
Hearthstone Death Knight Cosplay Contest!

Blizzard Entertainment

Attention all garment goblins, needlework gnomes, and crafty cosplayers: it’s time to gather around the Hearth–in cosplay!

Hearthstone is hosting a cosplay contest with something for everyone. This cosplay contest is for all things Hearthstone is and can be, so all Hearthstone or World of Warcraft cosplays are welcome. Dust off your armor, gather your spellbooks, and get ready to join us on the virtual stage, the entry deadline for this contest is December 21, 2022!

There are four categories for this contest:

  • Armor - 3 Finalists
    • First place will win “Best in Category” and be awarded $1,500.00 and a custom category medal.
  • Needlework - 3 Finalists
    • First place will win “Best in Category” and be awarded $1,500.00 and a custom category medal.
  • Death Knight - 3 Finalists
    • First place will win “Best in Category” and be awarded $1,500.00 and a custom category medal.
  • “Goblin Craft” (Cardboard and Duct Tape) - 1 Winner
    • This winner will be awarded $500.00 and a custom medal.

The three “Best in Category” winners (one for each category except for Goblin Craft) will be eligible to compete for the overall “Best in Show.” The “Best in Show” winner will receive an additional $5,000.00 and a custom Death Knight Themed Crown designed by Hoku Props.

This event will be hosted by Tock Custom and Ultimate Cosplay. Follow our social media channels for an upcoming official announcement of our judges! Hint: German Lionheart Potato

For guidelines on how to properly submit your cosplay for a contest category, what we’re looking for in terms of quality, and other important criteria, make sure to read the complete official rules below before submitting.

If you want some inspiration, check out these handy cosplay reference guides below:

Finals will be LIVE on the PlayHearthstone Twitch channel on January 6th, 2023. Bookmark this page to stay tuned for more details, and use #HScosplaycontest in your social posts to help us discover your work!

-Rules- | Submit

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