Captivate Hearts in the Feast of Valenti
Hail, adventurer!
Since our last content update, you have hunted Jingun, Eater of Mountains in Tong-Shi’s Renewal, honed Legendary Gems in the Gem Surge limited-time event and more. This content update introduces a vengeful haunt on the hunt for hearts, Valenti, and a new Battle Pass.
As with previous Content Updates, there will be server maintenance starting on February 11, from 4 p.m.–6 p.m. PST for Oceania, China, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe Servers, and on February 12, from 12 a.m.–2 a.m. PST for servers in the Americas. After the maintenance has concluded, all items mentioned below will be live—specific dates for any content going live afterward are provided below.
Feast of Valenti Limited-Time Event
Season 36 Battle Pass: Amberclad
Exclusion Legendary Gem Drop Pool
Feast of Valenti Limited-Time Event
Some common folk of Sanctuary worship a blood-soaked fiend called Valenti, a powerful spirit who is known for granting their heart's desire in exchange for a grisly offering. The greater the sacrifice, the more powerful the exchange. On her name day, her power is at its apex.
Although the customary practice is to wish for love, people also use this day to make other wishes and discover their future. Those driven mad by love and loss sometimes worship this vengeful entity to greater lengths, building altars for her deep in the woods and adorning them with a fresh heart to express their devotion.
Don’t miss a beat! From February 12, 3 a.m.–March 12, 3 a.m. server time, eviscerate Hell’s demons across limited-time events and the Wilderness to receive Bloody Hearts. Gather enough hearts to pique Valenti’s interest and she’ll bless you with rewards such as Telluric Pearls, One-Star Legendary Gems, Legendary items, and more. Protect your heart, adventurer—it’s a hot commodity these days.
Bloody Hearts can be earned from participating in the following limited-time events while the Feast of Valenti is active: Trial of the Hordes, Survivor’s Bane, Wild Brawl, and Fractured Plane.
Season 36 Battle Pass: Amberclad
Seal your skin in armor, and preserve your power for all eternity. The Season 36 Battle Pass surges into Sanctuary on February 13, at 3 a.m. server time, consisting of 40 ranks worth of rewards, such as Crests, Hilts, Legendary Gems, and more.
Begin slaying demons and climbing your way through the ranks today before the power within is sealed indefinitely on March 13, 2:59 a.m. server time.
Reactivate Your Ephemeral Treasures with the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass
Cosmetics lost to time have reemerged in a new aspect of the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass. Upon activating your Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass, you can choose two Ephemeral Treasures you already own to reactivate, meaning they can once again be displayed proudly. Each consecutive activation of a Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass will score you the ability to reactivate an additional Ephemeral Treasure, up to 5 at a time.
Exclusion Legendary Gem Drop Pool
From February 13, 3 a.m.–February 26, 2:59 a.m. server time, you can exclude specific Five-Star Legendary Gems from your drop pool, increasing the drop rates for all other Legendary Gems.
Returning Events
The following events have returned to Sanctuary for a limited time. Click on each event to learn more about it.
February 12, 3 a.m.–February 19, 2:59 a.m. server time
Notable Updates to Winds of Fortune:
- You can now choose when to activate the 24-hour bonus. This bonus operates in real-world time and will continue to count down even when you’re offline.
- If you have not used your bonus by the final day of the event, it will automatically activate itself.
- Any forgotten rewards will be sent to you via in-game mail upon your next log in.
February 12, 3 a.m.–February 19, 2:59 a.m. server time
February 14, 3 a.m.–February 21, 2:59 a.m. server time
February 15, 3 a.m.–February 22, 2:59 a.m. server time
February 19, 3 a.m.–February 26, 2:59 a.m. server time
February 21, 3 a.m.–February 24, 2:59 a.m. server time
February 22, 3 a.m.–March 1, 2:59 a.m. server time
New Legendary Items
These new Legendary items can be obtained as a drop in Inferno V and higher difficulties.
- Iron Tusk (Main Hand): When Demoralize hits an enemy, your Critical Hit Chance increases by 4% for 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 12%.
- Promised Sunrise (Off Hand): When Demoralize hits an enemy, your Attack and Movement Speed increases by 4% for 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 12%.
- Taull’s Favor (Chest): Furious Charge cooldown is reduced by 0.04 seconds, or 1 energy is restored, for every yard you travel.
- Indomitable Spirit (Pants): Furious Charge is now channeled, causing you to constantly run forward, damaging enemies you run through while being immune to knockback.
- Whirling Howl (Head): Demoralize now empowers your steps with wind, causing your movement to emit blasts every few yards that damage nearby enemies.
- Hydra’s Maws (Shoulders): Sunder now empowers your steps with magma, causing your movement to erupt with fire every few yards, leaving a trail that Burns enemies.
Blood Knight
- Shade Oblique (Main Hand): Shadow's Edge increases your Critical Hit Chance by 4% for 2 seconds when it hits, up to a maximum of 12%.
- The Spewing Stone (Off Hand): Wave of Blood now radiates a wave of blood all around you, damaging and knocking up enemies, while also increasing the Critical Hit Damage they take from your skills.
- Verging Curse (Chest): Abomination no longer consumes Anger to transform you, instead it empowers you, causing your skills to deal additional damage to nearby enemies.
- Cloven Knight (Pants): Spear Flurry now targets an enemy and dashes to them, damaging all enemies along your path, but each target can only be selected once every few seconds.
- Count of Tides (Head): Wave of Blood cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds for each target hit, up to a maximum of 2 seconds.
- Depths of Yearning (Shoulders): Abomination also increases your damage by 10% while active.
- Wretch Splitter (Main Hand): Punishment also applies a Wanted Mark for 3 seconds, increasing the Movement Speed of you and your allies by 15% while moving toward an enemy with a Wanted Mark.
- Lofty Light (Off Hand): Shield Glare now surrounds you with an area of radiant justice for several seconds, during which enemies within are automatically attacked and Blinded.
- Chainwreath (Chest): Sacred Chain also applies Mark of Pain to an enemy for 3 seconds, increasing your damage to them by 3%, up to a maximum of 15% the more you damage that enemy.
- Sightless Chausses (Pants): Shield Glare deals increased damage to enemies the closer they are, up to a maximum of 20%.
- Broken Rampart (Head): Fist of the Heavens now targets an enemy to unleash a rain of fists at their location, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
- Iron Lure (Shoulders): Sacred Chain now empowers you, causing your attacks to mark enemies with chains that pull them to you once they have been hit with several attacks.
Demon Hunter
- Skullshrieker (Main Hand): Smoke Screen also increases your Primary Attack Speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
- Sweet Denial (Off Hand): Crossbow Shot deals 15% increased damage to Poisoned enemies.
- Hard Feelings (Chest): Vengeance now causes you to erupt with a burst of toxins that damages and Poisons all nearby enemies. You also passively attack Poisoned enemies with piercing bolts.
- Creeping Demise (Pants): Smoke Screen now infuses your weapon with toxins, causing your Primary Attacks to Poison enemies and trigger toxic explosions on Critical Hits.
- Facestealer (Head): Attacking a Poisoned enemy during Vengeance triggers a toxic burst, dealing additional damage. Cannot occur more often than once every 1 second per enemy.
- Insatiable Craving (Shoulders): Rain of Vengeance now targets an area and unleashes a toxic rain of arrows, damaging and Poisoning enemies.
- Crag Mitt (Main Hand): Seven-Sided Strike now targets an enemy, dashing to them and alternating attacks between the target and nearby enemies. Beneficial effects to Primary Attacks also affect the attacks of this skill.
- Rumblemurk (Off Hand): Wave Strike now unleashes a wave of energy that pulls in all nearby enemies, damaging and marking them. Primary Attacks deal additional damage to marked enemies.
- The Beast Entwined (Chest): Flying Dragon now empowers your next few Primary Attacks with wind, causing them to pull in nearby enemies with each hit.
- Relentless Swoop (Pants): Flying Dragon cooldown is reduced by 0.3 seconds for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 0.9 seconds.
- Wayward Muse (Head): Shield of Zen also increases your skill damage by 15% for 3 seconds.
- Ridge of Shattered Bones (Shoulders): Seven-Sided Strike cooldown is reduced by 0.3 seconds for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 0.9 seconds (Defeating a player reduces cooldown by 3 seconds).
- Death Disseminates (Main Hand): Grim Scythe now targets an enemy and hurls a scythe that applies the Reaper's Mark, which triggers a sweeping scythe when the target takes damage.
- Guard the Loom (Off Hand): Bone Spirits now conjures a wraith that follows you and continuously hurls soulfire at nearby enemies.
- Skin to Bones (Chest): Bone Spirits damage to the same enemy increases by 6% with each hit, up to a maximum of 18%.
- Unfurling Revival (Pants): Dark Curse now reanimates corpses into spectral hounds that attack nearby enemies.
- Fateful Frame (Head): Grim Scythe also marks enemies for 2 seconds. If a marked enemy is attacked 5 times, the mark explodes and deals damage to nearby enemies.
- Ostalagg (Shoulders): Dark Curse marks its targets for 6 seconds, causing them to explode on death, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
- Nocbrodd Horn (Main Hand): When Stormfury deals damage, it increases your Critical Hit Chance by 4% for 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 12%.
- Coral Shank (Off Hand): Crosswinds now dashes forward, firing several wind blades at nearby enemies. Dash distance and number of wind blades increases based on your Movement Speed.
- Sealion’s Skin (Chest): Riptide now generates energy while you move, and once full you can activate it to dash forward on a wave, damaging and knocking back all enemies along your path.
- Mistral Guides (Pants): Crosswinds also increases the damage of your next skill by 30% for 4 seconds.
- Seamount’s Helm (Head): If Riptide inflicts loss of control or knockback on an enemy, the damage they take is increased by 10% for 3 seconds.
- Shell Clasps (Shoulders): Stormfury now empowers you, surrounding you with swirling, shredding winds that increase your Movement Speed and continually pull in and damage nearby enemies.
- Asymmetric Reality (Main Hand): Disintegrate also drains energy from enemies, recovering 1 energy each time it hits.
- Nexus Runt (Off Hand): Lightning Nova also increases your Attack and Movement Speed by 10% for 3 seconds.
- Spectral Weave (Chest): Ice Crystal now conjures a crystal that follows you, dealing damage to nearby enemies every second. While active, your channeled rays will automatically refract onto enemies.
- Atrophy’s Path (Pants): Disintegrate damage increases the longer it is channeled, up to a maximum of 30%.
- Pillars of the Schools (Head): Ice Crystal also shatters enemy armor, increasing the damage they take from skills by 15% for 2 seconds.
- Frozen Stare (Shoulders): Ray of Frost also weakens enemies, decreasing the damage they deal by 10% for 2 seconds.
Feature Updates
Inferno Difficulties
The Combat Rating requirement for Inferno V has been reduced to 44,765, and the requirement for Inferno V Dungeons has been reduced to 44,945.
Developer’s Note: The previous values for Inferno V were higher than intended so this reduction was made to bring them in line with the other difficulties.
Helliquary Bosses
Developer’s Note: The Combat Rating requirement to fight various Helliquary Bosses in Inferno IV and V has been reduced. This reduction brings it in line with the Combat Rating changes made to the difficulties overall.
Inferno Difficulty IV:
- Aeyntragga, Easter of Storms: 41,615
- Uthmaash-Ksarr the Breath Collector: 42,065
- Xekoorendaag, Ice Leviathan: 42,965
- Morsagurei the Fisher’s Ruin:43,865
- Vogmarik the Tormentor: 44,765
Inferno Difficulty V:
- Uthmaash-Ksarr the Breath Collector: 45,265
- Xekorendaag, Ice Leviathan: 45,865
- Morsagurei the Fisher’s Ruin: 46,465
- Vogmarik the Tormentor: 47,065
Set Item Drop from Dungeons
All Dungeon bosses and Ancient Elites now have a chance to drop Set items. Final Dungeon bosses have had their Set item drop rate reduced to retain balance.
If you have completed any Battleground matches with a Class during the season and Class Change, you will need to complete at least an additional 20 matches as your new Class to receive your end-of-season rewards for that Class.
Additionally, the rewards you receive from completing each Battleground match have increased. Also, at the end of the season, you’ll receive the following rewards for attaining these Ranks or higher:
- Bronze II: A Legendary Crest
- Silver I: 3 Legendary Crests
- Gold I: 5 Legendary Crests
- Legend: 10 Legendary Crests
Tower War
Season 6 of Tower War will run from February 12, 2 a.m. PST–March 10, 2:59 a.m. server time. The rewards for participating in Tower War matches have also been increased.
Set Items Rank Increase
The new maximum Rank for Set items has been increased to 25 to further reward you for completing Challenge Rifts.
Warbands can now choose one of two options to communicate their goal:
- Free Association—Warband members don't specifically focus on any goal, and instead can team up to tackle challenges in an impromptu manner.
- Group Activities—The Warband focuses on scheduled meet up times and more structured group activities such as Helliquary boss fights.
A new option to have automated recruitment posts broadcasted to World, Clan, and Faction channels for your Warband has been added to the Warband menu.
Stash Filtering
Matching Set items in the Stash can now be grouped together using a new option.
Bug Fixes
Looking for the latest round of hotfixes and bug fixes implemented for Diablo Immortal? Check here for all-platform fixes—updated on Tuesdays.
—The Diablo Immortal Team