Heroes of the Storm

Heroic Deals: March 20 – 26, 2018

Heroic Deals: March 20 – 26, 2018

Our latest round of Heroic Deals offers 50% off select Heroes, and brings a fresh set of skins and mounts into the featured item rotation. Check out the Hero sales and featured items listed below, and then head in-game to add them to your collection before this offer expires on March 26.

Half-Price Heroes

Heroes Discount Price
Gazlowe 300 150 Gems
Li Li 300 150 Gems

Featured Skins and Mounts

The skins and mounts that we’ve added to the featured item rotation are available for gem purchase for a limited time. Don’t worry if you miss out, you’ll still be able to forge these items using shards after they leave the featured rotation.

Skins Mounts
Demon Hanzo* Adventurer Li Li Fellboar
Bloodfang Valeera Ochre Valla Ancient Demonic Hellsteed
Frozen Grave Warden Malthael Star Princess Li-Ming
Silver Mad Martian Gazlowe Timeless Prime Evil Diablo

* First-time featured item!

We hope you enjoy your new Heroes, skins, and mounts as you conquer your next challenge in the Nexus! Be sure to head to the official Heroes of the Storm website every week to check out our latest round of Heroic Deals.

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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

    MWIII Content Drop: Season 3 Reloaded

    Battle across derelict London in the dilapidated Grime Multiplayer map and put your Stronghold knowledge to the test with Checkpoint. Watch your step in the new Minefield game mode and hack the enemy team in Escort. Season 3 Reloaded also marks the next story mission in Zombies while features like the Specialist Perk Package and Foresight Killstreak bring new tactics to Rebirth Island.

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