Heroes of the Storm

Midgame Moves: Master the Basics

Midgame Moves: Master the Basics

Have you ever watched a game between two professional Heroes of the Storm teams? They have reasons for every move they make. Whether it’s positioning in a team fight, stalling the cap of a Mercenary Camp, or pulling the Boss to initiate a fight—every action is deliberate.

This year, harness the knowledge these pro players possess to level up your game. To kick off 2018 we released a series of articles mapping out common strategies deployed in the early game. More recently, we’ve added a second entry to this series: Five chunks of need-to-know information regarding the middle segment of a competitive game.  

Article What You Can Learn

Camp Timings and Map Pressure

Learn the importance of map pressure and how a properly-timed Mercenary Camp can help you create a lead.

What You Should Know About the “Throw Pit”

Understand the situations in which you should and should not be attempting to take the Boss.

How to Recover from a Lost Team Fight

Return to even footing by making safe rotations and trade pushing when you can. 

How to Push Your Advantage to the Max

How taking everything in immediate proximity and pushing structures can set you up for success after winning a fight.

No Worries, We’re Scaling

Game sense and staying informed throughout a game can help you navigate your way to victory.

Please, bookmark this page! After you’ve absorbed this knowledge, share it with your teammates—and watch for Endgame Moves for Heroes later this year!

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