Shadowlands: Mounts, Pets, and More (Part 1)
There are a variety of collectibles available to be discovered in World of Warcraft and many ways to lay claim to these mounts pets and toys. Whether it's from defeating a rare boss, discovering hidden treasures, or building your reputation with a variety of groups, you're sure to expand your store of treasures. In this article, we've crossed the veil and set our sights on the Shadowlands.
There are many kinds of currencies used in Shadowlands. Here are just some of the types that you'll want to make sure you have at hand.
- Gold
- Reservoir Anima: A measure of the Anima your Covenant has at its disposal.
- Polished Pet Charms: Redeemable at pet battle masters.
From shimmering steeds to hulking beasts of war, there are myriad epic mounts to add to your stables.

Name |
Description |
Source |
Zone |
Cost |
The brilliant orange hue of the amber ardenmoth signals to predators that it is dangerous to eat. Consuming one of these creatures will put a predator into a dreamless sleep for years |
Drop: Wild Hunt Supplies |
Ardenweald |
-- |
The wood and foliage growing atop this toad is a natural part of its body, helping it siphon anima from the air to nourish itself. |
Drop: Humon’gozz |
Ardenweald |
-- |
The Tauralus has two tails, which are both absolutely necessary for whipping away buzzing pests like the bloodlouse. |
Achievement: Things To Do When You’re Dead |
-- |
-- |
The tauralus that serve the armies of Maldraxxus have had all traits of compassion bred out of them and are only adorned in armor when they show that no sword or spell can stop them from carrying their rider to victory. |
Covenant: Necrolord |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Only those that have proven themselves against the combined might of the Ascended will be able to ride this mount. |
Treasure: Cache of the Ascended |
Bastion |
-- |
Silessa fought valiantly alongside her master in the great incursion by the Light, following the battle her master set her to guard over a vault room of great value. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- |
Prince Renathal’s loyal gargon, Vrednic has been by his side for millennia. Adorned in his Sinvyr armor, Vrednic’s mere presence instills terror to all those who lay eyes on him ashe ushers his rider into battle. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- |
Warhounds find comfort in conflict, and the Contest of Conquest is the perfect place to find these beasts honing their abilities. |
Drop: Theater of Pain | Maldraxxus |
-- |
The House of the Chosen train their mounts in all manner of difficult circumstances, so that no matter the battle, they will never falter. |
Drop: Warbringer Mal’korak |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
There are quite a few reasons that you do not want to stand behind a tauralus, the hooves and whip-like tails being the least of them. |
Drop: Tahonta |
Maldraxxus |
Covenant: Necrolord |
Only expert flesh-stitches who have demonstrated mastery over the magics of Maldraxxus are powerful enough to construct a deathrock of this size. |
Profession: Abominable Stitching |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Flayedwings are a necessary force in the cycle of life for the Shadowlands, acting as both prey and predator for the harsh environment of Maldraxxus. |
Cracked Blight-Touched Egg |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
These exceptionally agile fliers make excellent mounts once they’ve been trained not to sap every ounce of anima from their rider. |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
Even an unarmored Tauralus is a valuable ally in battle. It’s enormous horns capable of piercing even plate armor. |
Achievement: The Gang’s All Here |
-- |
Covenant Sanctums |
Only the most stalwart stable masters of Mladraxxus are able to break the will of the colossal slaughterclaws, giving all champions of the Undying Army a fearson ally in the Shadowlands. |
Drop: Supplies of the Undying Army |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
The loyal hounds of the jailer creep along the corridors in search of the scent of souls. |
Achievement: Twisting Corridors: Layer 8 |
Torghast |
-- |
Sinrunners were once the steeds of dark souls, carried in the wake of either their sins or their masters’ sins to Revendreth. While some chose to run free, many continue to serve darkness in death as they did in life. |
Vendor: Mistress Mihaela |
Revendreth |
Faction: Court of Harvesters – Exalted 30,000 Gold |
Loyal hounds of the Curator, these gargon patrol the crypts and catacombs deterring both trespassing and escape. |
Revendreth |
-- |
-- |
The Darkwarren Hardshell’s chitin is sturdy enough to withstand mortar shells and dragon’s fire. It will also conveniently consume anything lacking anima, if needed. |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
Dauntless Duskrunner | The Path of Ascension is a challenging trial, and those that display all the facets the Kyrian hold dear will be duly rewarded. | Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory | Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
The Countess maintains a small stable of elegantly adorned gargon mounts for her sole use. Many a rival has been taken in by the finery to their peril as she personally oversees their deadly training. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- |
Runestags are granted to those who have pledged their service to the Winter Queen and the Court of Night. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
These ardenmoths prefer the dark and damp forests of northwest Ardenweald, where fungal colonies are perpetutally blooming. |
Vendor: Aithlyn |
Ardenweald |
Faction: The Wild Hunt – Exalted 30,000 Gold |
The majestic runestags are capable of siphoning anima from the ambient light of Ardenweald with their elaborate antlers. The anima is used as nourishment and to power the runestag’s speed and magic. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
A shadeleaf runestag is capable of goring creatures as powerful as a gorm matriarch in defense of its herd. The Wild Hunt ride these mounts into dangerous corners of the Shadowlands, when their domain must be defended from those who would threaten the wilds. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Wakener runestags fiercely protect their wildseed groves. When the groves started to fail, many runestags went berserk. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Winterborn runestags are the favored mount of the Winter Queen herself, and she only bestows such a creature on her most favored subjects. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Attracted through portals through which little is known, these flying devourers have found a home in the Endmire of Revendreth feeding on the latent anima. |
Drop: Famu the Infinite |
Revendreth | -- | |
Many bars of gildenite are required to forge one of these sparkling mounts, but the sight of them alone is worth the gathering time. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
When an armored phalynx is forged, stewards clap their hammers together in reverence of the skill required in its creation. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
A marvel of steward engineering, the armored phalynx is a rare and awe-inspiring sight. |
Covenant: Kyrion |
Bastion |
-- |
The armored phalynx is a favorite companion of the mightiest warriors of the Ascended as it is both fearless and vicious in battle. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
The mighty larion is an apex predator of Bastion, but that does not stop it from enjoying a nice nap in the sunny fields. |
Vendor: Adjutant Nikos |
Bastion |
30,000 Gold |
Nerissa trampled over countless bodies on the back of Gorespine as she rose to prominence as the commander of the Lichsworn forces for the House or Rituals. |
Drop: Nerissa Heartless |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Representative of a new loyal batch of gargon, these battle ready beasts will take Renathal’s most loyal compatriots into the final battles against the Jailer. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- |
The flayedwings of Maldraxxus are prized for their ability to soar effortlessly through the skies of the Shadowlands, allowing their rider a surprise opportunity to strike at their foes or support their allies. |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
The forsworn and their mounts take on a darker aspect upon renouncing the path laid forth by the Archon. While tame enough to ride, the Highwind Darkmane has a fiercely independent streak. |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
Once the loyal mount of a House of Briarbane lord, it turned on the lord and his retinue. Members of House Briarbane now whisper of a dark Gargon lying in wait even baiting venthyr who venture through the darker parts of the Chalice District of Revendreth. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- | |
Harika the Horrid terrorized the denizens of the Forest Ward, and with her demise her broodings can now take this horror to denizens farther afield. |
Drop: Harika the Horrid |
Revendreth |
-- |
Deathrocs are stitched monstrosities from the discarded viscera, bone, and organs that were not required to construct soldiers for the House of Constructs. |
Drop: Violet Mistake |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
The gargon of the Inquisitors are some of the most vicious ever carved. The Avowed seek to recapture these beasts and return them to the righteous duty of assisting in the purifying of souls rather than the perversions performed at the hands of the Inqusitors. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- |
Crawling forth from the cracks between the realms, the devourers have a voracious appetite for anima. Little is known of their orgins, but all denizens fot he Shadowlands see their recent boldness as a sign of the end of times. |
Quest: A New Pack |
Revendreth |
-- |
Only bloodtusks that survive the Contest of Conquest are deemed worthy enough to become a mount of the Undying Army. |
Vendor: Nalcorn Talsen |
Maldraxxus |
Faction: The Undying Army – Exalted 30,000 Gold |
Soulhunters are used to track wayward souls across the wastes that flee fromt heir dark fates, and are one of the only creatures that feel comfortable traversing the maw. |
Drop: Gorged Shadehound |
The Maw |
-- |
The acid present in the ichor of this creature sapped away the color from its shell, leaving it a striking shade of snowy white. |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
A phalynx is considered both a worthy companion and a lithe opponent to test one’s reflexes against. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
The phalynx does not fetch, though it is not known why this is. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
Some within the Ascended keep a phalynx as a pet. While they may not be as furry as a larion, they are much less likely to eat your other pets. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
Little is known about the origination of which are taught more akin to religion than engineering. |
Covenant: Kyrian |
Bastion |
-- |
The tauralus is considered courageous, though scholars of Maldraxxus have long wondered if their lack of fear is simply due to the tiny size of their brains. |
Covenant: Necrolord |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Geiger’s everlasting hunger is legendary amongst the House of Constructs, and no beast is too large or bony to fit inside its massive stomach. |
Drop: Gieger |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Roosting among the ramparts of Castle Natrhia, these giant dredbats act as sentinels and are trained to take down threats approaching the castle from the air. |
Achievement: Glory of the Nathria Raider |
Revendreth |
-- |
The shadeleaf runestag are bred for their ferocity as well as their beauty by the Wild Hunt. They feel no fear charging into the den of any predator. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Mischievous spriggans and the valerunners have a natural enmity. No valerunner would deign to allow a spriggan rider because they can sense their inherent malevolence. This angers the trickster spriggans who take twisted enjoyment in playing cruel pranks on these majestic creatures. |
Area: Mistveil Tangle |
Ardenweald |
-- |
The moths of Ardenweald play a vital role in the ecosystem, carrying spores, anima, and pollen from one part of the forest to the other, providing nourishment and variation to the denizens living below. |
Vendor: Master Clerk Salorn |
Ardenweald |
30,000 Gold |
Bred by the Revendreth prince, Renathal, these rare dredwing are fiercely loyal and will only let those deemed worthy by the prince himself to interact with them. |
Covenant Features: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
This gift of the silvery winds is only bestowed upon those that search high and low for the wisdom of Bastion. |
Treasure: Gift of the Silver Wind |
Bastion |
-- |
The gargon are the loyal mounts and companions of the Venthyr and Renathal has found many abandoned at Sinfall, awaiting reawakening and assignment to worthy members of the covenant. |
Covenant: Venthyr |
Revendreth |
-- |
In life, Blanchy appeared to be an affectionate, well-behaved horse of excellent disposition and appetite. What evils must she have committed in secret to have earned her place among the condemned souls of Revendreth? |
NPC: Dead Blanchy |
Revendreth |
-- |
Forged from the sins of countless diabolical dungeon denizens. Only those with the skill sot overcome them may hold its reins. |
Achievement: Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season One |
-- |
-- |
Spriggan riders tie bits of anima-less detritus to the end of sticks in front of their gorm mounts to steer. It’s…an imperfect art. |
Drop: Gormtamer Tizo |
Ardenweald |
-- |
This sun-dappled courser gallops on lightbeams with carefree abandon. |
Drop: Sundancer |
Bastion |
-- |
The ballads of Ardenweald claim that the birth of gloomrunner heralds the passing of a particularly benevolent wild god. Seeing a gloomrunner is therefore a blessing and a curse. |
Drop: Night Mare |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Umbral gorm are the most docile of all gorm, but they also grow the largest horns and mandibles. They are probably so docile because other creatures avoid riling them. |
Vendor: Spindlenose |
Ardenweald |
-- |
These minty green moths are very friendly. They particularly enjoy having their head fuzz vigorously brushed. They also enjoy music and poetry. |
Vendor: Cortinarius |
Ardenweald |
-- |
When being a bellowing member of the Horde doesn’t strike the right amount of fear into your opponent, add a giant spider. |
PvP: Shadowlands Season 1 Rated Arena and Rated Battleground Season Reward |
-- |
-- |
The devourers are presumed to have their origins in the In-Between, a space between the lands of the Shadowlands that few have explored. |
Achievement: Glory of the Shadowlands Hero |
-- |
-- |
Runestags enjoy laying near wildseeds. The Wakener’s believe they can hear the sleepers’ dreams. These runestags display a range of emotions in their vigil, signaling the dreams or nightmares of the spirits within. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
The soldiers of Maldraxxus protect the Shadowlands, and require a mount that is both capable and calm when faced with overwhelming odds. |
Covenant: Necrolord |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
These warhounds are crafted by the House of Constructs to carry any rider into the thick of battle, rending and tearing enemy mounts all the while. |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
This prowler’s brilliant green coat distinguishes it from the blues and purples of Ardenweald, making it much easier for others of its kind to see through the midnight woods. |
Drop: Valfir the Unrelenting |
Ardenweald |
-- |
The most precious cargo in all Ardenweald, the wildseeds, are cradled by this lovingly-crafted cart. It is imbued with anima to allow it to hover over the ground. |
Treasure: Cache of the Moon |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Winterborn runestags are blessed by the Winter Queen herself. Their runes flare brilliantly when predators are nearby, warning the entire herd. |
Covenant: Night Fae |
Ardenweald |
-- |
The battle pets of the Shadowlands are a diverse and personable crew, lending their unique abilities to the teams of any skilled pet battle master.

Name |
Description |
Source |
Zone |
Cost |
"Much like how a squid can squirt ink to escape in the water, a glitterwing can shake the dust off of its wings and similarly vanish." |
Treasure: Desiccated Moth |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"These slimy creatures make the strangest suction noises when they try to climb up a wall. This is a well-known fact in Maldraxxus, for obvious reasons." |
Pet Battle |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Beware awakening the power of knowledge." |
Drop: Scrivener Lenua |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Sometimes it is best to leave what strange creature you found in a mysterious jar in the depths of Torghast alone." |
Drop: Torghast |
-- |
-- |
"What it lacks in appendages, it makes up for in positive attitude." |
Covenant Features: Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Necrolord |
-- |
"Roosting over Sinfall, Battie was roused one evening by the music of the first Ember Court. She has not missed a single one since." |
Vendor: Temel |
Revendreth |
Faction: The Ember Court – Revered |
"Legends say that if you see a bleak skitterer in your dreams, you are destined to battle one to the death." |
Pet Battle |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Unlike most spiders that drain all the fluids from their prey, the bloodfeaster has developed a taste for blood alone." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"What vile substance is jiggling around inside of this creature?" |
Treasure: Strange Growth |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"The crypts and tombs of Revendreth offer the perfect spider breeding ground, and Tomb Buster’s brood has become fiercely territorial of their foothold." |
Drop: Tomb Buster |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Maldraxxus is full of mighty and terrifying creatures, causing most denizens to be abnormally calm when around the indigenous species of giant spiders." |
Drop: Sister Chelicerae |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Lightspawn can always be found on the battlefields where light touches, no matter what form it takes." |
Drop: Revendreth |
Revendreth |
-- |
"These brightly-colored terrapins are the least commonly seen in the wild. It is considered a sign of luck if you rub the top of its shell." |
Covenant Feature: Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"The bubbles inside of these ooze creatures make a very satisfying pop noise when they finally surface and rupture." |
Treasure: Slime-Coated Crate |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"A Soul burdened with the sins of its past." |
Treasure: Secret Treasure |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Nobody knows why all of these skeletal hands are from the left hand. Where did the right hands go?" |
Treasure: Skeletal Hand Fragments |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"The skies may have scorged part of Revendreth, but persistent creatures are still able to exist in these harsh conditions." |
Drop: Ashen Amalgamation Covenant Feature: Ember Court |
Covenant: Venthyr Revendreth |
-- |
"Despite the adorable name, the chirp is more of a horrible, spinetingling shriek." |
Drop: Old Ardeite |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"These ferocious flying creatures scrape their beaks against hard surfaces to sharpen them and intimidate foes." |
Treasure: Ancient Cloudfeather Egg |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"That place on your back you can’t quite scratch? Get the help of this little guy. Problem solved." |
Pet Battle |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"How is a vulpin different than a fox? That is a good question." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"Though they are quite squishy while young, the bloodlouse will eventually grown hardened plates around its entire body." |
Drop: Smorgas the Feaster |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"A newborn bonetusk has no visible tusks, but within weeks their tusks grow to a size proportional to their body." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"Young larions are often given to aspirants as an early test of compassion and leadership." |
Drop: Courage |
Bastion |
-- |
"The stone fiends were created to serve as messengers and spies for the realm of Revendreth, and those of the Court of Harvesters serve that role extremely well." |
Vendor: Mistress Mihaela |
Revendreth |
Faction: Court of Harvesters- Revered |
"For a pet that’s all mouth, where does anything it eats go? Maldraxxus necromancers have dissected many of these pets, and have no answers." |
Pet Battle |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"A wild dredbat, the crimson pups are tough to tame. Their elusiveness and hardiness set them apart from their kin." |
Drop: Revendreth |
Revendreth |
-- |
"A fellow message courier to Chip, Dal was always on time until one day when he did not return from his appointed round." |
Quest: A Stolen Stonefiend |
Revendreth |
-- |
"What horrors these eyes have seen in the tower of Torghast, with their unsleeping, unblinking gaze?" |
Achievement: Twisting Corridors: Layer 2 |
Torghast |
-- |
"These grubs consume anima-depleted materials of all types. They aren’t picky." |
Pet Battle |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"Tiny flakes of skin seem to perpetually fall off of this horrible creature, leaving behind a trail and a very distinct, foul odor." |
Drop: The Maw |
The Maw |
-- |
"The latent energy found throughout Ardenweald’s seeds sometimes augments small critters with unnatural abilities." |
Pet Battle |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"When newly-hatched, they start with colorless, white feathers. Within weeks, they flourish into a wide spectrum of beautiful colors." |
Drop: Bastion |
Bastion |
-- |
"No one knows where the devourers came from, but it is theorized that they flourish on several lost land masses in the In-Between." |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
"Dodger is a bit small relative to other vulpin, but is excellent at playing hide and seek." |
Drop: Playful Vulpin |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Drop: Eternas the Tormentor |
The Maw |
-- |
-- |
"The dredwing is the most common of the dredbats, seen throughout the entire realm." |
Pet Battle |
Revendreth |
-- |
"The moths of Ardenwealkd can carry seeds and pods many times their own weight, aiding the Night Fae in their eternal tasks." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"Being thrown into a pit of bloodlouse larva is a painful fate for those that fail the great houses of Maldraxxus." |
Drop: Smorgas the Feaster |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Young teroclaws are surprisingly effective hunters and will attempt to bring down prey up to twice their size." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"Floofa smells like citrus fruits when its fur is wet." |
Vendor: Aithlyn |
Ardenweald |
Faction: The Wild Hunt – Friendly |
"For some reason, these blue glimmerflies are often afraid of water." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"The barbed mandibles on this species will dig deep into anything they bite, causing a lot of irritation." |
Drop: Ravenomous/p> |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Its teeth are razor sharp and will chew through just about anything." |
Drop: Torghast |
Torghast |
-- |
"This particular tiny tree is infested with strange spores and doesn’t seem to mind." |
Vendor: Cortinarius |
Ardenweald |
Faction: Marasmius – Friendly |
"Shimmermoths don’t actually shimmer in the sunlight. Nobody knows who named these, but they have a lot to answer for." |
Vendor: Cortinarius |
Ardenweald |
Faction: Marasmius – Friendly |
"These golden-feathered creatures do not lay golden eggs, for that you would need a golden goose." |
Treasure: Bastion |
Bastion |
-- |
"Contrary to popular belief, a terrapin’s diet has nothing to do with its shell color." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"Even the terrifying G’huun was, perhaps, once this cute." |
Vendor: Master Clerk Salorn |
Ardenweald |
Cost: 250 Polished Pet Charms |
"A group of teroclaws is known as a fleece." |
Drop: Cloudfeather Guardian |
Bastion |
-- |
"The golden vulpin are notorious for loud, barking yowls that echo across the plains of Bastion." |
Vendor: Adjutant Nikos |
Bastion |
Faction: The Ascended – Revered |
"If you count the number of times its wings beat per minute, you can calculate how long it will be until this little terror will sting you." |
Treasure: Aerto |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"There are more sharp pointy things on this species of gorm than there are on a Horde capital city." |
Drop: Deifir the Untamed |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"The sting from these gorm is incredibly painful and often inflicts temporary paralysis, even on large targets." |
Pet Battle |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"These little slugs will try to eat literally anything they scoot over." |
Quest: A New Age |
Bastion |
Covenant: Kyrian |
"A glimmerfly can load up nearly fifty percent of its weight as pollen and still retain full agility while flying." |
Quest: How to Catch a Glimmerfly |
Bastion |
-- |
"Many have asked where these creatures came from, and how they made it to the Maw, but none that researched them have ever been heard from again." |
Drop: Torghast |
The Maw |
-- |
"The mane on this tiny foal reflects a majestic indigo color when the light hits it in just the right way." |
Covenant Feature: Path of Ascension |
Covenant: Kyrian |
-- |
"Is the ooze holding the bones in, or are the bones holding the ooze together?" |
Drop: Oily Invertebrate |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"This slime seems to change color the more you look at it, and then suddenly, it appears to be looking back at you. Perhaps it is time for a rest." |
Treasure: Plaugefallen Chest |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"When fully-grown, a larion that has grown up with an aspirant will never leave his or her master’s side." |
Drop: Supplies of the Ascended |
-- |
-- |
"Larion are prideful beasts, and see anyone that enters their territory as a challenge." |
Drop: Larionrider Orstus |
Bastion |
-- |
"Poking a tiny gorming in the side makes a very satisfying, squishy noise. It is NOT advisable to poke one too many times." |
Drop: Gormbore |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"These saplings grow unnaturally quickly when given enough anima, and their leaves are razor sharp when fully grown." |
Vendor: Master Clerk Salorn |
Ardenweald |
Covenant: Night Fae |
"Tales say that the stewards were created to aid the denizens of Bastion in their eternal duties. They don’t seem to mind." |
Drop: Bastion |
Covenant: Kyrian |
-- |
"No longer lost, it’s now considering a name change." |
Drop: Lost Quill |
Revendreth |
-- |
"A soul, having faced the sins of the past, wanders lost in the recent turmoil of the Shadowlands." |
Pet Battle |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Lucy was sent to Revendreth, as all cats are, and somehow escaped. When questioned, local dredgers blamed it on her being a cat." |
Drop: Dirty Glinting Object |
Revendreth |
-- |
"The bright color of the luminous webspinner taunts would-be predators to chase them into their webs." |
Treasure: Cache of Eyes |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"The mysterious forces that animate this mobile mitt don’t seem particularly evil, yet." |
Drop: Torghast |
Torghast |
-- |
"These guardians of Torghast are always watching for suspicious activity." |
Drop: Torghast |
Torghast |
-- |
"Even the smallest bones don’t go to waste in Maldraxxus." |
Drop: Supplies of the Undying Army |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Hiding among the reeds near muck pools, juvenile mire creepers patiently waiting for easy prey to approach." |
Pet Battle |
Revendreth |
-- |
"The soul that occupies Mu’dud was a harsh ruler in life, and now he seeks to dominate the most violent kingdom of all." |
Covenant Feature: Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Necrolord |
-- |
"Toxic spores rain down wherever these creatures fly, turning small, unwary critters into a gruesome feast." |
Pet Battle |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"The thrill of battle and the grip of war have not yet left the bones of Oonar." |
Drop: Oonar’s Arm |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Inspired by the phalynx of Bastion, Engineers have modified the design to be approximately 300% more adorable." |
Profession: Engineering |
-- |
-- |
"The whooping noise these pets make when hungry will rival any tormented cry you can find in Torghast." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"The tusks on these creatures are fused to their skulls in such a manner that they feel no pain when charging or ramming into anything." |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
"A parasite that latches onto some of the larger beasts of Maldraxxus and drinks until fully-grown, one wonders how the beasts don’t manage to notice." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"The Sludge that can give rise to the dreders has been known to coalesce and run a muck." |
Drop: Bog Beast |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Normally just a plain white in color, their skin reflects whatever they have eaten and gains wonderful spots of color depending on the organs digested." |
Pet Battle |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Despite having a very fine coat of fur, young vulpin do not shed at all." |
Treasure: Gift of Vesiphone |
Bastion |
-- |
"If you received points for causing mischief while teleporting around as a tiny adorable vulpin, Renny would be on top of the leaderboard." |
Quest: Renny the Vulpin |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"The claws of a vulpin sharpen themselves naturally when walking around on any sort of cobblestone or rocky surface." |
Drop: Macabre |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"Identified by the signature coloring of their many legs, these spiders are known for elaborate dances used to threaten and confuse foes." |
Pet Battle |
Revendreth |
-- |
"This pet has tremendous airborne agility and will always land on its feet, even when flung by a homemade spring-loaded leaper-flinger." |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
"Rarely, one of these kits is born to a golden-furred vulpin. It is considered a sign of distress in the pack." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"Vulpin actually have a very light-colored skin, but their incredibly thick coasts hide any color from showing through." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"If a detached hand claps by itself inside of Torghast, can the jailer hear it?" |
Drop: Torghast |
Torghast |
-- |
"The razor sharp claws will tear into anything with ease, making for an excellent emergency can opener." |
Drop: Sanngror the Torturer |
The Maw |
-- |
"These critters are capable of holding a tremendous amount of food in their cheeks for easy transportation between hiding spaces." |
Treasure: Faerie Trove |
Ardeneweald |
-- |
"One of Plague Deviser Marileth’s first creations, Shy Melvin was too timid for the demands placed on slimes by House of Plagues." |
Drop: Deadly Dapperling |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"No one is quite sure where Reginald got his or her name, but what we do know is they don’t answer to anything else." |
Vendor: Cortinarius |
Ardenweald |
Faction: Marasmius – Friendly |
"If this species spits venom at its prey, it is still technically considered venom, or just really gross?" |
Treasure: Sprouting Growth |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"You got spinebugged!" |
Treasure: Spinebug |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
"Few things are as adorable as a young skyfoal." |
Adventures: Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
"Spriggans are tricky foes that live in Ardenweald and torment the Night Fae. This one has decided to play the ultimate trick—joining you." |
Achievement: Family Exorcist |
-- |
-- |
"The wings of this moth glitter like the starry skies above Ardenweald." |
Pet Battle: Ardenweald |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"When a full moon is visible, streaks of hair on the dreamfoal’s mane start to shimmer and glow like shooting stars." |
Treasure: Cache of the Night |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"Whatever you do, don’t ask it to carry a bucket of water. We don’t talk about what happened to that area of the Shadowlands." |
Vendor: Spindlenose |
Ardenweald |
Faction: Court of Night – Friendly |
"Stewards looking to move up in steward society know to fluff up their feathers, give out tons of juice, and always be hooting." |
Vendor: Zeleskos |
Bastion |
Covenant: Kyrian |
"These dredbats are built by the Stonewright for the Court of Harvesters. They are bonded to their owners and become fierce fighters." |
Drop: Court of Harvesters Supplies |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Abandoned by its master in a secluded room, the little bat has been hibernating in stone for ages." |
Treasure: Repaired Transport Mirror |
Revendreth |
Covenant: Venthyr |
"If you can beat them, stitch them!" |
Vendor: Nalcorn Talsen |
Maldraxxus |
Faction: The Undying Army – Revered |
"That eerie feeling you get when the shadows seem to shift and follow you isn’t just a feeling, it’s usually one of these." |
Drop: Torghast |
Torghast |
-- |
"Torghast is a tower of hardship and perpetual agony, which is a perfect environment for these creatures." |
Drop: Torghast |
Torghast |
-- |
"Part of the wildlife of Ardenweald they sometimes sleep while standing straight in the water." |
Pet Battle: Ardenweald |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"Trapped in a chest and forgotten for years, this stone fiend is mad and looking for a fight." |
Treasure: Bleakwood Chest |
Revendreth |
-- |
"This species has a very distinct set of markings on its back that makes it easy to identify in the unending horrors of the Maw." |
Drop: The Maw |
The Maw |
-- |
"Raised in the verdant groves of Ardenweald, these kits are infused with the essence of rebirth." |
Pet Battle |
Ardenweald |
-- |
"The wings of glimmerflies are almost always saturated with some sort of pollen, causing a very steady flow of glittery dust to fall off of them as they fly." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"A rare mutation gives this dredbat its violet underbelly, making it a sought after gift for pet collectors with eclectic tastes." |
Covenant Feature: The Ember Court, Queen’s Conservatory, Path of Ascension, Abomination Factory |
Covenant: Venthyr, Night Fae, Kyrian, Necrolord |
-- |
"If you mat their silvery feathers down very carefully, it almost forms a mirror-like surface." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"These flying creatures do not leave feathers out in the wild. If a feather happens to ever detach from their body, the feather glows brilliantly for a moment and then vanishes from sight." |
Pet Battle |
Bastion |
-- |
"Remornia has been exposed to untold amount of evil and sin, and will siphon power from any available source to fuel its desired." |
Drop: Sire Denathrius |
Castle Nathria |
-- |
"When the winds blow just right, howling through the canyons of Ardenweald, you can find these foals running with the wind in a spectacular show of prowess and color." |
Vendor: Spindlenose |
Ardenweald |
Faction: Court of Night – Friendly |
"The allegiances of the spriggan are as changing as the seasons." |
Achievement: Abhorrent Adversaries of the Afterlife |
-- |
-- |
"Subsisting on the residual anima in the waste of the Endmire, these mire creepers are withering away, yet in their famished state they are doubly dangerous." |
Pet Battle |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Drawn from an overabundance of pride and wrath these manifestations seek even more to sustain themselves." |
Drop: Manifestation of Wrath and Leeched Soul |
Revendreth |
-- |
"Some predators in Maldraxxus collect spines as trophies, and some of them don’t stop moving even then." |
Drop: Scunner |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Nothing brings joy like a stack of delightful toys and Shadowlands has many just waiting to be collected.

Name |
Description |
Source |
Zone |
Cost |
Disguise yourself as an acolyte of the House of Rituals. Cooldown reduced if applied while in Maldraxxus. Can only be used by those pledged to the Necrolords. |
Covenant: Necrolord |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Call an Acrobatic Steward to your side. If more than one is present, they will stack on each other’s shoulders to reach great heights. |
Treasure: Gilded Chest |
Bastion |
-- |
Toss a coin at your target. They’re as good as dead.
Drop: Morguliax |
The Maw |
-- |
Deploy a stretcher to carry a wounded ally in comfort. |
Vendor: Adjutant Nikos and Adjutant Mikaros |
Bastion and Oribos |
Faction: The Ascended |
Replace your fishing bobber with a bobbing bat visage for 1 hour. |
Treasure: Forgotten Angler’s Rod |
Revendreth |
-- |
Conjure a spectral visage of Margrave Krexus. |
Treasure: Blachound Cache |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Activate to gain insight from the sinstone. |
Treasure: Taskmaster’s Trove |
Revendreth |
-- |
Activate to gain insight from the val’kyr. |
Treasure: Gift of Chyrus |
Bastion |
-- |
Draw power from this fragment of Borr-Geth, summoning a pillar of flame underneath your feet and sending yourself flying into the air. Can only be used in The Maw. |
Drop: Borr’Geth |
The Maw |
-- |
Increases the Versatility of those nearby by 1 and allows cooking. |
Drop: Enforcer Aegeon |
Bastion |
-- |
Play a soothing melody. |
Treasure: Harmonic Chest |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Play the pipes! |
Treasure: Elusive Faerie Cache |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Summon a cluster of Glimmerflies to lift your spirit, granting you the ability to float over land and water. |
Quest: Glimmerflight |
Bastion |
-- |
Gently open up the cocoon. |
Drop: The Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
Toss a gormling, and it will run back to you! |
Quest: Gormling in a Bag |
Ardenweald |
-- |
A mystical dragon plume gently slows your fall for 10 seconds. |
Treasure: Hearty Dragon Plume |
Ardenweald |
-- |
Don the helm, allowing you to pose as one of the mawsworn. |
Achievement: Twisting Corridors Layer 4 |
Torghast |
-- |
Place an Infested Arachnid Casing nearby. |
Drop: Supplies of the Undying Army. |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Fire a spooky laser at the ground. Perhaps something will chase it. Achievement: Nine Afterlives |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Get a slime ready for a party |
Treasure: Slime-Coated Crate |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Returns you to Ring of Fates. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. |
Vendor: Adjutant Galos |
Bastion |
1,500 Reservoir Anima |
Snap the gauntlet’s fingers, instantly destroying half the critters within 40 yards. |
Drop: Ascended Supplies |
Bastion |
Reputation: The Ascended |
Identify yourself as one of Bastion’s chosen, earning the right to speak to Vesiphone, Paragon of Purity, at the precipice of death. |
Drop: Ascended Supplies |
Bastion |
Reputation: The Ascended |
A mawsworn leash. |
Achievement: Battle in the Shadowlands |
-- |
-- |
Give yourself an Envious Glimmer to look like a great Priest of old |
Treasure: Chest of Envious Desires |
Revendreth |
-- |
Peer into the glass. |
Drop: Unstable Memory |
Bastion |
-- |
Increases the Versatility of those nearby by 1 and allows cooking. |
Treasure: Outcast’s Makeshift Muckpool |
Revendreth |
-- |
Find your inner calm wherever you may be. |
Quest: Master of Inner Calm |
Queen’s Conservatory |
-- |
Returns you to Ring of Fates. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. |
Vendor: Su Zettai |
Maldraxxus |
Covenant: Necrolord |
Returns you to Ring of Fates. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. |
Vendor: Elwyn |
Ardenweald |
1,500 Reservoir Anima |
Sing an Orphean Dirge for 20 seconds forcing players within 10 yards to cry uncontrollably. |
Drop: Orophea |
The Maw |
-- |
The slime contained is ravenous and uncontrollable, devouring party members and dealing damage to them. Only usable outdoors in the Shadowlands. |
Treasure: Vat of Conspicuous |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Send a letter to one of your best friends from the Ember Court. Within a day, they will write back to you in the mail. |
Vendor: Lady Ilinca |
Revendreth |
500 Gold |
Pour out a collection of experimental slimes. |
Drop: Bubbleblood |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Echo the appearance of a newly arrived soul. |
Treasure: Scroll of Aeons |
Bastion |
-- |
Serve tea with your Synvir Tea Set. |
Vendor: Mistress Mihaela |
Revendreth |
Faction: Court of Harvesters |
Inhale the vapors, causing your form to transform into a Slime Giant for 10 minutes. |
Achievement: It’s in the Mix |
-- |
-- |
Concentrate on the stone to cause your shoulders to smolder for 20 minutes. |
Drop: Sire Ladinas |
Revendreth |
-- |
“While not as powerful as its larger brethren, its voice is still remarkably soothing to the ear.” |
Treasure: Broken Bell |
Bastion |
-- |
Place the sentry in the ground to warn off unwanted entities from entering the area. |
Treasure: Forbidden Chamber Lockbox |
Revendreth |
-- |
Pull out a black parasol for 15 minutes allowing you to safely float down the next time you fall. |
Treasure: Stylish Parasol |
Revendreth |
-- |
Pull out a green parasol for 15 minutes allowing you to safely float down the next time you fall. |
Treasure: The Countess’ Tribute |
The Ember Court |
Relationship: Friends |
Consume an Enchanted Vellum to flip through the pages of the book, granting you a random effect scrawled on the pages. |
Treasure: The Necronom-i-nom |
Maldraxxus |
-- |
Place the Tithe Collector’s Vessel on your back for 15 minutes. |
Venthyr Campaign Quest: An Unwelcome Incursion |
Revendreth |
-- |
Returns you to Ring of Fates. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. |
Vendor: Chachi the Artiste |
Revendreth |
1,500 Reservoir Anima |
Pull out a purple parasol for 15 minutes allowing you to safely float down the next time you fall. |
Achievement: Parasoling |
-- |
-- |
These are just some of the many treasures to seek out in the Shadowlands. Check back later for part 2 covering more of the tantalizing offerings from aligning with one of the four Covenants.