We just took the official Heroes of the Storm soundtrack out of the Nexus and put it into your hands (and onto Spotify), but what about the unofficial soundtrack? What song do you think best fits each of the Heroes? What track do they play for themselves while charging into battle (or training beforehand)? We wanted to create a playlist for Heroes of the Storm giving each Hero their own theme song that best suits their personality, and we could use your help.
Warriors, Come Out to Play—ay!
This week we’re starting off with the Warriors. These stalwart fighters are the backbone of any team--they excel at engaging the enemy, holding the front line, and jumping into the thick of battle so that their Assassins, Specialists, and Supports can survive the coming onslaught. Let us know what you think of our choices—and if you have any suggestions of your own!

Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan
Once king of the underground Nerubian kingdom, Anub’arak was resurrected by the Lich King and forced to slaughter his former subjects, earning the nickname of “Traitor King.” He still longs for the subterranean home he once knew, knowing that he can never come back.

King Without A Crown by Matisyahu
The ad hoc leader of a race forced into diaspora after the destruction of their homeland, who took it upon himself to unite a vast network of bickering nomadic tribes—none of whom respect his leadership, at least initially—Artanis is the quintessential king without a crown. But unlike the one in Matisyahu’s reggae anthem, Artanis will not keep falling down . . . except maybe on Brutal difficulty.

Blue Veins by The Raconteurs
We interpret Blue Veins as Arthas’ ballad to Frostmourne, the sword he traded everything for, and the mysterious blue energy that courses through the runes etched along the blade, like blood flowing through icy veins.

Chug-A-Lug by Roger Miller
As the Legendary Brewmaster, Chen knows the fortifying powers of drink better than anyone. It might burn his tummy from time to time, but Chen’s brew keeps him alive and on the front line of battle at times when any other warrior would fall. So Chug-a-Lug, Chen, you’ve earned it!

Just The Two of Us by Bill Withers, performed by Grover Washington Jr.
Cho: “Just the two of us—“
Gall : “—we can make it if we try!”
Cho: “Just the two of us—“
Gall: “—all our enemies will die!”
Cho: “Just the two of us—”
Gall: “—you and I!”

I’m The Best by 2NE1
What better way for D.Va to get pumped up for a match than to remind herself that she’s number one?

I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor
There’s only one thing in the world that’s more important to Dehaka than gathering Essence, and that’s surviving by any means necessary. Dehaka will never just lay down and die—as long as there’s more essence to be gathered, more ways for him to adapt and stay alive.

The Devil Ain’t Lazy by Bob Wills
Say what you want about Diablo, but at this point we all know that the big red demon is most definitely NOT lazy. He’s come back from the dead twice so far on our watch, saying nothing about all the destruction and mayhem he’s caused. Working 24 hours a day? We know overtime isn’t a consideration for the Lord of Hell—no siree!

Party Hard by Andrew W.K.
E.T.C. brings the party to every battle he’s part of with his Mosh Pit—among other things. Nobody knows how to party hard in the real world like Andrew W.K.

Blinded By The Light by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
Johanna likes to use her Shield Glare ability to blind her enemies before going in for the kill. Plus, she likes a sick guitar riff.

Clap Hands by Tom Waits
Tom Waits has been known to embody many fantastical beings in his songs. He may not have been going for “Spooky Skeleton King” in Clap Hands, but you can practically hear King Leoric cast out his ghost hand for Drain Hope in the background of this eerie, wispy track. The bony percussion in the background bolsters the skeletal vibe as well.

Thunderstruck by AC/DC
Muradin is the kind of dwarf who’s into classic rock. Seeing as he leaves his enemies thunderstruck—literally—could there be any better theme song for the Mountain King? (With apologies to Edvard Grieg, of course.)

Leaning On A Bear by Purson
This swirling and hypnotic single takes us on a psychedelic patrol through the wilderness of Azeroth and transports us to the carnival-esque fairgrounds of the Nexus. Rexxar does not fear these strange new worlds—he’ll lean on Misha for support and the beastmaster’s foes will take the bait like fish tonight.

Raise Your Horns by Amon Amarth
“Victory we fought hard and prevailed/Brutally we were fighting//Eagerly we filled the waves with enemies/hungrily ravens cawing” …Just picture Sonya blasting this into her headphones as she whirls around mightily with her two giant steely blades.

Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede

Send Me An Angel by Real Life
Every time the mortal denizens of Sanctuary have called out for help, Tyrael has flown down—or sometimes rocketed down—to come help. What a guy.

One Shot at Glory by Judas Priest
A righteous king willing to sacrifice everything for his people, Varian Wrynn never shied away from a fight. One Shot at Glory reminds us of the Alliance’s initial raid on the Broken Shore, when Varian made the ultimate sacrifice to save his allies. Though he fell in battle that day, his spirit lives on in the Nexus.

Gonna Fly Now (Rocky Theme from “Rocky”) by Bill Conti
Zarya trains hard for every fight, and Ivan Drago’s got nothing on this Unstoppable Competitor. Pain is Temporary, but her strength might just help you win the battle.
Give our Warrior Class Spotify playlist a listen! Do you agree with our choices, or do you have some other epic bangers to suggest? Let us know what you think of the songs so far, and what you’d pick for the Specialists, Assassins, and Support Heroes in the weeks ahead!
Rock on, heroes. We’ll see you all in the Nexus!