
Top Hearthstone Players - February 2019

Blizzard Entertainment

The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard and Arena play in February 2019 are in!

The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.

Pull up a chair and join us as we toast to the month’s best players!

Rank Battletag
1 Jam
2 IwillHuntYou
4 zlsjs
5 Jay
6 jrok96
7 hollow
8 GeneraL
10 Impact
11 FadedLove
12 amira
13 Casie
14 Destroyer
15 Zamos
16 Bennidge
17 Chemagician
18 yutan
19 NoHandsGamer
20 keithngjx
21 BDY
22 deathstarV3
23 Kuroko
24 xavgoh
25 jhwan
26 TwitchLaneHS
28 lambyseries
29 Rase
30 Arva
31 Irae
33 Joaquin
34 PapaJason
35 PeLanza
36 Firkz
37 Genesis
38 Tweeg
39 Grant
40 DavidSWu
41 Ryvius
42 LOKShadow
43 dreamify
44 BuckNastyZB
45 Bacco
46 UchihaSaske
47 lnguagehackr
48 asesino
49 Tasu17
50 jad346
52 Hoxx
53 NickChipper
54 Pizza
55 Rolle
56 Track
57 blitzchung
58 Phnx
59 blackmamba
60 RAW831
61 Chitose
62 TheMarine
63 BiccOs
64 SoLegit
65 WildPants
66 Augmentory
67 Ryuuzu
68 BlackMage
69 heisnotaxel
70 tenergy
71 Enigma
72 Zeddy
73 SilverName
74 Dazzar
75 Gladen
76 nammon
77 Nickolias
78 Woven
79 Aurora
80 DimitriKazov
81 Metabee
82 Inoha
83 Makaba
84 Zerga
85 Dono
86 vbay03
87 RafaelPsf
88 撒旦降臨
89 Nalguidan
90 HiredJP
91 Cesky
92 Dagamarr
93 Tansoku
95 세리오닌
96 Firenoodle
97 DuVlad
98 Pantheon
99 GarkGus
100 History
101 molino
102 DrMengueche
103 Own3r
104 MajinHollow
105 Pillo
106 Nada
107 Jalexander
108 JonnyStrange
109 zelax
110 Zalae
111 iBeennn
112 Kuonet
113 Goliath
114 CSRuchi
115 Deleuzer
116 Jet
117 SmurfJedi
118 Monsanto
119 Elrich
120 ZodiacKilla
121 KeyserSoze
122 SweatyBurger
123 GamerRvg
124 C0okies27
125 RumHam
126 Avery
127 Level9001
128 TheFallen8
129 Pimalcomson
130 HSKeDaiBiao
131 Poupouli
132 dodz
133 Reinan
134 MegaGliscor
135 KentNoble
136 Free2PlayBtw
137 Phrixius
138 Shwitz44
139 bobbyex
140 shalec
141 Paperninja
142 DieuXD515
143 DollofCuddy
144 TCJK
145 BadCompany
146 robbodog
147 Maelstrom
148 MAX
149 TheNewTesla
150 GoatDude
151 megacastle
152 jared6250
153 Enrico
154 Phil
155 Cheese
156 BoiBandido
157 Ailuros
158 Milithemir
159 OneeChan
160 catinthehat
161 andrew19
162 이성한
163 asuangco
164 Batman
165 Lucky
166 Turnpike
167 mvsoares
168 Derivus
169 Mayseck
170 Aquatic
171 markshire
172 LOL
173 Sagaz
174 luminescents
176 LordofMath
177 Meep
178 mooingsheep
179 Hotform
180 CoinPingFace
181 Bardriano
182 SWG4
183 tsosmi
184 SkyWalkerRX
185 ミフネ
186 WillWu
187 Insom
188 Joshua
189 Brett
190 Perseus42
191 ZDisasterZ
192 Gandalfbilbo
193 Gurt
194 Narkotikzx
195 JustinTime
196 wassy
197 Assen
198 caioPtrick
199 gle
200 Ducky
Rank Battletag Average Wins
1 Meow501 8.90
2 Kordyon 8.53
3 Tachii 8.47
4 Boozor 8.43
5 Judge 8.03
6 TINGT0NG 8.00
7 dreads 7.97
8 배반낭자 7.93
9 solano 7.90
10 Dennis848 7.87
11 MaxieDevine 7.83
12 ホーホホ 7.83
13 Talriel 7.80
14 LankMan 7.80
15 ParslyPrince 7.77
16 kingplay 7.73
17 Daigats 7.73
18 Veritas 7.73
19 dayzm 7.67
20 Yosumi123 7.67
21 Telash 7.67
22 Taesang 7.60
23 savior 7.60
24 HotDog 7.60
25 AgentW 7.57
26 湊みお 7.57
27 rps 7.57
28 WhoAmI 7.57
29 KoheiTime 7.57
30 HanZolo 7.57
31 Steven 7.53
32 Eugene 7.53
33 GEBETT 7.53
34 FleetwoodMac 7.53
35 Nong 7.50
36 BouncyBear 7.50
37 Hobietrice 7.47
38 Analu 7.43
39 ADubs 7.40
40 XWhyZ 7.40
41 YYY 7.40
42 のりひろ 7.37
43 Amaso 7.37
44 bluetitan 7.37
45 Penguyen 7.37
46 JimandFred 7.37
47 raymond 7.37
48 SadPanda 7.33
49 headshot 7.30
50 NymStark 7.30
51 Varmag 7.30
52 PsichoKiller 7.27
53 TeamAmerica 7.27
54 Chuxin 7.23
55 MrDubbya 7.23
56 Hegemony 7.23
57 Thugss 7.23
58 OGMelior 7.23
59 vuHD 7.20
60 badbadnyc 7.20
61 LettuceKing 7.20
62 PPY 7.20
63 YamzBall 7.17
64 Nobody 7.17
65 Thegolfpro 7.13
66 Happy313 7.13
67 あいなじえんど 7.13
68 Celeritas 7.10
69 StoneDemon 7.10
70 ぼーあ 7.10
71 CaptMatt 7.10
72 ToastyP 7.10
73 Save 7.07
74 Galois 7.07
75 Cosmin 7.07
76 yg4hunnid 7.03
77 TinyTauren 7.03
78 Gadolinium 7.03
79 djc922 7.03
80 BillPilgrim 7.03
81 Daprof 7.00
82 RedBeard 7.00
83 Shako 7.00
84 GosuYangYin 7.00
85 Catota 7.00
86 Krabb 7.00
87 Throngate 7.00
88 Mr7ongkok 7.00
89 timesu 7.00
90 Dominic 6.97
91 Eevuh 6.97
92 Hearthledger 6.97
93 Funk 6.93
94 Hei8 6.93
95 TeckerJr 6.93
96 BrickSquad 6.93
97 Naslund 6.93
98 Brucefoot 6.93
99 wahuuuuuf 6.90
100 LuckyPants 6.90
101 oooasa 6.90
102 Himura 6.90
103 CybusteR 6.90
104 Briyou 6.90
105 Tenjou 6.87
106 Keludar 6.87
107 DJJ 6.87
108 SilaZemli 6.83
109 RedDevil 6.83
110 Tron 6.83
111 jh7 6.83
112 DodoGizmo 6.83
113 Muush 6.83
114 Timz 6.83
115 Snuffie381 6.80
116 Febreze 6.80
117 Hobs 6.80
118 ZZtop86 6.77
119 KanyesZone 6.77
120 Nairejking 6.77
121 CLOBIANT 6.77
122 Vaelthas 6.77
123 FredZ 6.77
124 FeRuRa 6.77
125 makgi 6.73
126 Em1 6.73
127 LuisSuarus 6.73
128 Cross 6.73
129 MianMian 6.73
130 ProfileName 6.73
131 heisenberg 6.70
132 Gateway 6.70
133 trongtai 6.70
134 sundrew 6.70
135 Yuyuko 6.70
136 TTEXXX 6.70
137 Galen 6.70
138 Polygonz 6.70
139 ChiChi 6.67
140 DoubleMarty 6.67
141 Volcan 6.67
142 JerkAlpha 6.67
143 rtz 6.67
144 Kojolika 6.67
145 Celios 6.63
146 RubberDucky 6.63
147 saxon 6.63
148 benk 6.63
149 WJSProwler 6.63
150 PhoFoLife 6.60

Note: Monthly Arena rankings continue to take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes.