Heroes of the Storm

Storm League Season Delay

Blizzard Entertainment

With the launch of our latest PTR, we also need to officially announce that Storm League seasonal play will be delayed, and a new start date had to be set.

The adjusted deployment date is because we have a lot of incredible changes coming to Storm League that the team knew didn’t want to launch without, so they need a little more time.

In fact, here is a sneak-peek into some of these features that we are presently hard at work on:

  • Visible Direct MMR To Rank-Point Mapping
  • Adjusted Decay System
  • Reduced Placement Matches
  • Seasonal Questline
  • Promotion/Demotion Games Removed

Of course, there are a lot of additional details on these coming shortly, perhaps alongside a few extra surprises as well. Thank you for your patience – we believe it will be well worth the wait!

In the meantime, jump into the MechaStorm II Event and try out Chen’s long-awaited rework. Both can be tested early by heading to the PTR and as always, we want to know your feedback!