New Allied Races and More Now Live!
New Allied Races, PvP updates, the return of the Brawler’s Guild, and more now available.

New Allied Races: Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Troll
Two new playable Allied Races—the Kul Tiran humans and Zandalari trolls—join the Battle for Azeroth in this content update. [Learn More…]

Your Brawler’s Guild Invitation Is on Its Way
The Brawler’s Guild reopens its doors for a new round of rumbling. Get ready to go toe-to-toe with some of their most skilled and scrappy fighters—and uncover a mystery lurking in the shadows. [Learn More…]

Professions Preview: Wield the Tools of the Trade
Take your profession to the next level with new Tools of the Trade. [Learn More…]

Get an inside look into the art of WoW with our live stream VoD and learn more about the magic that brings World of Warcraft and these two new Allied Races to life.
New Raid: Crucible of Storms
A long-submerged evil stirs beneath the Shrine of the Storm. The whispers that drove Lord Stormsong to madness echo within the depths, a siren song of eldritch power. Those who listen and obey prepare dark rituals to carry out their master’s will. Whatever nightmarish schemes fuel their fantastical devotion, one thing is certain: they must be stopped.Raid Unlock Schedule
April 16—Normal and Heroic Difficulties
April 23—Mythic and Raid Finder Difficulties
PvP Updates
New Epic Battleground
Brace yourself for the return of the cold bite of Wintergrasp where you’ll compete against the enemy faction in a massive 40-player Battleground. For the first week of this content update, Wintergrasp is featured as a Brawl. Thereafter, you’ll find Wintergrasp in the Epic Battleground selection in Group Finder (default hotkey: i).
Updated Battlegrounds
Step into two classic Battlegrounds—Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch— and experience newly updated graphics with the same epic gameplay you know and love.
New Brawl: Comp Stomp
Head into Arathi Basin for a head-to-head battle against AI opponents. This new Brawl will be available March 19. Use the Group Finder tool (default hotkey: i) in the Player vs. Player tab to take part.
The War Campaign Continues
New chapters in the War Campaign for the Horde and Alliance take the story beyond the Battle of Dazar’alor as Sylvanas’ latest scheme causes Baine Bloodhoof to seek out Jaina Proudmoore, far from prying eyes.
War Campaign Mounts
Players who complete the War Campaign on both a Horde and an Alliance character will earn new achievement,Two Sides to Every Tale, and new mount reward:the Bloodflank Charger (Horde) and Ironclad Frostclaw (Alliance).
To earn this new achievement, you’ll need to have completed A Nation United, Zandalari Forever, Tides of Vengeance (Alliance), and Tides of Vengeance (Horde).
The Return of Hati
If you’re a level 120 Hunter, you’ll want to speak to Image of Mimiron located in Tradewinds Market in Boralus or the Great Bazaar in Zuldazar to get started on a new quest chain. You’ll learn more about Hati’s fate, and maybe even reunite with your old friend
Companion App Updates
The WoW Companion App has been updated to include a new calendar feature, social feature, and updated support for new World Quests so you can keep on top of everything going on in Azeroth wherever you go.
New Portal Rooms
New portal rooms are now located in Stormwind within the mage tower and just inside the front gates of Orgrimmar, where your faction has consolidated gateways to the other key locations of Azeroth.
New Pets
Raiding with Leashes VI: Pets of Pandaria
Take to the Mists of Pandaria raid dungeons Mogu’shan Vaults, Terrace of Endless Spring, and Heart of Fear to collect the following 11 new pets that drop from the following bosses:
- Amberglow Stinger: (Blade Lord Ta’yak – Heart of Fear)
“The glow emanating from these is both calming and eerie at the same time when in total darkness.” - Kor’thik Smarmling: (Imperial Vizier Zor’lok – Heart of Fear)
“Don’t let these eat after midnight; legend has it that it’s very dangerous.” - Living Amber: (Amber Shaper Un’sok – Heart of Fear)
“The mantid are extremely reliant upon amber for many things, and even use it in some of their magic.” - Spawn of Garalon: (Garalon – Heart of Fear)
“The kunchong are extremely aggressive and will eat just about anything they can as soon as they are able to walk. If they can’t eat it, they will smash it instead.” - Ravenous Prideling: (Grand Empress Shek’zeer – Heart of Fear)
“As a spawn of the most dangerous sha, this little monster has some big plans, but needs to wait a few thousand years first.” - Baoh-Xi: (Qin-xi –Mogu’shan Vaults)
“For being an inanimate object for many centuries, this statue sure moves around really well.” - Comet: (Elegon – Mogu’shan Vaults)
“The Engine of Nalak’sha is defended by many mighty beings, and many tiny beings.” - Stoneclaw: (The Stone Guard —Mogu’shan Vaults)
“Quilen were the favored companions of the ancient mogu race due to their loyal nature.” - Azure Windseeker: (Tsulong – Terrace of Endless Spring)
“This little cloud serpent’s favorite activity is chasing its own tail.” - Spirit of the Spring: (Lei Shi — Terrace of Endless Spring)
“The elemental spirits of Pandaria have been known to plan tricks to play on unsuspecting visitors years in advance.” - Wayward Spirit: (Gara’jal the Spiritbinder – Mogu’shan Vaults)
“Crossing into the spirit world too often can be dangerous for your health.”
Upon earning the Raiding with Leashes VI: Pets of Pandaria achievement, you’ll also receive the pet Happiness as a reward.
Happiness: “This thing is equally as evil as it is adorable.”
New Mechanical Parrot Quest
Feathers the parrot is now available to add some mechanical squawk to your collection. Speak to Gazlowe in Zandalar Harbor or Kelsey Steelspark in Boralus to get started.
Update Notes
Read the complete list of updates and changes in our update notes here.