
Arena Leaderboards Update: September - October

Blizzard Entertainment

Below are the Arena leaderboards for September 1, 2020 – October 31, 2020. Arena rankings reflect players’ best 30 consecutive runs throughout a season. The players featured below have exhibited top-notch deckbuilding skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

For an Arena run to be included in this season, its end time must have been between September 1 at 10:00 a.m. and October 31 at 9:59:59 a.m.

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.


Rank Battletag Average Wins
1 Talriel 9.06
2 hyazawa 8.53
3 DmtFe8 8.5
4 Judge 8.46
5 DavidLee 8.46
6 Hobs 8.43
7 Gift 8.4
8 Kordyon 8.4
9 Fosho 8.4
10 kira92 8.2
11 Ghost 8.2
12 rapier 8.2
13 windfile 8.13
14 iltiratore 8.1
15 Daigats 8.1
16 Save 8.03
17 Isherwood 8
18 Veritas 7.93
19 StormCastle 7.93
20 Colo1900 7.93
21 orange 7.9
22 ziyun 7.86
23 Jummi 7.86
24 Shako 7.83
25 YourHarry 7.83
26 ScrotieMcB 7.83
27 kolst 7.8
28 Jackychiu 7.8
29 마크 7.8
30 Legendary 7.76
31 DJT 7.73
32 TeamAmerica 7.7
33 Niv 7.7
34 TImeng 7.7
35 Shagz 7.66
36 dreads 7.66
37 anameba 7.63
38 Squill 7.63
39 reskov 7.63
40 Spyder314 7.63
41 ShadowDragon 7.6
42 Moyark 7.6
43 Telash 7.6
44 SouLL 7.6
45 LuckyPants 7.56
46 Deadpool 7.56
47 OhNoes 7.56
48 Apm65 7.53
49 Sitty 7.5
50 GhostDog 7.46
51 Ath 7.43
52 Meeps 7.4
53 KoheiTime 7.4
54 Poison 7.4
55 Deerjason 7.4
56 StaticKitty 7.4
57 IceWind


58 Boozor 7.36
59 HaNoiVn 7.33
60 High 7.3
61 boromanov 7.3
62 marktastic 7.3
63 DjinnKahn 7.3
64 Void 7.3
65 ACRO 7.3
66 Atlas 7.26
67 Hugh 7.26
68 SimpsonsFana 7.26
69 RedBeard 7.23
70 kingplay 7.23
71 CrisTalX 7.23
72 kite 7.23
73 Doctorundy 7.23
74 baztakh 7.23
75 TnSot 7.2
76 WeGucciBoss 7.2
77 Landsknecht 7.2
78 Moments 7.2
79 jakedabest 7.2
80 Mancubus 7.2
81 이동찬 7.16
82 aka004 7.16
83 lin 7.13
84 Hogger 7.13
85 Anesthtoey 7.13
86 DarrenQ 7.13
87 Avo 7.13
88 hihowareyou 7.13
89 triFerrous 7.13
90 Masterluke 7.1
91 Phayth 7.1
92 Krabb 7.1
93 ballerfrank 7.06
94 MrDubbyya 7.06
95 Raekwon 7.06
96 Bee 7.06
97 Glacials 7.06
98 Satanslilboy 7.06
99 Imbasin 7.06
100 Nogily 7.06
101 TYLU 7.03
102 Kenshin 7.03
103 GoneBananas 7.03
104 Tapana 7.03


106 Amam15 7
107 Whipping 7
108 Blastoma 7
109 Magno 7
110 鋼琴殺手 7
111 Jwagener 7
112 shibashi 7
113 agrammalech 7
114 SKince 7
115 babypochacco 7
116 SlickChickcn 7
117 Prophesy 6.96
118 SirWilliam 6.96
119 RZx 6.96
120 Polarin 6.96
121 PunkNDrublic 6.96
122 xun 6.96
123 Zeddy 6.96
124 oregoninja 6.96
125 spacecowboy 6.96
126 Jirikius 6.96
127 axeguide 6.93
128 beyond 6.93
129 臭臭地精 6.93
130 Silien 6.93
131 넘버원갈비 6.93
132 Cinnamon 6.93
133 Twysted 6.93
134 Alexiscool 6.93
135 wwinteRR 6.9
136 HS4K 6.9
137 Adaptility 6.9
138 ColtM 6.9
139 ALYN 6.9
140 sosu2357 6.9
141 Gerelv 6.9
142 hugopsk 6.9
143 Misfit 6.9
144 Kyouma 6.9
145 Cloudstr 6.9
146 koch 6.9
147 anothersy 6.9
148 Void 6.9
149 FoShizzle 6.9
150 RoxesX 6.9
151 MrMew 6.9
152 ArianaGrande 6.86
153 Daedalus 6.86
154 RedDevil 6.86
155 BigCousin 6.86
156 togiy 6.86
157 nkustc 6.86
158 itachi 6.86


160 marudeslayer 6.86
161 NickRockOwns 6.86
162 IceFrog 6.86
163 KellenAbel 6.86
164 minhdt 6.86
165 Hvemrcy 6.86
166 JamesZ 6.86
167 Minko 6.86
168 DeeRyeUs 6.83
169 strawberral 6.83
170 themarbles 6.83
171 DROnionHouse 6.83
172 Delraye 6.83
173 MonStar811 6.83
174 huyfrog 6.8
175 DonJon 6.8
176 HiddenSquid 6.8
177 KOZMOsmurf 6.8
178 paperroller 6.8
179 Keludar 6.8
180 Mark 6.8
181 Weezal


182 gr1mace 6.8
183 Akun 6.8
184 Cassis 6.8
185 mysterj 6.8
186 TheCake 6.8
187 Wreckinson 6.8
188 GunBunny 6.76
189 PonGemini 6.76
190 Filympe 6.76
191 zimzum 6.76
192 Grimgash 6.76
193 jack316 6.76
194 LordofD 6.76
195 ammonight 6.76
196 TubGoat 6.73
197 DeLux 6.73
198 StarLord 6.73
199 BarcaMan 6.73
200 Zouply 6.73

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