31.6.2 Patch Notes
Patch 31.6.2, launching today, includes the following updates and bug fixes.
Hearthstone Dev Comment
There are no Hearthstone-mode balance changes coming this patch. Instead, we’re doing a large balance update in Patch 32.0, including both our normal balance pass for cards rotating into Wild and a sizeable balance pass on cards staying in Standard.
Those changes will be made to give Into the Emerald Dream the best chance for success in a post-rotation environment, while letting Heroes of StarCraft and some older decks have a bit more time to shine in the current metagame until then. Delaying those changes lets us do what’s best for both metagames.
Here’s a preview of some of the things we’re looking at toning down:
- Terran and Zerg Heroes of StarCraft cards;
- Other older cards and decks that we expect will be too powerful after rotations;
- Powerful neutral Legendary cards with harsh play patterns (like Zilliax and Bob); and
- Raza the Resealed will be getting a major rework, due to its interaction with the Priest Imbue Hero Power
The full scope of the changes will be announced ahead of the 32.0 patch notes. Until then, keep jamming your favorite decks and enjoying reveal season. We’ll have a lot more information to share in a few weeks.
Battlegrounds Updates
Dev Comment: This patch we focused on fixing various unintended interactions and making a few power adjustments. Specifically, we adjusted down the power of Raynor, Elementals, and Naga, while increasing the power of Kerrigan, Beasts, Dragons, Murlocs, and Quilboar. We also shuffled the power around a bit in Undead and Demons to try to smooth out their play experience. We are still gathering feedback on which Anomalies are the most fun to play with, and we'll continue to adjust the Anomaly pool throughout the rest of the season.
General Update
- In Duos, the turn timer has been made longer from turn 8 onwards.
Hero Updates
Jim Raynor
- Hero power has been updated so that it is the Hero Power that gives the Upgrades, not the Battlecruiser (but if you don’t have the Battlecruiser, you won’t get the Upgrades added).
- Dev Comment: This is to prevent effects that would let players steal/copy multiple Battlecruisers for several Upgrades each turn.
- Hero power now requires 14 cards instead of 16.
- Carrier now a 4/12, but Interceptors don’t attack immediately. Golden Carrier now summons one Golden Interceptor instead of two non-Golden Interceptors.
Kerrigan, Queen of Blades
- Now has less Armor: 14 in Battlegrounds, 12 in Duos.
- Starting hero power (Spawning Pool) costs one less.
- Second stage hero power (Evolution Chamber) costs one more.
- Once your hero power is at the final stage (Ultralisk Cavern), you can’t be offered Tier 1 morphs anymore.
- Mutalisk, Lurker, and Infestor were all upgraded.
Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher
- Buddy is now Tier 5.
- Banned in Mech games.
The Great Akazamzarak
- Banned in Mech games.
Card Pool Updates
- Hunter of Gatherers and Choral Mrrrglr have been returned to the minion pool.
- Toxic Tumbleweed and Recruitment Program (Duos) have been removed from the Tavern Spell pool.
- Red Hand has been removed from the Quest Reward pool.
- Relentless Sentry has been removed from the Professor Putricide pool.
- Staff of the Scourge has been removed from the Trinket pool.
Minion Updates
Arm of the Empire
- Old: Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give it +2 Attack permanently.
- New: Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give it +3 Attack permanently.
Nalaa the Redeemer
- Old: 5/6. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+2.
- New: 5/7. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +3/+2.
Slitherspear, Lord of Gains
- Old: 5/6. At the end of your turn, give your Naga +1/+1. (Improved by each different spell you’ve cast this turn!)
- New: 4/6. At the end of your turn, give your other Naga +1/+1. (Improved by each different spell you’ve cast this turn!)
Floating Watcher
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 3]
Batty Terrorguard
- Old: [Tier 5] 6/2
- New: [Tier 6] 8/4
Forest Rover
- Old: [Tier 3] 5/2
- New: [Tier 2] 3/2
Turquoise Skitterer
- Old: 2/5. Deathrattle: Your Beetles have +1/+1 this game. Summon a 2/2 Beetle.
- New: 2/4. Deathrattle: Your Beetles have +1/+2 this game. Summon a 2/2 Beetle.
Gentle Djinni
- Old: [Tier 5] 3/4
- New: [Tier 6] 4/5
Nether Drake
- Old: 4/12
- New: 2/6
Dozy Whelp
- Old: 0/3
- New: 0/4
Coast Guard
- Old: [Tier 6] 5/5. Battlecry: Refresh the Tavern with Pirates, then steal one.
- New: [Tier 5] 4/4. When you sell this, Refresh the Tavern with Pirates, then steal one.
- Old: 2/4. After a friendly minion loses Divine Shield, get a Blood Gem.
- New: 2/1. Divine Shield. After a friendly minion loses Divine Shield, get a Blood Gem.
Boar Gamer
- Old: At the end of every 2 turns, get a random Choose One card.
- New: Taunt. At the end of every 2 turns, get a random Choose One card.
- Dev Comment: This is a bug fix that's been taunting us since the last balance patch.
Pokey Thornmantle
- Old: [Tier 6] 6/7. At the start of your turn, Blood Gems give an extra +1/+2 this game.
- New: [Tier 5] 5/6. At the start of your turn, Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.
Implant Subject
- No text change, but a minion being Reborn now counts as a minion losing a Bonus Keyword.
Champion of the Primus
- Old: 3/9. Avenge (2): Your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are).
- New: 3/13. Avenge (3): Your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are).
- Old: 4/11. After you summon a minion in combat, give your minions +3 Attack.
- New: 3/11. After you summon a minion in combat, give your minions +4 Attack.
Eternal Knight
- Old: 4/1
- New: 5/1
Anub’arak, Nerubian King
- Old: [Tier 4] 4/3
- New: [Tier 3] 3/2
Spell Updates
Eyes of the Earth Mother
- Old: [Tier 5, 6 Gold]
- New: [Tier 6, 4 Gold]
Anomaly Updates
- Secrets of Norgannon: Appears more frequently.
- Emergency Landing: Appears less frequently (but only at higher ranks).
- Golden Friendship, All Bottled Up, and Line in the Sand: Appear less frequently.
- Cosmic Duality: Appears less frequently; Artanis and Greybough are now banned from getting each others' hero powers.
- Scout’s Honor: Tess Greymane and Scabbs Cutterbutter added to banlist.
- Incubation Mutation: Kerrigan, Queen of Blades added to banlist.
- Treasure Hoard: Rock Master Voone added to banlist.
- Line in the Sand: E.T.C., Band Manager has been band... er, “banned”... added to the banlist.
- Light the Way: Millhouse Manastorm added to banlist.
- Nguyen’s Shifting Disks: Lord Barov’s hero power added to banlist.
- Golden Arena: Jim Raynor, Queen Azshara, and Gift of the Golden Kobold (Quest Reward) added to banlist.
- Golden Arrow: Galakrond added to banlist.
- Golganneth's Tempest: Jim Raynor and Artanis added to banlist.
- Instant Warband: Aranna Starseeker and Ini Stormcoil added to banlist.
- Mimiron’s Clockwork: E.T.C., Band Manager added to banlist.
- Planar Alignment: Chenvaala added to banlist.
- Prudence of Amitus: Alexstrasza added to banlist.
- Uncompensated Upset: Doctor Holli’dae and Snake Eyes added to banlist.
- All Bottled Up: A.F. Kay added to banlist.
Bug Fixes
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a visual bug where the Hunter deck recipe decks were in the wrong order.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the Factory Line Anomaly would stop working for the rest of the game if it failed once due to an empty board.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with the Cosmic Duality Anomaly where it could rarely grant you your starting Hero Power a second time.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed various visual bugs with card tooltips not matching the card’s effects.
- [Collection] Removed bugged copies of Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and Dinotamer Brann, with Signature frames but regular art, that a small number of players got from packs. Removed cards will be replaced with random Wild Signature cards by a separate upcoming grant.
- [Shop] Fixed a bug where Malorne the Waywatcher had the wrong stats in the Pre-Purchase Mega Bundle image.