Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm PTR Balance Update — May 12, 2016

Blizzard Entertainment

We’ve just released a new balance update on the Public Test Realm in order to apply a few Hero, Ability, and Talent changes. These tweaks are in addition to all of the changes we’ve made with our most recent PTR patch, and will be applied to the live version of Heroes of the Storm next week. Read on for the complete list of changes we’ve made on the PTR today.


Assassin Specialist Support Warrior
Kael'thas Gazlowe Brightwing Arthas
Xul Uther Chen



  • Living Bomb (W)
    • Sun King’s Fury (Talent)
      • Bonus Basic Attack damage reduced by 20%, from 171 (+4% per level) to 137 (+4% per level).




  • Xplodium Charge (E)
    • Stun duration reduced from 2 to 1.75 seconds.
    • Damage increased by 10%, from 212 (+4% per level) to 233 (+4% per level).
Developer Comments:  We’ve received a lot of feedback from players regarding the popular strategy of chaining movement impairing effects, like Stuns and Roots, on an enemy Hero. While we want this to be a viable way to play, we feel it’s currently too prominent and powerful at higher levels of play. As a result, we are reducing the duration of many of these effects in the game. In scenarios where this change nerfs a character we don’t otherwise want to nerf, we’re coupling it with a buff to help offset the difference. While this change hasn’t reduced all the effects that might make you lose control of your Hero, we feel these are some of the more egregious ones. As always, we will make further changes if necessary.



  • Bone Prison (E)
    • Root duration reduced from 2 to 1.75 seconds.
    • Amplify Damage (Talent)
      • Vulnerability duration reduced from 2 to 1.75 seconds.
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.




  • Polymorph (W)
    • Duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.
    • Slow amount increased from 20% to 25%.
    • Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 75 to 60.
    • Greater Polymorph (Talent)
      • Duration bonus reduced from 1 to 0.75 seconds.
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.



  • Hammer of Justice (E)
    • Stun duration reduced from 1 to 0.75 seconds.
    • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 50 to 40.
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.





  • Death Coil (Q)
    • Embrace Death (Talent)
      • Damage bonus reduced from 20% to 10% for each 10% of Health missing.
  • Howling Blast (W)
    • Root duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60.
    • Frost Presence (Talent)
      • Cooldown reduction decreased from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • Frozen Tempest (E)
    • Remorseless Winter (Talent)
      • Root duration reduced from 2 to 1.75 seconds.
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.



  • Health increased from 2556 (+4% per level) to 2658 (+4% per level).
  • Health Regeneration increased from approximately 5.32 (+4% per level) to 5.54 (+4% per level).



  • Apocalypse (R)
    • Stun duration reduced from 2 to 1.75 seconds.
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.



  • Health increased from 2373 (+4% per level) to 2468 (+4% per level).
  • Health Regeneration increased from approximately 4.95 (+4% per level) to 5.14 (+4% per level).



  • Stormbolt (Q)
    • Stun duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.



  • Leap (R)
    • Stun duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.
    • Damage increased by 10%, from 123 (+4% per level) to 135.3 (+4% per level).
Developer Comments: Please see Gazlowe's Developer Comment above.



  • Health increased from 2373 (+4% per level) to 2468 (+4% per level).
  • Health Regeneration increased from approximately 4.95 (+4% per level) to 5.14 (+4% per level).

