
Chapter 3: Onward, to Khartut’s Tomb!

Blizzard Entertainment

Journeying through the Lost City and the Scorching Dunes has revealed the powerful Plague Lords and mystical monsters recruited to aid the League of E.V.I.L. in realizing their master plan. Now, in order to put a stop to their maniacal machinations, we venture deep into Khartut’s Tomb where anything could be waiting… even Death itself…


Chapter 3: Khartut’s Tomb - Launching September 24

What’s in Store:

  • The Plague Lord of Death has trapped powerful minions in a never-ending cycle of undeath! Each player will start the game with an Eternal Tomb on the board. As friendly Minions die, the tomb will gradually unlock to unleash a powerful Deathrattle minion. The tomb will then close again while another minion waits to emerge!

Expanding our Cast of Explorers:

  • It’s time to take to the field! Years spent studying druidic designs and priestly pursuits have made Elise the Enlightened a veritable treasure trove of archaic and arcane knowledge. Now, she’ll need to put those learnings into action as she steps into Khartut’s Tomb and prepares to face the Plague Lord of Death!


Enter the Tombs of Terror

  • Getting Started for Free!
    • Reno Jackson and the first chapter of Tombs of Terror are available to everyone – for free!
  • Unlocking Additional Chapters
    • Launching consecutively over 3 weeks, chapters will be available for purchase as a bundle containing all chapters for $14.99 USD, and individually for 700 Gold or $6.99 USD.
    • A new member of the League of Explorers will become playable with each unlocked chapter!
  • Earn Up To 16 Packs
    • Earn 3 Saviors of Uldum after completing the fifth boss of each of the first four chapters, another 3 for completing the finale, and earn a Golden Classic Pack when you conquer the entire Solo Adventure. Plus, earn two unique card backs for completing all chapters on Normal and Heroic Mode.

Purchase Now!


Good luck in the Tombs of Terror, Heroes - We’re counting on you!