Hell Billie Trots into the Nexus!
UPDATE: Hell Billie is here!
In the coming days, you’ll be able to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies like never before by charging into battle with Hell Billie, the newest addition to our mount menagerie. Check out Hell Billie below, and if you like what you see, then you’re in luck—we’re going to give you Hell Billie as an added bonus if you make any real-money purchase in the Heroes of the Storm in-game Shop beginning June 3, when the first anniversary event is live!
The arrival of Hell Billie also means that Billie the Kid, who has accompanied countless Heroes on their trials in the Nexus in the past year, is ready to enjoy his well-deserved retirement. If you don’t already own Billie the Kid, don’t worry! We’re planning to give this mount away in addition to Hell Billie from Friday, June 3, through Tuesday, June 14, 2016 as part of this in-game store promotion.
That’s right; if you complete any real-money transaction in the Heroes of the Storm Shop during this time, both of these dependable goats will be permanently added to your mount collection. After June 14, only the Hell Billie mount will be awarded for making a real-money purchase in the Shop.
Get ready to saddle up your Hell Billie mount and ride into the Nexus, because absolute terror has never been so adorable.