Watch Well Played: Endgame Pro Tips
Early this year, we kicked off our Opening Moves series, where we took a closer look at the early game of competitive Hearthstone. We followed up in July with Midgame Moves. This week, to celebrate the end of the year, we’re bringing you Endgame Moves. Today, get the download on how pro players navigate the late game.
When a Hearthstone match stretches into the late-game there are many elements to consider, from card advantage to fatigue. In this week’s episode of Well Played, let’s look at how pros respond as we explore the finer points of the final few turns.
That’s it for this week! Join us after the holidays for more Well Played video, and tune into tomorrow for the continuation our Endgame Moves series, when we cover for to combat mental and physical fatigue with David "Justsaiyan" Shan.