StarCraft II

GLHF Magazine Issue #4


When you hear the term GLHF, you may think of the opening moments of a StarCraft II match, but over the past year, this phrase has also come to represent an epic community-run StarCraft magazine. In case you’re unfamiliar with GLHF Magazine, the team behind it churns out fresh, quality content that can’t be found anywhere else. This month, the team over at GLHF Magazine are back at it again with an all-new issue chock-full of StarCraft goodness. Contributors from around the world have come together to provide you with insightful articles and exclusive interviews you won’t want to miss, including:

Wings of Liberty Community Memories
The GLHF staff scanned through hundreds of your favorite Wings of Liberty moments and sharesome of their favorites with readers

Walking the Line: From WoL to HotS Tournament Play
Learn how players, teams, and events are handling the transition to Heart of the Swarm

The Killer from the South: Interview With Felipe ’Killer’ Zuniga
Soaring after the success of WCS South America, Killer shares his thoughts on his recent victories and playing for his country

Tubby Marines and Hug-a-lisks
GLHF contributors chat with the mastermind behind the Starcrafts animated series, Jon ‘Carbot’ Burton

An Interview with Michael ’Adebesi’ Van Driel
Find out more about Canada’s very own caster, player, and content producer in this exclusive interview with Adebesi

How the Average Joe can help eSports Grow
Get some basic tips on how to help take eSports to the next level.

And much more. . . .

What are you waiting for? Click the cover below to read the latest issue, and don’t forget to GLHF!


If you’re looking for more, head over to where you can peruse past issues and keep up with all the latest developments.