Diablo IV

A New Tale: “The Seven Brides of the Serpent”

Blizzard Entertainment

Sanctuary is a volatile place—danger lurks at every turn and the reappearance of Mephisto’s hatred has ushered in a new era of hardships for those who call these lands home. While its denizens may have little hope, the rich stories they’ve passed down through generations have shined truth on the darkness.

“Seven Brides of the Serpent”
by David A. Rodriguez

Deep in the heart of Hawezar, there was a village. Every seven years, the people of this village would sacrifice their women to sate the hunger of the Great Serpent. But when Belith’s name was called for culling, she stole her mother’s paring knife and carved a new course for Hawezar. . . one wrought with magic and blood.

Read “Seven Brides of the Serpent” or listen to the audiobook voiced by Ouna, a member of the Coven who you ally with in Season of Witchcraft, now!