Heroes of the Storm

Twitch Streaming Schedule

Blizzard Entertainment

The Heroes community continues to amaze us with the effort they put into their awesome content. We’ve seen hero guides, laughed over fun show matches, gotten all the latest news via podcasts and patch previews and heard some great commentaries of pro-matches.

One place that many of us find content on demand is from Twitch streamers, and we’d like to highlight their efforts for all of our players to enjoy! Prepare to be entertained as we shine the spotlight on community streamers who deliver some truly epic quality entertainment around the clock. You can already check out the full schedule for this week below!


Stream Schedule


The Streamers

We will be featuring some of these streams directly in the Battle.net desktop app but you can of course find them directly on their twitch channels:

For those of you familiar with Heroes Twitch streamers you will likely see many names you already know and follow but stay tuned as we will also be highlighting up and coming streamers you may not yet be aware of in the coming weeks.

If you know any streamers that you feel should be highlighted let us know in the comments!