Welcome to the New Beta!

Welcome to the New Beta!

Welcome to the new beta. We’re glad you’re here!
We’re always working on making the app more user-friendly, more informative, and more customizable; this beta is a preview of just some of the features we’re developing. 

What's New

We’ve updated the app’s layout, so you can see the most recent news and stories about the game you’re playing in the “Latest Stories” feed (alongside relevant material from other games):
There's also a customizable games navigation, so the games you care the most about are just a click away:
Your friends list is always available, making it easier to stay in touch and view everything you have going on. The “Chats and Groups” button opens a movable window for your conversations:

Future Updates


This beta is just the beginning; we’ve got a lot in mind for the future of the Desktop App. We’re planning to improve accessibility features, provide more information about what’s going on in your games, and bring you closer to your friends.
As you spend time with the beta, we’d love to hear more about what you want from Use the menu to leave us feedback--both any bugs you spot and anything you’d like to see. 
This is a testing environment, so materials won’t be available in all languages, and the look and feel of the app may change from patch to patch. As the beta continues, you’ll be able to find all the details in the  “Patch Notes” menu. If you want to return to the live App instead of the beta version at any point, you can toggle between them in the “Settings” menu.
Thanks for trying the new beta!
The Team

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