Diablo III

Rise of the Necromancer Pack Arrives June 27!

Blizzard Entertainment
Steel your hearts and get ready to maintain the Balance, nephalem. We’re only a week away—The Rise of the Necromancer Pack is arriving June 27 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One!

Comprised of controlled, calculating individuals, the Priests of Rathma have long known the true stakes at the heart of the Eternal Conflict. Known to uneducated outsiders as Necromancers, these masters of blood, bone, and the dark arts are often misunderstood. Driven to protect the Balance at all costs, those dedicated to walking this path see neither good nor evil in their actions; simply obedience to the cycle of being.

The Rise of the Necromancer is a purchasable content pack coming to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls and Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition. The pack will be available for purchase starting June 27, 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and will cost 14.99 € (12.99 £).


Q. What is the Rise of the Necromancer pack?
A. The Rise of the Necromancer pack is a purchasable content pack coming to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls and Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition.

Q. What is included in the Rise of the Necromancer pack?
A. In addition to full access to the Necromancer class in both Campaign and Adventure modes, the Rise of the Necromancer pack includes additional exclusive digital items:

  • Non-combat pet
  • A pair of cosmetic wings
  • New Necromancer-themed Banner Shape, Sigil, and Accent
  • Necromancer Portrait Frame
  • Pennant
  • Two additional character slots
  • Two additional stash tabs*

*This item not available on console

Q. What about all the other features coming in Patch 2.6.0?
A. Challenge Rifts, The Shrouded Moors zone, Temple of the Firstborn zone, and the Realms of Fate are all free content—if you own the Reaper of Souls expansion pack, they are available for play without any additional purchases.

Q. When will the pack be available for purchase?
A. The pack will be available for purchase on June 27, 2017, after maintenance has completed in your region.

Note: For PlayStation 4 in Japan, while the patch will be available on the morning of June 27, the Rise of the Necromancer pack and Eternal Collection will not be available until later that evening. Until the product is available, you may encounter an error reading “Product Not Available” during the first 12-hour window of the patch.

Q. How much will the pack cost?
A. The Rise of the Necromancer pack will cost 14.99 € in Europe (12.99 £ in the UK). For regional pricing, please see your regional Diablo website.

Q: How do I purchase the Rise of the Necromancer pack?
A: For PC, you will be able to purchase both directly through a new in-game store front or via the Blizzard Shop. For PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, you’ll want to purchase through the PlayStation™ Store or the Xbox One Store respectively.

Q: Will there be a box release for the Rise of the Necromancer?
A: As this is digital content and not an expansion, the Rise of the Necromancer pack will not be available as a physical product.

Q. Will the Rise of the Necromancer pack be available for play at midnight?
A. No. The Rise of the Necromancer pack requires Patch 2.6.0 to be installed; after maintenance has completed in your region, you’ll be able to purchase and access the Rise of the Necromancer pack.

Q: When will maintenance begin?

NA/SA/ANZ: 10:00 a.m. PDT
EU: 11:00 p.m. CEST
KR/TW: (June 29) 2:00 a.m. KST
CN: (June 29) 5:00 a.m. CST

All except JPN: 8:00 a.m. PDT
JPN: (June 28) 12:00 p.m. JST

Q: How long will maintenance last?
A: Maintenance typically lasts between one to two hours; however, this is a variable that can change on short notice. Keep up to date by following @BlizzardCSEU_EN for any emergency maintenance messaging.

Q. Where can I learn more about the Necromancer class?
A. We’ve released several informational blogs, which are linked below! In addition, keep your eyes on our front page for more news, media, and content as our release date draws nearer.