Call of Duty: Warzone

Bomber Plane ใน Season 2 ของ Warzone

Blizzard Entertainment

The second aerial vehicle in Vanguard modes in Warzone, the Bomber is a formidable air-to-ground striker capable of leveling infantry and vehicles.

Bombers can also destroy Loadout Drops, which can fundamentally change how Operators approach these powerful sources of weapons.

While this new aircraft can shatter Anti-Air Guns and destroy ground-level threats, it may meet its match when confronting the Fighter Plane, which continues to be available in Vanguard Royale. Alternatively, drop into a stationary or truck-mounted AA Gun and bring down these airborne behemoths with vim and vigor!

Furthermore, players can expect to see health decreases to both planes as part of this update, making them easier to shoot down should they pose a threat to you or your squad.

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