World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth™ Is Now Live!
The time is at hand and new adventures are unfolding in Kul Tiras and Zuldazar. Where will your path take you? We’ve gathered all the information you could need to guide your way.
Table of Contents
Expansion Features and Update

War Mode, PvP Talents, and More
War Mode tears down boundaries and server rule-set distinctions, allowing players on any realm to decide when they want to jump into a world PvP experience full of like-minded players in the ongoing battle between Horde and Alliance. [Learn More...]

PvP Rating Updates
Learn more about the latest PvP Rating updates so you can make your play for world (of Warcraft) domination.
[Learn More...]

World of Warcraft Communities
Bring your friends and family of the same faction together cross-realm through our new World of Warcraft Communities feature. [Learn More...]

Closer to the Heart of Azeroth
The road to healing Azeroth is a long one and will require a powerful new Artifact — the Heart of Azeroth.
[Learn More...]

Dueler's Guild
Test your PvP prowess one-on-one in the new Dueler's Guild! [Learn More...]

Mark Your Calendars
The launch of Battle for Azeroth is just the beginning. To help you in your endeavor to dominate the opposing faction, we’ve put together a schedule of upcoming content. [Learn More...]
Zone Previews
Developer Insights
Learn more about Island Expeditions here. |
Live Developer Q&A VoD — April 26, 2018 |
Live Developer Q&A VoD — June 14, 2018 |
Live Developer Q&A VoD — July 19, 2018 |
The Story So Far
Catch up on the events leading up to the Battle for Azeroth.

Jaina: "Reunion"
As the Horde and the Alliance reckon with the aftermath of their war with the Burning Legion, Jaina Proudmoore finds herself doing some soul searching in the ruins of Theramore.
We invite you to download and read the free comic here.

Magni: "The Speaker"
The war with the Legion has left a terrible wound in Azeroth, one keenly felt by Magni Bronzebeard. He can no longer speak to the world’s spirit; he can only hear her screams. Plagued by doubt, Magni journeys to Silithus, desperate to find of a way to rekindle his connection with the world.
We invite you to download and read the free comic here.

"Three Sisters"
After returning home to Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner calls upon her estranged siblings—Sylvanas, the warchief of the Horde, and Vereesa, ranger-general of the Silver Covenant—to join her in a quest to retake their ancestral home, Windrunner Spire, from the undead who have overrun it.
We invite you to download and read the free comic here.

Tension and drama unfolds between the Horde and the Alliance in the Battle for Azeroth novellas Elegy by Christie Golden and A Good War by Robert Brooks. These two tales explore the Horde and the Alliance versions of a fateful event, but only you can decide which faction tells it best.
Read and download the complete digital versions now.
Both of these novellas are available in one beautiful hardback edition, complete with original and exclusive artwork, in the Collector’s Edition of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth—available for pre-order at your local retailer now.
Additional Media
Add the Warbringers music to your Battle for Azeroth playlist on Spotify and iTunes now.
New Wallpapers including: Teldrassil before and after the events of the War of the Thorns, Before the Storm, and more.
Upgrade to Battle for Azeroth now and rally to your faction's banner because the battle has begun!