Warcraft Rumble

Doomhammer is Bringing Mak'gora to Warcraft Rumble

Blizzard Entertainment

The Warcraft universe is built on rich and diverse characters that may not fit into any singular family, and because of this, we’ve introduced split Leaders! In Season 10 and Season 11, we will be adding additional Split Leaders, starting with Malfurion Stormrage as Alliance and Cenarion, Anub’arak as Undead and Beast, and Orgrim Doomhammer as Horde and Blackrock.

  • Malfurion Stormrage: December 4, 2024 – December 13, 2024
  • Anub’arak: December 14, 2024 – December 23, 2024
  • Orgrim Doomhammer: December 24, 2024 – January 2, 2025
Each of these Split Leaders will be available for a limited time. * During Doomhammer’s 10-day event, you can unlock him as a new Split Leader -- earn additional copies and the items needed to upgrade this powerful new Mini.


Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Old Horde, Chieftain of the Blackrock clan and is also known as a backstabber to those who follow Gul’dan and Blackhand. This fierce orc warrior will not back down from any challenge, especially a Mak’gora. Just wait until you see his final form.

Doomhammer will be available during the event from December 24, 2024, to January 2, 2025. Doomhammer will only be available in G.R.I.D.** until January 2, 2025. The current week’s family will not affect Doomhammer’s G.R.I.D. availability.

  • Name: Orgrim Doomhammer
  • Role: Split Leader
  • Family: Horde and Blackrock
  • Deploy Cost: 3 Gold
  • Health: 1200
  • Damage: 190
  • Charge Impact Damage: 150
  • Damage Type: Physical, Single Target
  • Movement Speed: Medium
  • Traits: Tank, Mak'gora
  • Bash (Initial Form): Single target melee hit. Doomhammer bonks the enemy he’s dueling.
  • AOE Swing (Final Form): AOE hammer swing.
Leader Ability
  • First Strike: Horde and Blackrock allies deal double damage on their first attack.
New Traits
  • Mak'gora: Challenges the first enemy in sight to a duel, revealing their true strength if victorious. Gains more power the closer the duel was.
    • Upon winning a Mak’gora, Doomhammer changes to his final form.
    • Mak’gora is initiated with a charge that knocks back other nearby enemy Minis.
    • If victorious, Doomhammer fully heals.
Mak'gora Final Form
  • Health: 1200
  • Damage: 210-250, depending on how much HP he had when he won the Mak’gora. The less health he has the more damage he does. Less than 33% health he does 250 damage, 33% - 66% health he does 230 damage, and more than 66% health he does 210 damage.
  • Damage Type: Physical, AOE
  • Attack Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Movement Speed: Medium-Fast

Doomhammer cannot duel flying Minis, bosses, mini bosses, towers, Ragnaros, chests, or anything otherwise locked in a different Mak’gora. Banshees will ignore Minis that are locked into a Mak’gora.

Deathless Rage
During the Mak'gora, refuse to die, gaining impenetrable armor and Bloodlust for 3.5 seconds instead.
Rally the Clan
Grant Bloodlust to all allies on the board for 10 seconds upon winning the Mak'gora.
Conqueror's Diplomacy
On defeat, the Mak'gora opponent uses the last of their strength to fully heal and join Doomhammer's side but bleeds out over 20 seconds.


Mak'gora Final Form


Initial Form

Jinglebold Kobold Skin

Get the new Jinglebold Kobold skin during the Doomhammer Split Leader event!


* Each Split Leader will be available to unlock and upgrade for a limited time while their 10-day event is active in the game.
** Orgrim Doomhammer must be unlocked before he will begin to show up in the G.R.I.D.

Get ready to smash that button, load up your favorite Minis, and jump into the action-packed fun of Warcraft Rumble.

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