
A Fond Farewell to BlizzCon 2016

Blizzard Entertainment

Now that BlizzCon 2016 is a memory fading gently into the past, we want to thank everyone, from attendees to all the folks who joined us via live stream, for helping us have another incredible BlizzCon!

We revealed a lot this year, including:

We want to wish a hearty GG and /grats to all our esports champs, including the winners of the StarCraft II World Champion Series, ByuN, Heroes of the Storm Fall Championship, Ballistix Gaming, World of Warcraft Arena Championship, Splyce, Hearthstone World Championship, Pavel, and the first Overwatch World Cup, South Korea. All of the competitors here and at Opening Week gave us a thrilling, fun-filled couple of weeks, and we want to thank every single one of you.

We’re always excited to see all the unique talents and cosplay our community comes up with—and that’s especially true at BlizzCon. From your gorgeous interpretations of our characters to the smallest, most intricate details, your creations are incredible. We’re perpetually in awe of your skills and talents. Seriously.

As always, our excellent hosts and casters guided all of us through two days of Blizzard-y goodness with dexterity and skill, and Weird Al tied up the entire event in hilarious style, as only he can.

And thanks as well to our generous sponsors—Intel, T-Mobile, NVIDIA, ASUS, Corsair, DIRECTV, Newegg, Razer, Rosewill, and Cisco—who help support and power the event.

We have one last group to thank: every single one of you. Without our community, we wouldn’t have BlizzCon. Thank you for playing the games we feel so lucky to make. You make it all possible!

Thanks again!

Your friends at Blizzard Entertainment