《鬥陣特攻 2》



「《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」(Overwatch Heroes Rumble)正式宣佈!這場星光熠熠的全明星表演賽將由來自《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽(OPC)的 Blank Esports(BLK)、Flash Wolves(FW)、Hong Kong Attitude(HKA)及 Machi Esports(M17) 共四支隊伍各推派出隊長,他們將帶領亞洲選手對抗來自歐美地區的強敵。西方的隊伍則是由《鬥陣特攻》電競界中極具知名度的人物領軍,他們將各自網羅來自世界各地的頂尖玩家,以最具殺傷力的組合在台灣登場!四位隊長分別是來自《鬥陣特攻》世界盃法國隊的 aKm、加拿大隊的 Mangachu、芬蘭隊的 zappis 及擁有美服第一奪命女稱號的 Kephrii。八支勁旅將在 12 月中於暴雪電競館集結爭奪英雄大亂鬥冠軍殊榮!

精彩賽事將於 12 月 15 日(五)至 17 日(日)連續三天熱鬧開打,家可在線上購買三日通行套票,親臨暴雪電競館一睹明星選手風采並為支持的戰隊加油,或鎖定台灣暴雪直播頻道,在寒冷的冬天中感受最熱血沸騰的英雄對決!


隊長:Dylan “aKm” Bignet
簡介:aKm 是 2017年《鬥陣特攻》世界盃法國隊的知名射手,憑藉麥卡利及士兵 76 在戰場上的頂尖操作讓人留下深刻印象。

隊長:Brian “Kephrii” St. Pierre
簡介:擁有「美服第一奪命女」盛譽的 Kephrii 是一位知名實況主,曾使用奪命女在美服天梯中位列前 10 名次,實力絕對不容小覷!

隊長:Liam “Mangachu” Campbell
簡介:Mangachu 同時也是今年《鬥陣特攻》世界盃亞軍隊伍的明星玩家,擅長副坦位及法拉,並在今年拿下「在世界盃中第一位用托比昂鍛造鎚擊殺對手的選手」的紀錄。

隊長:Joonas “zappis” Alakurtti
簡介:zappis 則是一名在職業征途中經驗老道的選手,為現職業隊中的全方位角色,在去年、今年皆披上國家隊袍出戰世界盃,分別拿下四強和十六強的成績。

OPC 戰隊推派隊長介紹

戰隊:Machi Esports
簡介:M17 派出 DCrown 作為本賽事的隊長,擅長團戰坦克位的他,相信能為 M17 帶來好成績。

戰隊:Flash Wolves
簡介:閃電狼派出 KMoMo 作為隊長,身為全方位選手,KMoMo 的麥卡利、小美、D.Va 都曾在 OPC 有相當傑出的表現。

戰隊:Hong Kong Attitude
簡介:香港隊伍 HKA 派出號稱太平洋區最強安娜的 ManGoJai 作為隊長。

戰隊:Blank Esports
簡介:過去在 OPC 作為坦克位的 Trill,這次將成為輔助選手帶領 BLK。




「2017 年《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」八支隊伍將採取單敗淘汰制(Single Elimination)。共計三天,八強賽及四強賽為五戰三勝制(BO5),總決賽則為七戰四勝制(BO7)。為了增加此次明星賽的趣味性及考驗各位選手對於特殊戰場及局勢的應變能力,我們加入了團隊死鬥與鬥陣對決模式,相信有別於以往的打法將讓觀眾看得更津津有味,也讓戰況勝負變得更加難以預測。詳細賽制如下:


  • 第一戰:6v6 競技模式
  • 第二戰:6v6 競技模式
  • 第三戰:4v4 團隊死鬥
  • 第四戰:1v1 限定單挑
  • 第五戰:6v6 競技模式


  • 第一戰:6v6 競技模式
  • 第二戰:6v6 競技模式
  • 第三戰:4v4 團隊死鬥
  • 第四戰:3v3 鎖定對決
  • 第五戰:1v1 限定單挑
  • 第六戰:6v6 競技模式
  • 第七戰:6v6 競技模式
  • 第一日(八強賽):12 月 15 日 16:00 - 22:00 GMT+8
  • 第二日(八強、四強賽):12 月 16 日 16:00 - 22:00 GMT+8
  • 第三日(總決賽):12 月 17 日 16:00 - 22:00 GMT+8


  • 三日通行套票:新台幣 777 元
  • 購票網址:點此進入

入場門票將於 11 月 29 日(三)晚上 18:00 開始販售,購票入場的玩家即可獲得 「2017年《鬥陣特攻》英雄大亂鬥」限定限量 T-Shirt。門票數量有限,售完為止。

更多賽事資訊或入場資訊,請密切注意官方部落格Blizzard Estadium 粉絲團

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Announcing the Overwatch® Heroes Rumble, December 15-17 in Taiwan

The Overwatch Heroes Rumble will be taking place at Blizzard Estadium in Taipei. Four captains from the Overwatch Pacific Championship (OPC) will face off against four captains from North America and Europe. The four OPC participants will be Blank Esports (BLK), Flash Wolves (FW), Hong Kong Attitude (HKA) and Machi Esports (M17). The remaining four teams will be formed and led by celebrities of the Overwatch esports community: Dylan “aKm” Bignet from France, Joonas "zappis" Alakurtti from Finland, Liam “Mangachu” Campbell from Canada, and Brian “Kephrii” St. Pierre from the United States. These eight teams are prepared to fight for glory and celebrate the holiday with their fans this winter!

Join us at the Blizzard Estadium in Taipei by purchasing a 3-day ticket online, or tune in to the Blizzard Taiwan Live Stream to catch the match-ups from home.


Meet the team captains from the OPC

Captain:Sheng-Peng “DCrown” Luo
DCrown from the Taiwan team Machi Esports is a Tank player. He is determined to take the trophy home.

Captain:Mao-Chun “KMoMo” Hsu
KMoMo from the Taiwan team Flash Wolves is a famous Flex player and has been performing very well in the OPC as McCree, Mei and D.Va.

Captain:Kin-Long “ManGoJai” Wong
Hong Kong Attitude’s ManGoJai is famous for his Ana plays. As a shot-caller, ManGoJai is integral to his team.

Captain:Ashley “Trill” Powell
Blank Esports from Australia has announced Trill as their team captain. In the past, Trill has been a great Tank on this roster, but now he will lead the team as a brand new Support role.


Meet the team captains from North America and Europe

Captian:Dylan “aKm” Bignet
French player aKm is a well-known DPS. He was a member of Team France at the 2017 Overwatch World Cup and has shown some impressive plays on McCree and Soldier: 76.

Captian:Brian “Kephrii” St. Pierre
Kephrii from the United States is a famous live-streamer, who has made to the top 10 on the North American server by playing Widowmaker.

Captian:Liam “Mangachu” Campbell
Mangachu won the silver medal with Team Canada in 2017 Overwatch World Cup—we can’t wait to see his brilliant D.Va and Pharah again!

Captian:Joonas “zappis” Alakurtti
The Finnish player zappis also represented his country at the Overwatch World Cup this year, where he and his team showed the world how Finland dominates FPS esports with their magnificent skills.

You could find the full roster of the eight teams here.



The Overwatch Heroes Rumble runs across three days and follows a single-elimination format. The first and second day —the quarterfinals and semifinals—will be best-of-five, and the finals on day three will be a best-of-seven. To enhance the fun for our celebration of Overwatch, we are bringing arcade modes into the exhibition showcase: Team Deathmatch and Elimination mode.

Quarterfinals and Semifinals:

  • Game One: 6v6 Competitive Play
  • Game Two: 6v6 Competitive Play
  • Game Three: 4v4 Team Deathmatch
  • Game Four: 1v1 Limited Duel
  • Game Five: 6v6 Competitive Play


  • Game One: 6v6 Competitive Play
  • Game Two: 6v6 Competitive Play
  • Game Three: 4v4 Team Deathmatch
  • Game Four: 3v3 Lockout Elimination
  • Game Five: 1v1 Limited Duel
  • Game Six: 6v6 Competitive Play
  • Game Seven: 6v6 Competitive Play

Broadcast Schedule

  • Day 1: December 15, 00:00 – 6:00 PST
  • Day 2: December 16, 00:00 – 6:00 PST
  • Day 3: December 17, 00:00 – 6:00 PST

For additional time zone assistance, please visit timezoneconverter.com.


Ticket Information

  • 3-day pass: $26 USD (TWD 777)
  • Ticket link (website in Mandarin Chinese): Here

Ticket sales begin on November 29, 2:00 PST. Players who attend the event will also get a limited edition 2017 Overwatch Heroes Rumble t-shirt.

Stay tuned for more Overwatch Heroes Rumble action!

