Heroes of the Storm

Heroes Brawl of the Week, November 24, 2017: Escape from Braxis

Blizzard Entertainment

Things aren’t looking great, soldier. You’re stranded on Braxis and the UED is overrun. The Omegaswarm has surrounded you on all sides, and your only shot at survival is to press through the onslaught, make it to the extraction point, and get off this forsaken rock. Will you fall victim to the Swarm, or can you work together and Escape from Braxis?


  • At the beginning of the Brawl, your team will have the following roster of Heroes to choose from:
    • Warrior: Artanis, Arthas, Johanna, Muradin, Sonya, Tyrael, Varian, Zarya
    • Support: Brightwing, Kharazim, Li Li, Lt. Morales, Lucio, Malfurion, Rehgar, Uther
    • Specialist: Azmodan, Gazlowe, Sgt. Hammer, Nazeebo, Xul
    • Assassin: Cassia, Falstad, Greymane, Gul'dan, Illidan, Jaina, Kael'thas, Kel'Thuzad, Ragnaros, Raynor, Thrall, Valla
  • Player Death:
    • When a Hero dies, they can be resurrected by Allies after a short channel time.
    • If all players die, the mission is failed.
  • Players start at Level 10 and have access to their full talents with a few exceptions (i.e. Bribe)
  • Enemy zerg Heroes will spawn periodically throughout the brawl and will drop new active items exclusive to Escape from Braxis.
  • Push through the onslaught and survive to Escape from Braxis and win the Brawl!


Complete three matches of Escape from Braxis to earn a Loot Chest!

Find out more about the Heroes Brawl game mode on our Heroes Brawl site; and as always, you can find more information on this week’s Brawl by clicking the Brawl Info button at the bottom of the play screen when preparing to queue for the Brawl game mode.
