StarCraft II
StarCraft II 4.9.0 Patch Notes

- New Co-op Commander and Announcer: Stetmann
- Lead your Egonergized Mecha Swarm army upgraded with best of both Terran and Protoss technologies.
- Continuously manage your Stetellite deployment and optimize its configuration.
- Learn more in our blog.
- Vorazun: Nerazim Bundle is going to be available as a part of Twitch Prime offer starting May 23, PDT.
- Vorazun Co-op Commander
- Vorazun Announcer
- Nerazim Protoss Console Skin
- “Live Now” Protoss Random Banners
- Exclusive “Purple Arcade” Console Skin for all races
- Inhibitor Zone Generator, Reduced Mineral Fields, and Rich Vespene Geysers added to the Help menus.
- New unit effect has been added in the Data Editor. Mod makers can use this effect to morph a unit into another unit without issuing an order.
- Four new weekly Mutations have been added.

- Added default hotkeys for top-bar abilities.
- All expansion-blocking debris and rocks are now neutral hostile structures. Commander units and abilities will auto-acquire these units while enemy units will ignore them.
- Added the Psionic attribute to Brood Queens (Including Stukov's).
- Added the Psionic attribute to Ravens, Raven Type-IIs, and Theia Ravens.
- Added the Psionic attribute to Science Vessels (Including Swann's).
- The Heroes from the Storm mutator now works on several more co-op maps.
- The Just Die mutator will now cause units affected by Polarity to swap immunities on rebirth if they are both active at the same time.
- The Polarity mutator will now affect trains on Oblivion Express uniformly.

- Mothership base damage increased from 6x6 to 38x6.
- Mothership weapon range increased from 2 to 7.
- Structure Overcharge will no longer target neutral units.

- Dakrun HP increased from 3000 to 4000.
- Dakrun Greater Spiked Hide return damage increased from 10 to 20.
- Primal Zergling attack damage increased from 7 to 10.
- The Dissolving Acid upgrade now increases the Ravasaur's bonus damage vs armored to 15, up from 5.
- The Enlarged Parotid Glands upgrade now increases the Ravasaur's movement speed from 2.25 to 3 in addition to its current functionality.
- Primal Roach life regeneration rate while burrowed increased from 5 to 10.
- Primal Igniter life regeneration rate while burrowed increased from 5 to 10.
- Primal Igniter HP increased from 300 to 350.
- Primal Igniter base armor increased from 2 to 3.
- Muscular Augments research cost decreased from 150/150 to 50/50.
- The Impaler’s Tenderize ability damage increased from 100 to 200.
- The Impaler’s Tenderize ability now reduces Dehaka's Devour cooldown by 75%, up from 50%.
- Primal Mutalisk damage decreased from 18/6/2 to 14/5/2. Upgrade bonuses adjusted accordingly.
- The Slicing Glaive upgrade now provides +100% increased damage against air, up from 50%. Base damage increased from 27 to 28.
- Brutal Charge research cost decreased from 100/100 to 50/50.
- Primal Ultralisk HP increased from 500 to 625.
- Tyrannozors now benefit from the Healing Adaptation upgrade, which allows them to regenerate life quickly when out of combat.
- Devour Buff Duration Mastery increased from 1% per point to 3% per point. Maximum benefit increased from 30% to 90%.
- Greater Primal Wurm Cooldown Mastery increased from 1% per point to 1.5% per point. Maximum benefit increased from 30% to 45%.
- Gene Mutation Chance Mastery increased from 1% per point to 2% per point. Maximum benefit increased from 30% to 60%.
- Dehaka's leap will now damage neutral targets, such as rocks.
- Dehaka gains high-ground vision upon hitting level 10.
- Dehaka's uprooted Primal Wardens and Primal Hives are no longer included in all-army selection.
- Units in primal combat now have a rally button and ability.
- Impaler damage bonus per weapon upgrade increased from +4(+5 vs armored) to +4(+6 vs armored).
- Primal Guardian damage bonus per weapon upgrade decreased from +5 to +4.
- Dehaka's calldowns now benefit from weapon and armor upgrades.

- Morph to Overseer requirement changed from Infested Starport to Infested Factory.
- Infested Bunker supply increased from 4 to 6.
- Infested Bunker cost increased from 300 to 350 minerals.
- Infested Diamondback cost decreased from 225/100 to 225/75.
- Infested Diamondback range increased from 7 to 8.
- Fungal Snare can now be cast on Heroic units. Duration on Heroic units is 2.5, compared to 10 for non-Heroic units.
- Infested Liberator cost decreased from 150/150 to 150/125.
- Cloud Dispersal upgrade reworked. Post-upgrade, Infested Liberators will launch itself at an enemy target, turn itself into a swarm cloud, and stay in swarm cloud form until no enemy units in the area are taking damage. Infested Liberators will be controllable in cloud form and no longer return to its original location after it's done attacking.
- Damage reduction in swarm cloud form reduced from 90% to 85%.
- After the Cloud Dispersal upgrade, weapon period decreased from 6 to 1.
- After the Cloud Dispersal upgrade, damage period increased from 0.6 to 1.
- Infested Banshee now gains +2 range while cloaked.
- Brood Queen movement speed increased from 2.5 to 3.75.
- Brood Queen acceleration increased from 1.375 to 3.
- Brood Queen life regeneration increased from 0.273 to 1.092.
- Ocular Symbiote duration increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds.
- Ocular Symbiote now increases unit vision by 5 in addition to its current functionality.
- Spawn Broodlings ability reworked. Instead of instantly killing a target unit, it will deal 300 damage to a target unit and spawn 2 Broodlings when that unit dies. This ability can now be cast on Massive and Heroic units.
- Infested Structure Cooldown Mastery increased from 1 second per point to 1.5 seconds per point. Maximum benefit increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.
- Apocalisk initial cooldown decreased from 300 seconds to 240 seconds.
- Aleksander Cooldown Mastery increased from -2 seconds per point to -3 seconds per point. Maximum benefit increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Volatile Infested damage bonus per weapon upgrade increased from +4(+5 vs structures) to +4(+8 vs structures). This includes Infested Siege Tank Volatile Burst damage.
- Infested Diamondback damage bonus per weapon upgrade increased from +2 to +2(+3 vs armored).
- Infested Banshee damage bonus per weapon upgrade decreased from +2 to +1.
- Apocalisk damage bonus per weapon upgrade increased from +5 to +8.
- Broodlings from Stukov’s Infest Structure ability will no longer target neutral units.

- Zeratul’s Legion calldowns will no longer target neutral units.
- Zeratul’s Avatar calldowns will no longer target neutral units.
- Reduced the units killed requirement of the Devolution Retribution achievement from 500 to 200.

- General
- Fixed an issue where certain units could be stuck in animation loops once being dropped from a transport.
- Commanders
- Abathur
- Reworded Corrosive Bile’s tooltip to reflect that it does not damage friendly units.
- Alarak
- Fixed a bug where Alarak's Mothership was gaining too much damage per upgrade.
- Fixed an issue where Alarak would ignore the hold position command and charge to an enemy.
- Karax
- Fixed an issue where the Energizer’s Chrono Beam would not function properly on some defensive structures and uncommandable units.
- Stukov
- Fixed a bug where the Apocalisk Cooldown Mastery was also decreasing its initial cooldown at the start of the mission.
- Fixed a bug where the Aleksander Cooldown Mastery was also decreasing its initial cooldown at the start of the mission.
- Fixed a bug where the second and third charges of Infest Structure were not cooling down as intended.
- Tychus
- Fixed an issue where Joey Ray’s Bar would not appear when the game starts.
- Zeratul
- Fixed an issue where placeholder icons and text could display on tabs for Zeratul when observing a Zeratul Co-op replay.
- Zeratul’s Void Seeker will no longer sometimes reveal and initiate the bonus objective on Mist Opportunities.
- Abathur
- Mutators
- Both Alarak’s Ascendants with Power Overwhelming and Rob “Cannonball” Boswell with Malice Ammunition will now take the correct damage from the Double Edge mutator.
- Drop Pods no longer trigger the Avenger mutator.
- Reworked the Heroes from the Storm mutator so that it functions more fluidly on most maps.
- The Just Die mutator now correctly heals trains on Oblivion Express.

- When casting the Mothership's Time Warp on an enemy unit, the enemy unit will no longer automatically flee out of range.
- The Mothership’s Time Warp will now affect and slow enemy Adept Shades and Purification Novas.
- Liberators will no longer occasionally remain in Defender Mode after getting Abducted.

- General
- Inhibitor Zone Generator minimap icons were updated.
- Inhibitor Zones will now affect and slow Adept Shades and Purification Novas.
- Automation LE
- A small number of trim doodads were removed to prevent visual distortions in certain areas.
- Acropolis LE
- Added additional decals near the Reaper paths to help make the paths more visible.
- Additional doodads added near the Reaper path locations to help make the unpathable areas clearer.
- Certain Protoss base decals were removed to prevent visual distortions on low graphics quality settings.
- Cyber Forest LE
- Removed a tree doodad near the natural base location that was blocking vision incorrectly.
- Thunderbird LE
- Added additional decals near the Reaper paths to help make the paths more visible.
- Turbo Cruise ’84 LE
- Removed certain doodads that were positioned in the same locations as some of the Inhibitor Zone Generators on the map.
- Adjusted the color of a Purifier Teleport Pad on the map for consistency.
- Certain decals and arrows were adjusted from blue to pink to help clarify between different terrain levels.
- Bone Temple LE
- Rubble pile and Aiur temple brick doodads were adjusted to prevent units from hiding inside or underneath.
- Ground foliage on the map was removed to prevent visual distortions with Pylon Power Fields.

- The chat emoji list will now display unlocked emojis before locked emojis.
- Max Level! Label is now properly positioned on the Co-op score screen.
- Fixed a bug that a red error message would appear when a player uses chat with the IME on.

- Fixed a bug in custom maps, that a red error message would appear when a player is trying to revive a unit that died during a morphing process.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when launching StarCraft II client while using the Mac mini internal speakers.