Heroes of the Storm

Paid BattleTag® Changes Now Available

Nate "Spyrian" Valenta

Looking to change up how you identify yourself in the Blizzard online community? The BattleTag® you originally chose doesn’t have to be your nickname for all eternity—sometimes you want to switch to something more suited to the hero (or villain) you’ve become since you first arrived in the Blizzard universe.

While we’ve always provided players with one free BattleTag change per account, now we’re pleased to offer an additional paid BattleTag change service for those of you who would appreciate the opportunity to choose yet another new moniker.


If you’re ready for something new and haven’t already used your free BattleTag change, simply visit your Account Management Dashboard, and click the Change link under your Account Details to the right of your current tag.

If you haven’t used your free change yet, don’t worry—BattleTag changes don’t expire and yours will be waiting for you if and when you ever decide to use it.

If you’ve already used your first free change and still feel like a new nickname would be a better fit, the option to purchase an additional change will be available within Account Management. Changes are available for 10 € each, and your new moniker will be reflected on your friends list automatically after making the change.

For more details on the feature, check out our support article or visit the Shop page.


If I want to change my BattleTag, does it have to be something unique?

BattleTags do not need to be unique. You can use any name you want, as long as it follows our Naming Policy. Each BattleTag is assigned a numeric ID to create a unique identifier (for example, FallenSlayer#3592).

Will changing my BattleTag affect my friends list?

Your friends will now automatically see you listed under your new BattleTag, but otherwise your friends list will not be affected by this change.

Will new accounts still get a free name change upon creation?

Yes. All new Battle.net accounts will continue to receive one free BattleTag change upon creation.
