Diablo Immortal

Discover Secrets Hidden in the Sharval Wilds

Blizzard Entertainment

A gale blows through a shrouded forest, the restless beasts within stir, and the air thrums with powerful magic. There are many secrets to discover in the Sharval Wilds. Our next major update, The Writhing Wilds, is rampantly growing with anticipation. This update introduces a new main quest, Battleground map, and updates to Crafting, Familiars, Vanguard, and more.

As with previous content updates, there will be server maintenance starting on March 19, from 5 p.m.–7 p.m. PDT for Oceania, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe servers, and on March 20, from 1 a.m.–3 a.m. PDT for servers in the Americas. After the maintenance has concluded, all items mentioned below will be live—specific dates for any features going live afterward are provided below.

The generals of the Burning Hells have unleashed their most clever magic: the ability to alter time itself. Starting on March 20, the server time will be thrust forward by an hour for all North American servers during maintenance.


The Writhing Wilds Main Quest

Forge a Name for Yourself—New Battleground Map

New Legendary Gems

Masterful Crafting Changes

Children of the First Forest Phantom Market

Omens of Plenty Limited-Time Event

Returning Events

Class Balance Updates

Feature Updates

Bug Fixes

The Writhing Wilds Main Quest

In The Writhing Wilds, you'll travel to the mysterious and untamed Sharval Wilds, coming face-to-face with a disturbance in the very land itself. The people of the First Forest are finding the woods twist and warp around them, and hungry spirits of nature called Fey are rampaging out of their holts, carrying off travelers and homesteaders alike. To help Sharval and locate the source of this danger, you'll work with the forest's guardians—local Druids and Witches—whose ancient suspicions run the risk of undermining everything. As the region grows further unbalanced and more dangerous, the citizens of Sharval will look for a savior, but you are far from their only option.

Here’s an early look at some of the avatars of Sharvals hunger and rot you’ll encounter during The Writhing Wilds:

Pale Flock

Roiling Blight

Loam Eater

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Forge a Name for Yourself—New Battleground Map

The forces that shake the ground tremble and move, shifting the very planes of battle that surround you. Inspired by community feedback, we’re introducing a brand-new 8v8 Battleground map complete with symmetrical arena design to promote balanced competition. The map is called Battleground Convoy. In it, teams will go head-to-head in up to 3 five-minute rounds to determine the winner of the match.

Each team will have a Zealous Idol that they must escort from their Ancient Heart (your starting zone) to the enemy’s Ancient Heart. The first team to do this will win the round. Teams will need to simultaneously defend their Zealous Idol while attacking the other team’s Idol in a “push and pull” style of combat.

The center of the map hosts Sacred and Final Guardians, that once defeated, provide advantageous bonuses to the team responsible for their demise. Sacred Guardians have a pool of 3 bonuses, but will only provide 1 of those bonuses per match. Final Guardians are more elusive and will only appear if time runs out and both teams still have their Ancient Hearts. Defeat these colossal challenges with your team to reap its benefit.

Battleground Map Schedule

Battleground Convoy will be available to play alongside the existing Battleground map. Each map will be available daily during specific hours, but otherwise, Battleground as a feature will function the same as it has. Here’s when each map is available to be played:

  • Battleground Convoy: 6 p.m.–9 p.m. server time
  • Original Battleground Map: 9 p.m.–12 a.m. server time

The following time slots for the original Battleground map remain unchanged:

  • 8 a.m.–10 a.m. server time
  • 12 p.m.–2 p.m. server time

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New Legendary Gems

Three new Legendary Gems are coming in this update. Each can elevate your character to new heights of power. The below values for each gem reflect their power at Rank 10:

Colossus Engine (Five-Star Gem): Granting yourself a Buff also grants you Colossal Strength for 6 seconds, increasing your Skill damage by 50%, while also increasing your size and Skill range. Additionally, Colossal Strength also grants you immunity to knockback effects for 4.8 seconds. Colossal Strength cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.

Optimal Resonant Gems: Maw of the Deep, Void Spark, Ironbane, Mossthorn, and Mother’s Lament.

Specter Glass (Two-Star Gem): Critical Hits shatter enemy armor for 2 seconds, increasing the damage they take from you by 28% and increasing your Critical Hit Chance against them by 4%. Cannot occur on the same target more often than once every 6 seconds.

Optimal Resonant Gems: Mossthorn, Viper’s Bite, and Eye of the Unyielding.

Faltergrasp (One-Star Gem): Critical Hits disable enemies, preventing their use of Dash skills for 3.6 seconds and reducing their Movement Speed by 24%. Cannot occur on the same target more often than once every 20 seconds.

Optimal Resonant Gems: Lucent Watcher and Misery Elixir.

Modify Your Gem Drop Table

From March 20, 3 a.m.–April 16, 3 a.m. server time, players will have the option to enable a modified drop table for their Legendary Crests when running Elder Rifts. Once enabled, whenever you receive a Five-Star Legendary Gem as a drop, there’s a 50% chance it will be Colossus Engine.

Everyone Can Try Colossus Engine!

Before you begin to unravel the secrets of the Sharval Wilds, make a stop by Wynton’s Grand Market to test the new Colossus Engine Five-Star Legendary Gem at no cost. This is a one-time trial of the gem that won’t raise your Combat Rating or Resonance and can’t be used in competitive activities. Using this trial will provide you with a Rank 10 version of the Colossus Gem for 1 hour. This trial is active from March 20, 3.am. PDT–April 10, 3 a.m. server time.

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Masterful Crafting Changes

For the first time, you now have influence over how you craft powerful gear. Using Iron and Silver Ore gathered from Ore Veins in the Wilderness, Terror Rift, Oblivion Pillars, and Hellslayer Bounties, and Stained Remains harvested from defeated Elite monsters in the Wilderness and dungeons, you can craft Legendary items of your choice. The crafted item will have at least 2 Attributes and 2 Affixes, 1 of which is guaranteed to be a Class-Specific Magic Attribute (previously called Magic Affixes). A Skill Stone with at least 3 class-related attributes can also be crafted using these materials.

And there’s more! You can add a Class-Specific Magic Attribute of your choice to the crafted Legendary item by using an additional resource, Rhodolite. Doing so will guarantee an item with at least 3 Attributes and 2 Affixes. It's the rarest ore, and requires 6 Rhodolite for this process. You can obtain up the 6 Rhodolite a week, which can come from the Destruction’s Call event (more info about this later), mining ore, or from engaging in Terror Rifts, Oblivion Pillars and Hellslayer Bounties. Rhodolite can’t be sold at Wynton’s Grand Market.

Each class has also received 5 Special Magic Attributes that can be added to your equipment, bringing the total to 13. Looking for a specific Attribute for your equipment? Head to the Blacksmith to reroll your Attribute using Terror Essence. We’re excited to see how players decide to integrate the new Special Magic Attributes into their existing build or create a new build centered around these Attributes.

New Attributes:


  • Chained Spear: Hitting an enemy will chain them to you for 3 seconds, after which the chains will break and Slow the target by 15% for 6 seconds. Chains break early if the target is more than 5 yards from you (PVP Only).
  • Demoralize: Reduces the Movement Speed of nearby enemies by 20% for 3 seconds.
  • Ground Stomp: Empower your steps for 3 seconds, causing the ground to erupt every 2 yards you move, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Grab: Gain a shield for 3 seconds that absorbs damage and makes you immune to knockback while active.
  • Sunder: Generate an additional shockwave on activation, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Blood Knight

  • Spear Flurry: Increases your Movement Speed by 10% for 3 seconds.
  • Wave of Blood: Range increased by 8%.
  • Tendrils of Blood: Reduce the Attack Speed of each enemy hit by 8% while increasing your Attack Speed by 2%, up to a maximum of 8%.
  • Mephitic Cloud: Movement Speed of enemies within the affected area is reduced by 12%.
  • Transfusion: Gain immunity to knockback 1 time for 3 seconds.


  • Sweep Attack: Hitting an enemy conjures a spinning flail at their location, dealing damage to all nearby enemies (Cooldown: 3 seconds).
  • Shield Glare: Range increased by 8%.
  • Sacred Chain: Applies a mark to enemies for 3 seconds that bursts with every 3 attacks received, dealing damage, triggering no more than once every 0.5 seconds.
  • Fist of the Heavens: Conjures 1 bolt to orbit you for 3 seconds, dealing damage.
  • Judgment: Hits on enemies suffering negative effects chains them to the target location for 1 second, Stunning them for 3 seconds when the chain breaks.

Demon Hunter

  • Shadowsight: Increases the Attack Speed of you and nearby allies by 8% for 3 seconds.
  • Knife Trap: Reduces Movement and Attack Speed of enemies hit by 24% for 3 seconds.
  • Smoke Screen: Also greatly reduces enemy vision for 1 second.
  • Escape: Gain a shield that absorbs damage.
  • Vengeance: Applies a mark to enemies for 3 seconds that bursts with every 3 attacks from Vengeance, dealing damage, triggering no more than once every 0.5 seconds.


  • Cyclone Strike: Range increased by 8%.
  • Wave Strike: Unleash a wave of energy around you, dealing damage to nearby enemies (Cooldown: 0.5 seconds).
  • Flying Dragon: Fire two dragon bolts that automatically attack enemies, dealing damage.
  • Imprisoned Fist: Hits on enemies suffering loss of control will detonate, dealing additional damage (Cooldown: 0.5 seconds).
  • Breath of Heaven: Increases the Attack Speed of you and nearby allies by 8% for 3 seconds.


  • Grim Scythe: There is a 10% chance to generate an additional corpse.
  • Borrowed Time: Gain Essence Surge, reducing the damage you take by 40% for 1 second.
  • Corpse Explosion: There is a 10% chance that a corpse will not be consumed.
  • Bone Armor: While active, 10% of the damage you take is distributed to all nearby summons.
  • Dark Curse: Each enemy hit conjures a minor bone spirit that attacks a random enemy, dealing damage (Maximum of 9 spirits).


  • Breaker: There is a 10% chance to conjure an additional Zephyr.
  • Crosswinds: Conjure 1 wind blade that follow you, dealing damage.
  • Squall: Cooldown reduced by 0.02 seconds for every yard traveled.
  • Tidal Rush: Enemies hit by you and your Zephyr simultaneously take 6% increased damage for 3 seconds.
  • Riptide: Range increased by 8%.


  • Scorch: Trigger an explosion on hit, dealing damage to nearby enemies (Cooldown: 3 seconds).
  • Frostfield: Conjure an icy whirlwind for 3 seconds, Chilling enemies and dealing damage per second.
  • Ray of Frost: Fires 1 additional beam in a wider angle. Enemies struck by multiple beams will only be damaged by one.
  • Black Hole: Emits arcane missiles from its center that attack random enemies, dealing damage.
  • Time Stop: Effects remain on any enemy for 1.5 seconds after they leave the affected area.

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Children of the First Forest Phantom Market

There will be lords of the forest long after queens and kings have been lost to imagining. From March 20, 3 a.m. local server time—April 18, 2025, 3 a.m. local server time, the Children of the First Forest Phantom Market blooms in Diablo Immortal. Adorn your wanderer with a natural new look.

Considering items from the Phantom Market are acquired randomly per draw, we want to provide the initial draw rates for each item to aid in deciding if you would like to engage with the event past your first free draw.

The drop rates provided below are for the first draw only and will adjust to reflect the relative probability of the remaining items in the Phantom Market item pool.

  • Insomnia Emoji: 60%
  • Regent of Webs: Gloom Wood Weapon: 15.63%
  • Regent of Webs: Silver Night Weapon: 15.63%
  • Children of the First Forest Portal: 3.16%
  • The Consumed: Verdant Soul Weapon: 1.77%
  • Regent of Webs: Gloom Wood Armor: 1.14%
  • Regent of Webs: Silver Night Armor: 1.14%
  • The Consumed: Verdant Soul Armor: 0.76%
  • Children of the First Forest Ultimate: 0.63%
  • Children of the First Forest Cosmetic Set: 0.13%

For more information about how the Phantom Market functions, visit this article.

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Omens of Plenty Limited-Time Event

The signs are all around you. Look for them in the trees and in the trickling streams. Look for them in the thick darkness that clings to the forest’s undergrowth. Whether they be ill-intended or fortitudinous, nobody knows.

From March 20, 3 a.m.– April 3, 3 a.m. server time, complete tasks to earn Champions’ Commendations and exchange them for rewards such as a Telluric Pearl, Legendary items, a Legendary Crest, and more. Tasks include activities such as collecting ore and Stained Remains and participating in the new Destruction’s Call Zone Event. If you’re unsure of where to get cracking in this major update, the Omens of Plenty limited-time event is a good start.

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Returning Events

All Clans on Deck

March 22, 3 a.m.–March 29, 3 a.m. server time

Fractured Plane

March 26, 3 a.m.–April 2, 3 a.m. server time

The Fractured Plane Returns Anew

The halls of the Fractured Plane play host to an eerie disposition. They somehow feel different. . . or perhaps it’s always felt this way. You’ll never know for certain.

The plane of cognitive mirages has shortened—Fractured Plane will only have 9 floors total, and rewards will be provided every 3 floors. Instead of playing as your character’s class, you’ll be provided with a class to roam the plane. The class you receive will be the same each time during the same event period, but the skills and affixes you encounter will be randomized each run.

Keep an eye out for new Fractured Charms as you’re slaughtering demons in a blaze of glory. These mementos of your shattered mind come ranked 1-5. Fractured Charms persist through all runs during the same event period, so don’t worry about losing them. Charms also empower you with bonuses while inside of the Fractured Plane. Here’s a full list:

  • +1 Resurrection
  • +10% bonus Chaos Coins
  • +10% chance for Gem Essences to drop from monsters
  • Recover 10% of max Life upon clearing a room
  • +1 Fortune Rating
  • Blessing effects increased by 30%
  • +1 Free Refresh at the Chaos Broker
  • +1 Equipment Rack option

Equipment has also been amped up in the Fractured Plane. The higher the quality, the more Attributes it will contain. Two-star equipment will have a second Legendary Attribute and Three-Star equipment and above has a chance of having a Special Magic Attribute.

For those looking for an especially sinful challenge, there’s a Hell difficulty version of the Fractured Plane consisting of 12 levels. All other aspects of the Hell difficulty Fractured Plane are the same as its normal counterpart.


March 28, 3 a.m.–March 31, 3 a.m. server time

Perils of the Fen Event

March 29, 3 a.m.–April 5, 3 a.m. server time

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Class Balance Updates

All Ranged Classes

The Demon Hunter, Necromancer, and Wizard will have their damage reduction from player attacks increased from 15 to 30%, aligning them with melee classes.

Developer’s Note: Through the use of Legendary Affixes, many classes can freely switch between ranged and melee combat. Therefore, distinguishing survivability based upon ranged and melee classifications is outdated. We have standardized the damage reduction effects for all classes to better suit the current game state. Going forward, skills, Legendary Affixes, and gem configurations will define a class's survivability.

Demon Hunter

  • Painsower (Strafe): Reduced damage effect has been adjusted, and it is now less severe the farther you are from an enemy. You deal 50% reduced damage to enemies close to you, scaling to 10% reduced damage to enemies at max range.
  • Fangspitter (Multishot): Skill range increased from 7 to 10 yards.


  • Unfilled Grave (Bone Armor): Skill no longer provides damage reduction from consumed corpses and only increases damage dealt.
  • Bleak Augury (Wraith Form): Evasion Rating bonus reduced from 20% to 10%.


  • Wind Walk: Skill has been reworked so that a Tempest is untargetable while inside the cyclone they conjure, but they will not receive increased Attack Speed until they attack or use a skill, which will cause the cyclone (and untargetable status) to dissipate.


  • Fortified Entropy (Disintegrate): No longer provides damage reduction while Disintegrate is active, and instead increases Disintegrate damage by 30% to enemies within 3 yards.

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Feature Updates

Destruction's Call Zone Event

The Fire of Life Zone Event has been reborn as the new Destruction’s Call Zone Event.

In this Zone Event, 2 teams will contend for supremacy but capturing the opposing team’s flag, slaying enemy players, and eviscerating fearsome monsters. All of these actions contribute points to your team’s total score. Only the team who can overcome the opposition to rack up the most points in a match will win.

To participate in the Destruction’s Call Zone Event, you will need to have reached at least Hell Difficulty III and visit Shuurrif in the Ancients’ Cradle zone. At least 6 players are needed to begin Destruction’s Call. This Zone Event is available daily from 12 p.m.–1 a.m. server time.

Legendary items, upgrade materials, and a chance at Rhodolite can be obtained for participating in Destruction’s Call.

Essence Loyalty Bonus Changes

The way you extract Essences earned from the Loyalty Bonus has changed. There is no longer a weekly cap for extracting Essences, and you’ll no longer be time-gated from unlocking new Essences when they’re released. Once you have unlocked the difficulty for the corresponding Essences and the Server Paragon Level has reached the new difficulty, new essences can be unlocked right away.

Newly released essences start with a cheap cost that increases with each essence you unlock within the same class. You heard that right! Each class has its own cost, so if you class change frequently you will be able to quickly unlock your first few essences for each class. Here’s an in-depth look at how this system works:

Loyalty Bonus

  • Extract the Essence from Legendary Equipment to earn Loyalty Points or Legacy Loyalty Points, then spend points to unlock an uncollected Legendary Essence.
  • Extracting Legendary Equipment obtained in the current server difficulty or higher will grant Loyalty Points and can be spent to unlock the NEW Essences released within the current difficulty. These Essences can only be unlocked once the server has reached the new difficulty as well.
  • Unlocking NEW Essences from the current difficulty start at a cost of 200 Loyalty Points and the cost will increase by 100 Loyalty Points with each Essence unlocked.
  • Each class has an individual starting and increasing cost when unlocking NEW Essences. This means the first Essence you unlock for each class starts at 200 Loyalty Points and increases in price by 100 Loyalty Points independent of your current cost for any other classes Essences.
  • Extracting Legendary Equipment obtained in a previous difficulty lower than the current server difficulty will grant Legacy Loyalty Points.
  • Unlocking Legacy Essences from lower difficulties have a consistent cost that does not increase when you unlock multiple Essence.
  • You can automatically convert Loyalty Points into Legacy Loyalty Points at any time when trying to unlock a Legacy Essence from a previous difficulty.
  • Extracting also has a chance to grant you additional points! If you are lucky, you can get 5, 25, or even 400 points from a single Extract.

Loyalty Reset

  • When the Server Paragon Level reaches a new difficulty level, Loyalty Points will reset to 0.
  • All Loyalty Points you had will be automatically converted into Legacy Loyalty Points and all Essences from the previous difficulty will become Legacy Essences and their cost will be adjusted to 600 Legacy Loyalty Points regardless of what they previously cost. When another new difficulty is unlocked all Legacy Essences that previously cost 600 Legacy Loyalty Points will be adjusted down to 400 and remain there.
  • The initial cost to unlock NEW Essences will reset to 200 Loyalty Points for each class and their cost will once again increase by 100 Loyalty Points for each NEW Essence you unlock for the same class.
  • All currently acquired equipment will now extract into Legacy Loyalty Points because they are from a previous difficulty. Legendary Equipment can only be extracted into Loyalty Points if it was obtained after the current difficulty was unlocked and is higher than or equal to the current server difficulty.

Familiars Skill Improvements

Well, I suppose old Familiars can learn new tricks! As a result of player feedback, we have increased their versatility to aid you in the fiercest of battles. Varog, Stormlost, and Broodtalon will be able to earn new Legendary Passive Skills. These skills supplant a Familiar’s Active skills with more devastating abilities that grow in power with your Familiar. Here is a complete list of the new skills:

  • Forest’s Wrath: Forest's Wrath has been replaced with Rupture, which targets an enemy to damage within X yards and dispels 1 damage immunity or shield effect applied by the player's Skills or Primary Attacks.
  • Forest’s Wrath II: When Forest’s Wrath ends, enemy Primary Attack damage is reduced by 50% for X seconds.
  • Forest’s Wrath III: When Forest’s Wrath ends, there is a X% chance to receive damage reduction and shield effects.
  • Hailstorm: Boltstorm is replaced with Hailstorm, inflicting X% damage to enemies and applies the Chilled status for 4 seconds.
  • Hailstorm II: Hailstorm's Chill effect now gradually increases, Freezing enemies for X seconds when reaching 3 stacks.
  • Purification Flame: Flame Wave is replaced with Purification Flame, continuously Burning enemies around you for X seconds, and removes 1 Chill or Freeze from your character (Freeze is prioritized).
  • Purification Flame II: Purification Flame also burns you, causing you to lose X% of your life and removes Y instance of Chill or Freeze status (Freeze is prioritized).

Developer’s Note: Varog, Stormlost, and Broodtalon are receiving these additional Legendary Passive Skill options to increase their viability in PvP.

Familiar Guidebook:

A new guidebook that displays information about your Familiar’s species, potential traits, skills, attributes, and quality has been added to the Familiars menu. This will help you better estimate the potential your Familiar will have after a Conversion.

Vanguard Mode

Vanguard meets the verdant Sharval Wilds by adapting its aesthetic and welcoming its monsters into the fray. Use Control Skills to stop the ever-elusive Glade Bane in its tracks. Can you and your squad beat back the ravaging Fey?

Nightmarish adversaries belonging to the Voidwound demons and Soulhewn have reared their heads in Vanguard as well. The Boss Powers of Dymdrail, Crawling Woe, Ophinneb the Skin-Veiled, and Iphael, Knight of Broken Stone can appear as affixes on Legendary items obtained from Vanguard. Here’s what their powers do:

  • Crawling Despair: Dymdrail unleashes despair, dealing damage and Blinding all nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
  • Skin-Veiled Swarm: Ophinneb summons two of her servants to release swarms of bats, each dealing damage.
  • Broken Stone Dive: Iphael’s dreadnought slams into the ground, dealing damage to enemies and knocking them airborne.

Challenge Dungeons

Blaze through one of the Burning Hells’ hardest challenges with 4 new modifiers:

  • Disruptive Portal: A portal will appear at a random point within the dungeon, releasing an extremely powerful enemy. Defeat the enemy to earn an extra reward.
  • Electric: Players will periodically be marked with Positive or Negative. Standing close to players with the same status will reduce cooldowns; standing close to players with the opposite status will damage both players.
  • Explosive Reaction: Enemies will periodically be marked. After a short delay, marked enemies will explode. All enemies hit by the explosion will become explode.
  • Chains: Up to two players will periodically be chained together. The chained players take continuous damage until they run away from each other to break the chain.

Two previously released modifiers are receiving adjustments:

  • Gauntlet: Combat Orbs that boost your speed have been added to get you to bosses faster.
  • Sacrificial Power: Monsters will drop additional Health Orbs.

Wilderness Expansion

New monster-rich areas have been added to Ashwold Cemetary, Staalbreak, World’s Crown, Zoltun Kulle’s Library, and Bilefen.


Two additional Waypoints have been added to aid your travel across Sanctuary. Look for the new Waypoints in the Ruins of Sescheron (Frozen Tundra) and the Summit (Mount Zavain).

Legendary Gems

Legendary Gems will now be sorted into stacks based upon their quality, rank, and if they can be sold at Wynton’s Grand Marketplace.

Developer’s Note: This change removes some of the visual clutter around Legendary Gems, making it easier to find what you need and sell it at Wynton’s Grand Market.

Dungeon Parties

You will no longer be automatically separated after completing a dungeon with pre-assembled party members. Visit the portal at the dungeon’s entrance to replay it with the same party.

Hero’s Journey

We hope you have not yet holstered your blade, adventurer. Chapters 5 and 6 of Hero’s Journey are now available! Complete both to earn rewards such as Legendary Crests and the Roving Victory Portal Cosmetic.


The Helliquary is receiving a couple of updates to its gameplay and matchmaking.

  • Invulnerable phases have been removed from all Helliquary Bosses.

Developer’s Note: We received feedback that invulnerable phases weighed down the combat experience when replaying certain Helliquary Bosses. To make these engagements feel more fluid, we’ve removed this aspect of bosses.

  • The Codex may now be used to match and challenge Helliquary Bosses instead of doing so at the Westmarch Demon Gate.
  • Any member of your Raid can initiate an assembly.
  • The Spectator Mode now displays the health of the Helliquary Boss, allowing you to follow the carnage from the sidelines. This change applies to Helliquary Gauntlets too.

Raid the Vault

The 3-minute cooldown between Raid the Vault matches has been removed. You may now play back-to-back matches.

Realm of Damnation Demon Gates

Demon Gates can be activated by 1 player instead of needing 3.

Adventurer’s Chronicle

Adventurer’s Chronicle collectables have been added to the World’s Crown zone.

Abyssal Verge

Monsters in Abyssal Verge will have reduced health when playing with a party.

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Bug Fixes

Looking for the latest round of hotfixes and bug fixes implemented for Diablo Immortal? Check here for all-platform fixes—updated on Tuesdays.

We’ll see you in the shrouded forests of Sharval!
-The Diablo Immortal team

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