Call of Duty: Warzone

The Grau 5.56: How to Unlock the Season Two Assault Rifle

Blizzard Entertainment

If you just jumped into Modern Warfare recently, you may have missed out on some of the Battle Pass system weapons featured in past seasons. Fear not: you can unlock the base weapons from previous Seasons through in-game challenges.

For example, the Grau 5.56 was introduced in the Season Two Battle Pass system and is one of the most popular weapons in Warzone to date.

If you started to play after Season Two ended, you can still unlock the Grau through this in-game challenge:

Get five kills in a minute when using an Assault Rifle, 25 times.

Speed, precision, and accuracy are all key to this challenge. Keep those and mind—and the following five tips—and you’ll have your very own Grau 5.56 in no time.

Top 3 Grau 5.56 Challenge Tips