StarCraft II
StarCraft II 4.9.1 Patch Notes
- Stetmann
- Gary now benefits from Stetzones, and his passive health regen icon has been removed from the command card.
- Roaches Away! now spawns 2 Mecha Roaches, down from 4.
- Roaches Away! now orders spawned units to attack-move to the target location if it is beyond the Mecha Infestor’s cast range.
- Mecha Roaches and Mecha Ravagers timed life reduced from 60 seconds to 45 seconds.
- Mecha Roach damage increased to 12 (24 vs Light), up from 8 (16 vs Light).
- Mecha Roach max life increased to 110, up from 75.
- Mecha Ravager max life increased to 120, up from 80.
- Stukov
- Stukov's Infest Structure now launches flying broodlings when used on flying structures.
Co-op Missions
- General
- If a Co-op Mission fails to correctly end in victory, it will now time out after one minute and forcefully award the victory.
- Updated the enemy wave compositions to be more randomly selected.
- Correct consoles now properly appear for both Nova and Vorazun.
- Commanders
- Artanis
- Shield Overcharge and Warp in Dragoon abilities no longer share the same default hotkey.
- Dehaka
- Tyrannozor's Spike Burst icon is now properly displaying the correct upgrade level.
- Nova
- All of Nova's structures now use the same Adjutant portrait.
- Stetmann
- Gary and Super Gary no longer recall allied units to Stetellites.
- Updated tooltip for the Mecha Spire to correctly state: Enables – Mecha Corruptors from Mecha Larvae.
- Players no longer receive the Super Gary Upgrade reminder if they are not level 15.
- Stetman buildings are now listed in the Hotkeys menu under Zerg - Mecha.
- Gary no longer has low-ground vision and can now see up cliffs properly.
- Subgroup priority for the burrowed Mecha Infestors are now properly in order with the unborrowed.
- Game now properly ends in defeat when all of Stetmann's structures are destroyed regardless of how many Stetellites are up.
- Fixed several issues with the descriptions of Gary Ability Cooldown, Structure Morph Rate, and Deploy Stetellite Cooldown masteries.
- Adjusted sound level for Stetellites’ deactivating sound, and Stetmann’s voice over on attack wave warnings.
- The Orbs launched from Gary are no longer destroyed by Point Defense Drones.
- Hero units now properly receive buffs from Stetzones.
- Mecha Ultralisk’s Vectored Burrow Charge with the Electrostatic Surprise upgrade no longer stuns map objectives.
- Stukov
- Infested Liberators with the Cloud Dispersal upgrade can now deal damage to Void Shards and no longer target the base of units that are both ground and air.
- Infest Structure can no longer target the Shuttle Bays on Void Launch.
- Swann
- Laser Drill Build Time mastery now properly causes the drill to revive in 66 seconds with 30 mastery points.
- Hailstorm Missiles from Spinning Dizzies now properly fire when buffed from Karax's Energizer.
- KMC Auto-Loaders upgrade now properly increases Spinny Dizzy attack speed by 25%.
- Tychus
- Rattlesnake’s Stimpack upgrade now properly auto-casts stimpack when attacking.
- Zeratul
- Fixed an issue where players could not earn the Devolution Retribution achievement.
- Fixed an issue where Ambushers could not receive the order to blink if the target location is out of range.
- Fixed an issue where Void Templar could blink into unpathable locations.
- Zeratul’s structures are now displaying the proper portrait.
- Artanis
- Mutators
- Karax's Sentinels with the Reconstruction upgrade, and Kerrigan's Torrasque Strain Ultralisks are now revived immediately while the Moment of Silence debuff is active on the units. They will still be silenced.
- Fenix no longer instantly respawns as Talandar, after being killed by the Black Death, or Double Edged mutators.
- Mission
- Dead of Night
- Chokers now properly stop choking units when affected by a stun or stasis.
- Part and Parcel
- Collecting parts after activating the Balius no longer causes the main objective timer to pause indefinitely.
- Scythe of Amon
- The bonus objective will now complete after 30 seconds regardless of nearby enemies.
- “Destroy this enemy” text now only displays on enemy units for the bonus objective.
- The Vermillion Problem
- Fixed an issue where enemy Extractors could appear as Mecha Extractors.
- Dead of Night
- General
- Viper's Parasitic Bomb damage will no longer stack if the target unit dies or if a target Viking morphs from fighter to assault mode.
- Maps
- Acropolis LE
- Adjusted the color of the Aiur Temple Brick doodads for better identification of burrowed enemy Widow Mines.
- Efflorescence LE
- Adjusted certain doodads on the map to prevent selection circles form being covered by the doodad.
- Thunderbird LE
- Rich Vespene Geysers will now properly start with 2250 gas per geyser instead of 2500.
- Acropolis LE