Diablo IV

Gilded Goblins Galore

Blizzard Entertainment

The undergrowth of Sanctuary is rife with creatures of the greediest inclinations. This March of the Goblins introduces six brand-new Goblin variants, who will remain after the increased Goblin activity has ended. Slay these new devious gremlins to earn reputation for coveted rewards. Visit the Goblin Statue in central Kyovashad to begin your hunt and earn rewards.

From March 4, 10 a.m. PST—March 11, 10 a.m. PDT, a variety of Goblins are wreaking havoc across Sanctuary through every town and hovel. The Goblins have multiplied like, well, Goblins. As you progress through the Reputation track, you’ll increase your chances of cleaving them from their Treasure Bags. Hunt them across every World Tier, in the Overworld and deepest dungeons, and across both Eternal and Seasonal Realms.

While March of the Goblins is live, there’s an increased chance to see larger packs of Treasures Goblins, encounter Greed Shrines, and to see increased Treasure Goblins when facing off against Avarice, the Gold-Cursed World Boss.

Introducing New Goblin Variants

From deep within the underground chasms and forgotten lairs of Sanctuary’s underbelly, Goblins have been mutating and diversifying. The townsfolk talk of strange and wonderful creatures, complete with sacks filled to abundance. These new Goblin variants seem to be more rare than their brown bagged counterpart, so keep a keen eye for a glint of them scurrying through the underbrush.

Odious Ector

This distasteful Goblin has spent time rummaging through many a workshop and claiming various materials for their own. On death, they drop various Crafting Materials, even granting Obducite when found in Torment tiers.

Gilded Baron

This nefarious coin rubber is known for a base desire to clinch every coin within claws’ reach. Slay this Goblin to earn tantalizing amounts of Gold. Spill their Treasure Bags and watch the ground glow gilded.

Glittering Prym

This Goblin sparkles in the sunlight, revealing a different nature entirely. The Glittering Prym delves through every abandoned mine of Sanctuary, collecting Runes and Undercity Tributes to line their already egregious collection. Kill this Goblin to earn Gem Fragments, Runes—and when found in Torment Tiers—Undercity Tributes and Scattered Prisms.

Curious Murl

The Murl is recognized for its distinctive purple hue, colored by the many Obols they clutch so dearly. Killing this Goblin grants you a slew of Murmuring Obols, which drop as Murl’s Bag of Obols. For those Wanderers that often travel at their maximum Obol capacity, this bag can be still collected in your inventory regardless of whether you are at maximum Obol capacity.

Gelatinous Syrus

The Gelatinous Syrus evokes the basest nature of Goblin-kind, multiplying before your very eyes. Upon being killed, the Gelatinous Syrus splits into two Goblins… Slay this pair to have them multiply into three! To claim their spoils, you’ll have to kill the smallest Goblins of the pack.

The Gelatinous Syrus drops 1 Legendary item—with an increased chance of dropping additional Legendary items at higher Torment tiers—Gold, Boss summoning materials, and the chance of an Elixir.

Fancy Old Fedric

This Goblin is the stuff of Legend—maybe even Myth. Some believe this Goblin to be so incredibly rare its very existence is even called into question. If you manage to even spy a Fancy Old Fedric, seize the opportunity! For you may never get this one in a million chance again.

Managing to kill Fancy Old Fedric Grants a Mythic Unique, a Resplendent Spark, and earns you bragging rights for all time.

Remember, these new Goblin variants will stay across all Realms after March of the Goblins has ended but the best time to hunt them is now! Their increased numbers will not be around forever, even though there will be no end to the hunting of these foul miscreants.

Climb the Goblin Slaying Ranks

Being steadfast in your eradication of these hooded hoodlums grants you Reputation, which earns you great rewards. Your Reputation progress is tied to your individual prowess for culling Treasure Goblins, so slay to your hearts content to earn to complete it and earn a Resplendent Spark.

Keep in mind that as you slay through the ranks, the chance for Treasure Bags to drop from the Treasure Goblins increase as well.

Slay well, and slay true. The March of the Goblins is upon you!