StarCraft II
StarCraft II 4.10.0 Patch Notes

- The War Chest: BlizzCon 2019 has been added in preparation for its global launch on August 15.
- Play StarCraft II or watch participating streamers on Twitch to unlock XP for the War Chest and gain access to over 70 new items including army-wide skins, sprays, emoticons, exclusive portraits, and a Co-op XP boost.
- Purchasing the War Chest Complete Bundle grants you a special random race loading screen in StarCraft II, plus a Tal’darim Probe Pet in Diablo III, a Hearthstone Classic Card Pack, and a Heroes of the Storm rare Loot Chest. In addition, purchasing any War Chest Skin Bundle will grant you an immediate access to Ranked play.
- Also, throughout the duration of the War Chest: BlizzCon 2019, players will be able to unlock free rewards, including classic Brood War-inspired skins for the Marine, Zealot, and Hydralisk, with no additional purchase necessary.
- Four new weekly Mutations have been added.

- General
- Amon’s Corsairs can no longer deal splash damage to invulnerable units.
- Tweaked mutator-safe zones on Cradle of Death, Temple of the Past, and The Vermillion Problem.
- Fixed an issue on The Vermillion Problem where ground units could survive lava in specific locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Missile Command missiles to remain on the minimap permanently.
- Dead of Night
- Fixed an issue where Chokers could permanently stun morphing units.
- Stetmann
- Mecha Banelings now properly target structures while the Enable Structure Attack ability is toggled on.
- Mecha Banelings will now always deal appropriate bonus damage when Egonergy Enhanced Explosives is researched.
- Abathur
- Abathur’s Toxic Nests no longer damage invulnerable units and cannot be stolen by the Eminent Domain mutator.

- Maps
- The opponent can no longer see the Overseer’s Oversight ability through the fog of war if they have units nearby.
- Tree and city building doodads were adjusted to prevent units from hiding within in Acropolis LE.

- Mouse functionality is now present while in fullscreen mode on OS 10.14.
- OpenGL2 rendering API has been deprecated.