Warcraft Rumble
Hallow's End is Coming to Warcraft Rumble
Be sure to use candy before the 3 week long event ends, unspent candy will not carry over and will be converted to Arclight Energy.
New Cosmetics
Unlock the new Hallows End portraits and Kobold Skin!
New Cosmetic Bundle
New Minis

Headless Horseman
- Role: Troop
- Family: Undead
- Deploy Cost: 5 Gold
- Traits: AOE, Elemental
- Health: 1,550
- Pumpkin Damage: 140 + 2 Stacks of Poison
- Pumpkin Toss: Occasionally tosses a Pumpkin at an enemy, poisoning them and other nearby enemies.
- Decapitate: On kill, gain Bloodlust for 5 seconds.
- Night Watch: Remain at the deploy location, attacking enemies who approach.
- Neigh Death Experience: At 40% health, heal to 80% health and briefly stun nearby enemies. Ability has one charge.
Copies of Headless Horseman will not be added to G.R.I.D. once the event ends. This Mini can currently only be upgraded during the Hallows End event.
Dire Batlings
- Role: Troop
- Family: Undead
- Deploy Cost: 2 Gold
- Traits: Fast, Squad
- Health: 30 per Bat
- Damage: 48 per bite
- Bite: Single target melee attack, physical damage.
- Soundbite: On hit, the Batlings' bite sends out a sonic wave that damages the nearest enemy Mini.
- Midnight's Call: On kill, gains Stealth.
- Guano Happens: Periodically drop a pool on the ground that poisons the first enemy Mini to touch it.
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