Upend Horrors in Epoch of Madness: 2025 Roadmap
Sanctuary is still under threat from within! Villagers of a remote hamlet have reported sightings of peculiar fey and a mysterious prophet roaming the woods—the latter brings Albrecht to mind. Throughout 2025, you’ll uncover their intentions by playing through the Epoch of Madness. This latest chapter will see you journeying to the mysterious and untamed Sharval Wilds, our next new zone, and coming face-to-face with a disturbance in the very land itself.
A Year Full of Demon-Laiden Trials Await: 2025 Roadmap
The fires of the Burning Hells are really heating up this year! Here’s a deeper look at a handful of features arriving in 2025.
- New Battleground Map: Created based on player feedback, this map will offer a well-balanced PvP experience while introducing new gameplay elements.
- Wynton’s Grand Market Improvement: You’ll be able to trade across multiple server clusters.
- New Class: While we can’t spoil the secret just yet, we’ll give you a hint: This class is deeply rooted in the Epoch of Madness.
These are just a taste of what we have in store for you. Check the roadmap below to see the features that will be released in the first half of this year.
Later this year we’ll share an updated Roadmap with details for July–December. On March 14, we’ll share more information about our next major update, the Writhing Wilds, in an article. Stay tuned!
We’ll see you in Sanctuary!
-The Diablo Immortal team