World of Warcraft

Visions of N’Zoth: Auction House Update Preview

Blizzard Entertainment

We’ve rebuilt Azeroth’s Auction House system to provide a smoother, faster, easier experience for those looking to buy and sell the latest and greatest supplies and gear. After further analysis of the way the Auction House is used, we’ve updated the functionality to fit with the way you use it every day.

Just for Buyers

Commodities (stackable items) will no longer be sold in individual stacks allowing you to select the number of items you want to buy, and the Auction House will automatically locate the lowest priced auctions to sell to you. You’ll be able to see the unit price and total price before you make your purchase. With the lowest-priced items always sorted to the top, you’ll never have to dig for the best deal again.

You’ll also be able to curate a favorites list by right-clicking on a listed item so you can quickly search for and purchase the items you regularly buy. You can view and revise your favorites list by clicking on the favorites button (star icon) next to the search bar.

Just For Sellers

Items will no longer be listed for copper and will only be listed in silver and gold. Sellers will still be able to set a bid price and a buyout price along with the duration for the auction they want to list. When selling commodity items, rather than setting a price for stacks of items, you’ll be able to choose a unit price, allowing buyers the ability to decide how many of an item they wish to purchase.

Please Excuse Our Dust

To change over to the updated Auction House, we’ll be removing any unsold commodity listings a few hours before maintenance and returning them to the seller. Any deposits from these returned items will not be refunded, but don’t worry—a warning will show to affected sellers before they decide to post new sales. Once this occurs, no new commodities will be able to be listed until the transition is complete.

Non-commodity (stackable items) will not be affected by the transition.

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