StarCraft II
StarCraft II 4.9.2 Patch Notes

- War Chest 4 structure skin bundles are now available for purchase.
- Four new announcers have been added, featuring some of the most legendary commentators in StarCraft’s history.
- Announcer: Um
- Announcer: Jeon
- Announcer: Kim
- Announcer: Um-Jeon-Kim
- Purchase all three individual announcers or the Voices of Legend Bundle to unlock the Um-Jeon-Kim announcer trio.
- Authentication process has been updated to be consistent with other Blizzard services. Login UI has been updated to support it.

- Amon will now research a larger variety of upgrades for his units. For a full list of upgrades, please click here.
- Amon will now have a chance to utilize one of six new attack wave compositions inspired from the original StarCraft.
- Terran Classic Bio
- Terran Classic Mech
- Zerg Classic Ground
- Zerg Classic Air
- Protoss Classic Ground
- Protoss Classic Air
- When Amon's army is first encountered, players will now be shown a description of the attack wave composition and a list of key units to watch out for.
- Commander
- Stetmann
- Mecha Battlecarrier Lord Ready Mecha Broodling cost decreased from 15 Egonergy to 5 Egonergy.
- Mecha Infestor Egonergy pool increased from 200 to 400.
- Roaches Away! Egonergy cost increased from 125 to 250.
- Stetmann

- Dehaka
- Fixed an issue where Ravasaurs could appear to move slow or to leap occasionally.
- The Tyrannozor's Spike Burst attack now properly receives damage increases from the Level 1 Primal Attacks upgrade.
- Artanis, Fenix, Karax
- Fixed an issue where an unintended upgrade icon could appear on the Observer’s command card.
- Stetmann
- Deploy Stetellite can no longer be cancelled.
- Stetmato Cannon’s animation now properly stops when the target is destroyed or killed before Stemato Cannon fires.
- The Recyclable icon no longer appears unlocked on the Mecha Banelings command card before reaching level 5.
- The Recycle and Recyclable icons for Mecha Ultralisks now properly appear unlocked at level 5.
- Tychus
- Crooked Sam can no longer attack Stetmann’s Stetellite again after disabling it with his first shot.
- Mission
- Fixed an issue where ground units could clip inside buildings on Vermillion Problem.
- Mutators
- Destructible Debris is no longer cloaked while the We Move Unseen mutator is enabled.
- Purifier Beams no longer target Stetmann’s Stetellites.
- Missiles created by the Missile Command mutator no longer spawn Broodlings when destroyed.

- Fixed display issue in the selected unit portrait area of the Nerazim console skin.

- Sentry
- The opponent can no longer see the Hallucination ability being cast through the fog of war if they have units nearby.