), 4/28 (Sat) 19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8) Ro8
Week 2: 5/3 (Thurs), 5/5 (Sat.) 19:00 – 23:00 (GMT+8) Ro4, Grand Finals

Overwatch Contenders Pacific Rules

Regular Season

OWCP Regular Season will consist of a total of 12 teams. Each season will feature a single round robin group stage, containing two groups of six teams. All teams will play a total of five (5) matches throughout Season One (excluding playoffs matches). These matches will be against every other team in a team’s respective group.


The playoffs will feature a single-elimination bracket made up from the top 4 teams from each Regular Season group. The first seed (1st) will play the fourth seed (4th) from the opposite group, and the second seed (2nd) will play the third seed (3rd) from the opposite group in the best-of-five (5q Quarterfinals. The winners of the quarterfinal matches will play in the best-of-five (5) semifinal matches. The winners of the semifinal matches will play in a best-of-seven (7) grand final match to determine first and second place. Map pools for playoffs will be communicated to teams prior to tournament play.

Matchup Map/Side Selection

Map 1 for each match will be selected by Tournament Administration. The loser of a map selects the next map from the appropriate map pool, depending on the game, while the winner chooses side.

Each game in a Regular Season match will follow the order below:

Game 1: Control – Ilios, Nepal
Game 2: Escort - Junkertown, Dorado
Game 3: Assault - Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony
Game 4: Hybrid - Hollywood, Numbani
Tiebreaker: Oasis

OWCP Theme Days – Bring on your Best Cosplay!


Heroes who cosplay, we hear you! OWCP proudly presents Theme Days for all Overwatch esports fans who want to show off their awesome costumes in front of the camera!


The first OWCP Theme Day’s theme is Genji! Bring your best Genji cosplay and come to Blizzard Arena Taipei and enjoy the games with us. In addition to the cosplayers, Blizzard Arena Taipei will transform into a Genji heaven. If you are a Genji lover, come and challenge yourself to find all Genji Easter eggs in the Arena!

Group Visit

OWCP will be the first event in Blizzard Arena Taipei, making for the perfect group visit opportunity! If you want to bring your club mates or friends from work who also love esports to watch the game together, send your application to esports@blizzardarea.tw with your contact name, entity name, number of attendees, and the date (only available on Thursdays). We will reach out to you for your group visit! 

Tune In

You can find more information on OWCP at:

  1. Official Overwatch Contenders Pacific website
  2. Blizzard Esports Taiwan website
  3. Watch live on Blizzard’s Taiwan Live Stream Channel


Regular Season: NT$100/day
Ticketing will start on March 15th 18:00 (GMT+8). Buy Now!
For more tournament information, please tune into the Overwatch Contenders Pacific official website, the Blizzard Esports Taiwan website, Overwatch Official Facebook page, and the Official Blizzard Esports Taiwan Facebook page

