20th Anniversary Realms: Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair Now Live
Who's ready to handle the heat? Players on new WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Realms can now leap into the fire and face off against the Firelord, Ragnaros, in Molten Core and Onyxia in her lair. As a reminder, Anniversary Realms have no buff and debuff limits, so you can feel free to use every spell you can cast in a raid.
Molten Core
Zone: Burning Steppes
Level: 60
Bosses: 10
The Molten Core lies at the very bottom of Blackrock Depths. It is the heart of Blackrock Mountain and the exact spot where, long ago, in a desperate bid to turn the tide of the dwarven civil war, Emperor Thaurissan summoned the elemental Firelord, Ragnaros, into the world. Though the Firelord is incapable of straying far from the blazing Core, it is believed that his elemental minions command the Dark Iron dwarves, who are in the midst of creating armies out of living stone. The burning lake where Ragnaros lies sleeping acts as a rift connecting to the plane of fire, allowing the malicious elementals to pass through. Chief among Ragnaros’ agents is Majordomo Executus - for this cunning elemental is the only one capable of calling the Firelord from his slumber.
To bring down Ragnaros in this 40-player Raid, you’ll want to be level 60 and attuned to the Core, saving you a long run through Blackrock Depths to reach the entrance. Here’s a handy guide for more details on Molten Core attunement.
“Behold Ragnaros - the Firelord! He who was ancient when this world was young! Bow before him, mortals! Bow before your ending!”
Facing the challenge of Molten Core is not without its rewards—this is the place to begin building your Tier 1 Raid set, and also where Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, and Warrior heroes have a chance to receive the left or right half of the Bindings of the Windseeker to start them on their quest for Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
- Lucifron: Lucifron quietly waits for his opportunity to capitalize on any weakness the other flamewakers show. Lucifron and his two Flamewaker Protector guards can be found watching over the enormous core hound Magmadar, Ragnaros’ favorite pet.
- Magmadar: A terrifying behemoth composed of igneous rock and roiling magma, Magmadar serves as the origin of the core hounds that roam the earthen halls of Molten Core. Favored among Ragnaros’s pets, Magmadar is protected by the flamewaker Lucifron and surrounded by vicious packs of ravenous hounds.
- Gehennas: Gehennas resides near the bottom of the Firelord’s elemental hierarchy and covets the power and station of his superiors. He is distrusted by all who serve with him, except for his two loyal guards, who believe they might gain from their overseer’s ascension.
- Garr: One of the lieutenants that accompanied Ragnaros during the War of the Three Hammers, Garr is responsible for the betrayal and defeat of Prince Thunderran together with Baron Geddon. He guards the Rune of Blaz and is joined by eight Firesworn guards.
- Baron Geddon: A fire elemental that patrols near Shazzrah’s spawn area while guarding the Rune of Zeth, Geddon helped Ragnaros betray the wind lord, Prince Thunderaan, during the War of the Three Hammers.
- Shazzrah: Of all the flamewakers who followed Ragnaros into the world of Azeroth, Shazzrah is the most talented in the realm of the arcane. The conflict between Baron Geddon and Garr suits Shazzrah well, for, in fact, it is Shazzrah who seeks to possess both halves of the Talisman of Elemental Binding so that he might find a way to siphon its energies for his own use.
- Sulfuron Harbinger: The terrifying herald of Ragnaros himself and among the most favored of the flamewakers. From the infernal depths of the Molten Core, the Harbinger commands Ambassador Flamelash and the other lesser flamewakers in the outside world.
- Golemagg the Incinerator: The most feared soldiers of Ragnaros’s elemental forces are the molten giants, and among them, Golemagg the Incinerator is unrivaled for his sheer brutality and savage efficiency. So absolute is the molten behemoth’s power that he has cowed two core ragers — offspring of the colossal beast Magmadar — which he now uses as pets.
- Majordomo Executus: At the top of the elemental hierarchy resides Majordomo Executus, the terrifying herald of Ragnaros himself. This flamewaker gained his exalted status by proving nearly invincible in the raging battles within the elemental plane.
- Ragnaros: The elemental Firelord is more terrible than any nightmare that could have been imagined. Ragnaros’ apocalyptic rebirth into Azeroth has shattered the Redridge Mountains and created a raging volcano at the center of the devastation, where he orchestrates his rise to power.
Onyxia’s Lair
Zone: Dustwallow Marsh
Level: 60
Onyxia’s Lair is home to a dragon of the Black Dragonflight, Onyxia. She is the younger sister of Nefarian and, with his help, seeks to finish the work of their missing father, Deathwing by manipulating the mortal races of Azeroth.
Enter Onyxia’s Lair at your own peril. This 40-player Raid is the resting place for her brood of new eggs and home to the remaining members of the insidious Black Dragonflight. Should anyone ever threaten Onyxia or her precious eggs within her lair, her wrath is terrible beyond comprehension.
To enter Onyxia’s Lair, you must get the Drakefire Amulet and have it in your bags to battle against everything that Onyxia hurls at you in this three-phase fight with harrowing odds that will test your fortitude.
More details on getting attuned can be found in the Onyxia’s Lair attunement guide. Read through Onyxia’s Lair Raid Strategy Guide to give you and your Raid the best chance of survival.
For the bravest of efforts, Onyxia drops several loot items that help with your adventure in Azeroth. Heroes of the Horde can complete their Victory for the Horde quest when they deliver the Head of Onyxia to the Warchief for great honor (and experience). Additional rewards for all raid members include an 18-slot Onyxia Hide Backpack, gems, and gold.
Drops from Onyxia’s Lair are also required to complete class quests for Hunters, Paladins, and Warriors. Hunters can receive a Mature Black Dragon Sinew to build Rhok’delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers. At the same time, Paladins and Warriors can forge the ancient dragon blade, Quel’Serrar, by placing the Unfired Ancient Blade on the ground before Onyxia, ensuring it gets hit by her breath attack during her final phase, and using it to finish her off.
We look forward to seeing how you fare as you face the heat. Lok’tar Ogar!
Read through our previously published article to learn more about diving into a new adventure on the WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition realms.