Shadowlands: Eternity's End Content Update is Now Live!
The fight against the Jailer and his forces continues in this last chapter of the ongoing saga. Prepare to face Zovaal before he rewrites the very rules of reality.
Step into a strange new land—Zereth Mortis—an otherworldly location that defies all concepts of reality or physics. Meet new allies, delve into a new and lyrical language, and engage in the campaign to push back against the Jailer and his malevolent will before he reaches his end goal.
Check out the latest Survival Guide for a peek at some of the new content, features, and changes coming with Eternity’s End—the final act in the Shadowlands saga. We’ll offer a deeper look into a whole new zone, an exciting new raid, the return of Class sets, and much more!

Journey Through the Gates of Zereth Mortis
With the aid of the Primus, you and your allies will establish a path to Zereth Mortis. The fate of the Shadowlands and all the realms beyond is at stake. [LEARN MORE]

Eternity’s End Raid Preview
Pursue Zovaal’s forces into the Sepulcher of the First Ones as he prepares to dominate reality for this epic Shadowlands raid. [LEARN MORE]

Defy the Odds in Torghast
The ever-changing halls of Torghast, Tower of the Damned reveal new Layers and challenges. Overcome increasingly complex challenges in Eternity’s End. [LEARN MORE]

Synthesize A Menagerie of Battle Pets and Mounts
Protoform Synthesis is a new crafting feature that allows you to create Zereth Mortis-themed mounts and pets to expand your collection. [LEARN MORE]

Eternity's End Content Update Notes
Read about the changes and new additions for the Content Update in our notes. [LEARN MORE]
New PvP Brawl: Solo Shuffle
The Solo Shuffle brawl pits six players (two healers, four damage dealers) against each other in exciting 3v3 Arena matches. As the name implies, you can only queue for this brawl solo. Play a series of short matches as teams are shuffled and earn rewards based on your performance. Queue for Solo Shuffle beginning March 1, and unlike other Brawls, Solo Shuffle will be permanently available and not on a rotating schedule.
Shadowlands Season 3
Lots of updates are coming to Mythic+ in Shadowlands when Season 3 arrives on March 1, including a brand-new Affix called Encrypted, and the Wastewarped Deathwalker mount for those able to earn the Season 3 Keystone Master achievement. And in PvP, you’ll be able to earn the Vicious Warstalker, Vicious War Croaker, and Cosmic Gladiator’s Soul Eater.
A new arena beckons would-be champions to test their mettle! For eons, the Necrolords of Maldraxxus honed their craft at the Maldraxxus Coliseum. Now the Arena is open to any challengers.
Also, Tazavesh, The Veiled Market Heroic Difficulty will be available in Season 3. Gather your party and discover exotic wares and strange creatures as you face off against dastardly assassins, four-armed broker guards, an infinite pirate dragon, and other enemies.
Progenitor Tier Set
Earn the new Progenitor Tier Set with two set bonuses to grant your character new abilities based on your specialization. This set includes five pieces—a helm, shoulders, chest piece, gauntlets, and leggings. The first set bonus is unlocked when two set pieces are equipped, and the second bonus is unlocked when four set pieces are equipped. Build your set by defeating bosses in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, through all Great Vault activities, or other methods.
Want to know more about upcoming content updates, including what's next in the Shadowlands saga? Keep an eye on to get the latest information. Thank you for playing!